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June 6, 2014
Congratulations, Class of 2014!
Yesterday was a proud day for Wilmington Montessori School as we celebrated the graduation of the 13 members of the Class of 2014. 


The morning started out with a Secret Garden-themed breakfast for the graduates, their families, and WMS teachers and staff. Lisa shared opening remarks, reflecting on the unique characteristics of a WMS alumnus:

"You are smart, amazing, unique and filled with wonder. You dare to dream, ask questions and wait for answers...but not too long. You are Montessorians who know what it means to question and search." 


Following Lisa's speech, Liz Madden presented special certificates to the graduates, describing their unique gifts and interests, which were carefully identified by the 9-12 teachers. Specials teachers also recognized each graduate by sharing lists of each child's distinguishing traits.


Sophia Schmidt, class of 2007, shares memories of her time at Wilmington Montessori School and thoughts on how her Montessori education has impacted her life.
After breakfast, 9-12 students spent time signing each other's yearbooks before it was time for the sixth-graders to head to the gym for the graduation ceremony. Attendees were then treated to an inspiring speech by Sophia Schmidt, WMS class of 2007. Learn more about Sophia and read the full text of her speech. 

The annual tradition of watching a slide show of memories of each graduate throughout the years brought forth both laughter and tears from the graduates and their guests. The class of 2014 then came onto the stage where they took part in another WMS tradition - sharing the poems they wrote, entitled "Where I'm From." Each poem was different, but reflected similar sentiments - the child's gratitude for their families and their love for WMS. These poems will be compiled into a book that is placed in the admissions waiting room - be sure to check them out next time you're in the building. 
From "Where I'm From" by Marina Garagozzo...
I am from being free at home
to feeling free at school.
WMS allows kids like me to feel free while learning.
WMS welcomes people with open arms
just like they did for me.
Now I'm leaving
but I know WMS will always be a part of me. 

From "Where I'm From" by Ariel Shweiki...
I will never forget the lessons in Room 15 with Cheryl
and Jill. I will never forget the Sand Mandalas in Melissa's
math group. And I will never, ever forget the people at this 
school.  My teachers, my friends, even the class pets. This
school is truly my second home.

From "Where I'm From" by Isabel Snyder... 
But most of all,
I am from my family and WMS,
which I will forever remember,
as the pages of my childhood
come together to form the book of my soul

From "Where I'm From" by Cameron Hoeschst...
I am from my family
my friends,
everyone who supports me through my life
and gratefully
I am from WMS.

Along with sharing their poems, graduates also shared their reflection on their sixth-grade trip to the United Nations and their efforts to raise funds and awareness for Vision For and From Children and Bombs No More. Through Spirit Week and a biweekly "goody cart" full of snacks, the class raised $910 for Vision For and From Children this year. 
After the poems were read, the big moment arrived - the presentation of diplomas!


As the ceremony drew to a close, friends and family members selected by the class of 2014 came to the stage to bring the graduates bags full of fun gifts for the graduates, who were then ready to celebrate!


Thank you to everyone who helped make this memorable day happen! We look forward to staying in touch with our graduates and finding out what the future holds for each of them. As Lisa said in her speech, "We have dreams for you as well and look forward to hearing more about yours as you step out of this school and into the larger world beyond." 
Look for more graduation photos on the WMS Facebook page next week!
 Our Mission
Wilmington Montessori School is a collaborative learning community rooted in Montessori principles, inspiring the joyful discovery of self and a passion for learning and independent thinking. We empower children to be knowledgeable and responsible contributors to the global community.