W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
September 10, 2014
In This Issue

Upcoming Events

September 11 -
6 p.m., Back-to-School/Curriculum Night - Toddler & 9-12 Parents 
Child-care available for children ages 3 & up.

September 13 -
Noon-6 p.m., Visit the WMS table at IndiaFest
Learn More 

September 16 - 
10 a.m., Announced Fire Drill

September 17 -
11 a.m., Welcome Back/Pinwheels for Peace Assembly

6 p.m., Back-to-School/Curriculum Night - 3-6 Parents
Child-care available for children ages 3 & up.

7 p.m., Back-to-School/Curriculum Night - 5-7/6-9 Parents 
Child-care available for children ages 3 & up.

September 24 -
10 a.m., Pop-up Montessori Classroom at Brandywine Hundred Library - Tell a friend! 

September 25 - 
Rosh Hashanah -
No Classes. Pre-registered child-care available.

September 29 -
9:30 a.m., Montessori Monday Open House - Admissions.
Tell a friend! 
Message from Head of School
Lisa Lalama


This week we begin Back-to-School/Curriculum Nights. By the time parents sit down to learn about the classroom routine, curriculum and class goals, the children are well on their way to adjusting to the new school year. Toddlers who cried the first week are more used to saying goodbye and participating in the activities of the classroom. They have made new friends, explored new corners of the classroom and outdoors, and recognize the adults in their environment as their friends and trusted guides. Elementary students who have thought about the new expectations that await them at the next level have realized that so much is the same and wonder what they were worried about in the first place.

This is the beauty of a Montessori program. Children have the opportunity to work together, and a community is created where they can thrive. Our school is built on the foundation of Montessori principles with children at the center. The goal is to learn from one another, student or teacher, and work toward independence - no matter the age of the child or the goals they are working to reach.

Everyone works to support, encourage and teach one another. For most of us, WMS classrooms do not look like the classrooms of our youth. Teachers observe, listen and use the language of encouragement. Students offer to help, teach, and encourage through supportive actions and language. There is a quiet hum of activity as children work, collaborate and create their learning.

One of the things that I remember so vividly when I moved from being a Montessori parent to becoming a Montessori teacher was the nurturing, caring, supportive environment that embraced my children as students welcomed me and encouraged me to be the best I could be. We welcome you as you join the teachers in the classrooms over the next two weeks. As you come to learn about your children's days in school, we will learn a bit more about you as well. This is what makes such a wonderful community. Thank you for taking the time to be an active part of WMS.


News & Notesnews

New this year: Outdoor photos!
Visit www.applebranchphoto.com for weather and schedule updates.
IndiaFestVisit WMS at India Fest

Stop by the WMS Table at India Fest this Saturday from noon - 6 p.m.!

Enjoy food, shopping, children's rides and live entertainment.

Father Tucker Memorial Park

901 N Scott Street
Wilmington, DE


For more information, visit www.iaadelaware.org/



ChildcareBack-to-School/Curriculum Night Child-Care


To help our parents attend these important meetings, child-care for children aged 3 and up is available for Back-to-School/Curriculum Nights. Since some of the meetings begin at 6 p.m., we are providing the option for parents to order pizza for themselves and/or their children. Please register for child-care by noon on 9/10 (for the 11th) or 9/16 (for the 17th) by calling or emailing Cass at cass_winner@wmsde.org.  Pizza orders must be in by 11:00 a.m. on the day of each event.  

WMS Parent Cooperative


It's a new year and a really good time to think through your Parent Co-op commitments for the year. Looking at the menu of possibilities, there are three general categories - Classroom Support, School-Wide Events and Parent Education Programs.


Finding a co-op job is very easy. Teachers generally advertise classroom support opportunities specific to their classrooms on bulletin boards or by way of classroom announcements. Finding a school-wide event in which to participate is very simple, just look over the "Co-op opportunities" section of the WMS website. For example, would you like to assist with Moms' Day in May, the WMS School Store, or help with gardening and beautification projects? These are a few examples of the types of Co-op jobs waiting for just the right volunteer. Parent education programming is announced by way of the Wednesday Weekly and through the classroom news. (Coming up soon - Montessori 101 on October 1 and The Journey on October 17. More news to follow.) Please see Laurie Orsic if you have additional questions about Co-op. 

Today's LearnersLearner

WMS Maker Studios: Full STEAM ahead!
Toddler Maker STEAM Studio
Toddlers explore their new Maker Studio!
If you've seen minor construction going on in rooms 1 and 26, don't be alarmed! It's just the WMS facilities crew and Paula Sharpe, Wilmington Montessori's STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) coach designing the new Maker Studios. 

What is a STEAM coach and Maker Studio? It's is a wonderful space where children and teachers will come to discover, tinker and create in all the areas of STEAM. We are preparing these studios for students and teachers. The toddler and 3-6 studios will be ready for exploration early this fall, and the elementary studio will open this winter. 

Paula will collaborate with teachers at each level to generate ideas and lessons for children to discover, build, investigate, create, design and learn in our Maker Studios.

Paula is looking forward to this new exciting opportunity at WMS to work with teachers, children and parents. She hopes that each child will enjoy this new exploration in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math at WMS and that these studios will be places where children and teachers can create and flourish.

Tomorrow's LeadersLeaders

Famous Montessori Alumni
Did you know that the following celebrities attended Montessori School? Watch this space in coming weeks to see what Wilmington Montessori School alumni are up to! To share your alumni news, contact Lori Oberly.

Jeff Bezos, financial analyst, founder of Amazon.com

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, former editor, former first lady

T. Berry Brazelton, noted pediatrician and author

Sergey Brin & Larry Page, co-founders of Google.com

Julia Child, famous chef, star of many TV cooking shows and author of numerous cookbooks

Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, rap star, music mogul

Kami Cotler, actress (youngest child on long-running series The Waltons)

Katharine Graham, former owner-editor of the Washington Post

Prince William and Prince Harry, English royal family

Anne Frank, famous diarist from World War II

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Nobel Prize winner for Literature

Melissa and Sara Gilbert, actors

Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Austrian painter and architect

Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia

Will Wright, designer of The Sims

Helen Hunt, Academy Award-winning actress

George Clooney, Academy Award-winning actor

Joshua Bell, American violinist, owner of Stradivarius violin

Lea Salonga, a Filipino-American singer and Broadway actress


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2013 Constant Contact All-Star Award Logo The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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