W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
October 8, 2014
In This Issue

Upcoming Events

October 8
3:30 p.m.,
Odyssey of the Mind interest meeting (ages 6-12), Great Room
Contact Nora Lober or Jeff Politis for more info.

October 14
9 a.m.,
"Connections Matter" Parent Discussion Group, Room 7
October 15
5 p.m.,
Live family concert on WMS's outdoor stage featuring the popular local band Xtra Alltra

October 17
8:30 a.m. - noon,
The Journey, beginning in the front lobby
October 19-22
Sixth-grade GCAP Trip (New York)

October 30
Halloween Parades
3-6 Program - 9:15 a.m.; 5-7, 6-9, 9-12 Programs - 11:15 a.m. 

Message from Head of School
Lisa Lalama


This past week included time for professional development for much of our staff. Though students did not have classes on Friday, the lead teachers were utilizing what Google calls 20% time as a foundation for the day.

Several companies have engaged their employees in what has been called FedEx Time, or 20% time. At its foundation, it encourages employees to work on projects of personal interest or passion. The only requirement is that they are accountable to the group and share what they learned during that time.

On Friday, your children's teachers learned about many things including: testing the water in our stream, aphids in our woods, meshing Montessori math with other math curriculum, memory and learning, anxiety in children, and how to improve the teaching of Montessori's Great Lessons. They took the time to wonder, to think and to consider how to make their teaching practice better. They shared their learning with the group, perhaps prompting others to consider something new, or to think about it in a way they hadn't previously. It was a day that provided the space for learning, for rejuvenation and for adding some tools to their toolboxes.

What we know about learning, whether we are children or adults, is that space is needed - space for curiosity, wonder, creativity, building connections and making sense of the many ideas that come our way. This is what Maria Montessori knew so well and what happens for your children every day as they use their work cycle. They have the time to wonder, try new things, make sense of their world and learn. 

When was the last time you took a few hours to do this? You make it possible for your children each day. Take some time. The things you'll learn are amazing. 


Room 20 teachers Melissa and Carol us
ed some of their time to experiment with materials for the STEAM lesson they taught on Monday.

News & Notesnews
Halloween Parade
Halloween Costume Guidelines

Halloween parades will be held on October 30 (9:15 a.m. for 3-6 classes and 11:15 a.m. for 5-7, 6-9 and 9-12 students). In order to make the day fun for all of our students, we ask that children's costumes meet the following rules:
  • No weapons of any kind are allowed as part of a costume.
  • Costumes should not contain blood, guts, or gore.
  • Hair color and makeup should be applied at home, not brought to school.
  • Since we have very young children at our school, please make sure that costumes are not frightening to small children.

If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher.

Free Family Concert in the Meerkat Theatreconcert

Enjoy the beautiful fall foliage and join us next Wednesday, October 15, for a family-friendly outdoor concert on WMS's newly renovated stage in the woods. The concert will begin at 5 p.m., following a 4 p.m. Admissions Open House, and will feature the popular band Xtra Alltra, including maintenance staff member Mike Zatwarnytsky.  

This event is free and open to the public so please invite your friends. The concert will be held rain or shine. In case of rain, the performance will be moved to the Great Room.

Experience the WMS Journey and Earn 5 Co-op Hours  The Journey


Friday, October 17 at 8:30 a.m.

"I found the day to be extremely valuable in learning about the Montessori Method - which seems to be an extraordinary interdisciplinary approach to learning" - Parent attendee 



Whether you're a current Wilmington Montessori School parent or just beginning to learn about Montessori education - it is time to step out of the observation room and into the classroom! Even if you've attended The Journey in the past, there are new things to discover this year...

During this event, you will: 

  • Personally experience the Montessori educational process and better understand the teaching methods.
  • See first-hand how WMS prepares children for success in their educational journey.
  • Learn how each three-year program level builds and supports your child's development from the toddler program through sixth grade.
  • Find out about WMS's new technology and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) initiatives.
  • Open conversations with your child about classroom activities.
  • Realize the positive aspects of learning and succeeding at WMS.
  • Be more prepared to describe the distinction of a Montessori education to friends and family. 

Childcare is available by registering with cass_winner@wmsde.org.

This event is filling up quickly and space is limited, so sign up today!


Register Now Button

2015 Auction Co-op Opportunities


WMS's annual auction fundraiser will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2015. This fun-filled event is the school's largest fundraiser, and volunteers are always needed to help continue the tradition.

There are many opportunities to get involved including item solicitation, mailings, decorations, set-up and display, greeters, promotion, runners and clean-up. If you are in need of co-op hours, this is the perfect way to earn them and have some fun too!

If you are interested, please contact WMS parent Stephanie Simms at stephsimms@comcast.net.


Today's LearnersLearner
News from the Room 4: What's that Word Again?
by Toddler Teacher Leanne Callaway

 A huge part of childhood at the Pre-Primary level (infancy-3 years old) involves acquiring the sounds and context to build and use a variety of vocabulary words. At this age, language is not taught; it is, instead, experienced. We use books, stories, songs, conversation, descriptions and modeling to help students develop their ability to speak, as well as to identify situations, objects and emotions.

A 2011 study, jointly conducted by Concordia University and York University in Canada as well as Universite de Provence in France and published in
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, found that 2-year-olds who had been exposed to two languages from infancy had developed comparable vocabularies in each language and had little difficulty switching from one to the other. Numerous other studies have indicated that there are incredible benefits from being multilingual, including the ability to resolve conflicts more easily and potentially resist the effects of various diseases that cause dementia for a longer time.

As educators, we recognize that if a child hears certain sounds repeatedly over an extended period of time, he or she is more likely to be able to replicate that sound. We try to expose students to different languages and cultures in the same way that we experience the language we share in common. Parents come to the classroom to share with us holidays that their family celebrates, like Rosh Hashanah or Diwali. We play music during work time and nap time that often features vocals sung in other languages, and we also sing songs or read stories in other languages during circle. We even will offer vocabulary words, such as animal names or colors, in another language. The students repeat the sounds and absorb the experience!

In Room 4, we have been reading books that are written in both French and English. One is the Dr. Seuss favorite Cat in the Hat. The other, by Stella Blackstone, is called Bear at Home (L'Ours à la maison). Both are fun and engaging for the children, and give us a variety of vocabulary words to demonstrate. On our Peace Table is the book Can You Say Peace? by Karen Katz. The book features the word for peace in several different languages, including Russian, Japanese and Sanskrit. Our after-nap tradition is to listen to some upbeat music while the students put away their nap things and enjoy snack. Two of our favorite CDs are French Playground and Arabic Groove, both produced by Putumayo Presents. These albums feature native singers and instruments. The students and teachers love to dance and try to sing along! What a great way to experience language!

Tomorrow's LeadersLeaders
Alumni in the News: Brad Wason, WMS Class of 1996

WMS prepares alumni to become creative and innovative leaders who have the confidence to follow their passions into fulfilling careers. Alumnus Brad Wason, whose love of drawing and graphic design landed him his first job with AOL Time Warner at the young age of 17, serves as one of many examples of how WMS prepares today's learners to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Learn more about Brad (son of 5-7 teacher Arlene Wason), his career and his approach to work and leadership in this recent article featured on the local technology news site Technical.ly Delaware.  

Have alumni news to share? Please send it to alumni@wmsde.org
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2013 Constant Contact All-Star Award Logo The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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