W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
September 3, 2014
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
September 4 -
8:30 a.m., Library, "Moving up Coffee" for 4th grade parents

8:45 a.m., Room 12, 
"Moving Up Coffee" for kindergarten parents

2:30 & 4 p.m., Library, Edmodo Training for Parents

September 5 -
8:30 a.m., Library, "Moving Up Coffee" for parents new to 5-7 or 6-9 programs

9 a.m., Edmodo Training for Parents

September 11 -
6 p.m., Back-to-School/Curriculum Night - Toddler/9-12 Parents 

September 17 -
Welcome Back/Peace Assembly (time TBA)

6 p.m., Back-to-School/Curriculum Night - 3-6 Parents

7 p.m., Back-to-School/Curriculum Night - 5-7/6-9 Parents 

Full Calendar

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Target Take Charge of Education
Message from Head of School
Lisa Lalama
Lead Teachers at Meerkat Theatre
Lead teachers began the 2014-15 school year at the newly renovated Meerkat Theatre.

Welcome Wilmington Montessori School's 51st school year! We are delighted to have you as part of our community and look forward to a tremendous year of growth and learning.

As your family settles into the school this year, please take a few minutes to explore some exciting changes.

In the Aspen Wing, along with four toddler classrooms, you will also find a dedicated space for Learning Together in Room 8, as well as our new Toddler Maker Studio in Room 1. Stop in and see the space as it begins to take place. It is a space where children will explore STEAM concepts and have the opportunity to innovate and create using a variety of materials. (Read about the "Student Side of Making.") Finally, keep your eyes on the toddler playground...change is coming this fall.

The 3-6 classrooms are located in the heart of the Birch Wing in Rooms 11, 13, 15 and 16. You will find the Extended Day rooms in that same area, which makes for an easier drop-off and pick-up. In addition, the 3-6 Maker Studio will open this fall in Room 26.

The lower elementary classrooms are located downstairs in Rooms 17, 19 and 20 with an additional space for small group lessons in Room 18. Please visit them even if you don't have a child downstairs; they are beautiful and have great outdoor spaces to extend classroom learning.

The upper elementary classrooms remain in Rooms 9 and 10. You will notice the addition of iPads as a part of our technology initiative. Rosemary Feehan, our Instructional Technology Coach, has worked hard this summer to prepare our environment for the addition of iPads in every classroom, additional projectors in the Great Room, Library and Room 10, and a wireless network that can manage this additional technology use. The 9-12 students will each have an iPad assigned to them for learning in school and at home.

Finally, take a walk around our campus. You will find that it, too, has been prepared for the start of the year. If you walk into the woods, you will see that the stage (or Meerkat Theatre) has been refurbished this summer by alumnus Nathaniel Ruhl, class of 2012. He chose to do this as his Eagle Scout project and had a great deal of support in completing the work. The teachers met there on the first day back, taking some time to enjoy our outdoor environment. We hope you will do the same. It is a peaceful beautiful space. (Learn more about the Meerkat Theatre.)

We are off to a great start and are happy to have you as part of our community. Although we have exciting additions to our school this year, what remains constant is the commitment to a wonderful Montessori education through which each child is acknowledged for who he or she is and presented with opportunities to learn and grow at his or her own pace. We look forward to a wonderful year together.

News & Notesnews
WMS Introduces Smart Lunches
After several successful taste tests including students, parents and staff, WMS is now partnering with Smart Lunches© to offer students a healthy and convenient lunch option. Deliveries will begin during the week of September 15. Read More

Wanted: Assistant Soccer Coaches

Looking for a fun way to get some exercise while earning co-op hours?

Physical education teacher Adrianna Wall is in search of an assistant coach to help with after-school soccer this fall. This program will emphasize basic skills, teamwork and fun!

No experience is necessary - just enthusiasm. For more information, contact Adrianna at Adrianna_Wall@wmsde.org.
WMS Parent Cooperative

The WMS Parent Cooperative offers an extraordinary source of support for our classrooms, the school community and the school staff. In the process of providing an impressive level of commitment, parents come to know one and another and their children's classmates. They forge life-long friendships and learn even more about the Montessori Method. The power of this process cannot be underestimated in terms of what can be accomplished with the children and on their behalf.


Offering classroom support, volunteering for school-wide events and attending parent education programs are three great ways to fulfill the 30-hour Co-op obligation. Parents may contribute volunteer time to the classroom, based on the requests from the teachers. They may work on school-wide events such as the auction; these school-wide events connect parents and families across program levels - Toddler, Primary (3-6) and Elementary, bringing together a larger group with more varied experiences. Finally, there are parent education programs throughout the year for which Co-op hours are given. For example, participation in The Journey, an experiential exploration of the Montessori curriculum, earns a parent 5 Co-op hours! The Journey is scheduled for October 17. We encourage all parents to attend The Journey this year, even if you have done so in the past, to learn more about three-year age groupings and our technology/STEAM updates. Parent education programs are an easy and enjoyable way to add to your Co-op "account."

If you have questions about the Parent Co-op, please speak with Laurie Orsic, Assistant Head of School. You may also check the Co-op page on the WMS website for a listing of Co-op opportunities.

Today's LearnersLearner
New Beginnings
Toddlers in Room 5, many of whom are attending school for the first time, are already hard at work on the second day of school.
First Day Melissa and Megan's Class
Friends... Furry and Otherwise
Students in our new 6-9 class, led by Melissa Sugzdinis and Megan Feliceangeli, got to know each other and a furry friend named Feival on the first day of school.
Tomorrow's LeadersLeaders
WMS Alum Gives Back to School Through Eagle Scout Project
WMS's Meerkat Theatre and woods have a new look, thanks to the hard work of alumnus Nathaniel Ruhl and many volunteers.

For his Eagle Scout project (which he completed at the young age of 14), Nathaniel chose to renovate the Meerkat Theatre. Nathaniel's work included cleaning and painting parts of the stage and benches, flipping and replacing boards on the stage, clearing the path and putting up signage to identify plant life in the area. He raised $200 to cover project supplies - $150 of which he used for his project and an extra $50 that was donated back to the school for use in a future Eagle Scout project .

We thank Nathaniel and all of the volunteers who helped make our outdoor space more beautiful. Be sure to go see it for yourself!
Montessori in the NewsMontessori
Google Co-Founders Cite Montessori Influence on Google Work System Design

"How Google's Larry Page became a responsible entrepreneur" - Carol Sanford, The Guardian - July, 23, 2014

"Maria Montessori believed that the liberty of the child was of utmost importance. For her it was imperative that the school allow a child's activities to freely develop. Without this freedom, children could not grow the personal agency that would allow them to serve a social purpose as adults. Thus, Page's childhood education promoted independence. It encouraged students to grow at their own rate. They were allowed large chunks of uninterrupted time to work on projects they created themselves. Students were encouraged to take on small-scale but real-world challenges and to invent ways to solve them.

It's easy to see how Google's well-known policy of encouraging all engineers to dedicate 20% of work time to projects of personal interest grew directly out of this educational history. And why collaboration without supervision is core to Google's work culture. And why Page repeatedly exhorts his colleagues to generate "10x returns" with regard to the social benefits they are striving to create. He is recreating the inspiring learning environment he had as a child, where the focus was on growing free people with the capacity to transform society."


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