Wednesday Weekly
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January 15, 2014
Marie's Message    
Weekly news and notes from Head of School Marie Dugan 



Marie Dugan, Interim Head of School

CELEBRATIONS!  January 30 and February 8

There is so much to celebrate this year! We are in the process of preparing for two important 50th anniversary events and we hope you will join us for both of them! On Thursday, January 30 at 11:15 a.m., all 236 students and their teachers will gather in the gym for our annual WMS birthday celebration. The official date of incorporation by the state of Delaware for the Wilmington Montessori Association was January 31, 1964. Each year, we celebrate our school's birthday with the children, but this year will be extra special!

By now, you should have received your invitation to our celebration for adults on February 8 at 7 p.m. It will be a night to remember, and we truly want everyone to join us. Please contact me directly if you want to be there and need help with the cost. Some people are volunteering to help that night in exchange for a limited numbers of tickets. Tickets and other details are available online at Reserve yours today - space may be limited!


As I mentioned last week, one of the highlights of the evening will be the debut of our new film. Our children and staff members play a big part in the film, which is being produced by the video production company the Kitchen. 50th Anniversary committee member Brad Wason (class of 1996), who designed the Kitchen's logo, helped us make the connection with this talented group of filmmakers. We expect many former parents and former students to be with us that night, along with our current families and staff. We will also launch our important Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future campaign. Expect some exciting surprises! Most of all: please plan to be with us. 


Speaking of new campaigns, check out our new advertising campaign: "Today's Learners; Tomorrow's Leaders." The first ad, featured in the January issue of Delaware Today magazine as well as Delaware Today's Ultimate Guide to Delaware, is below. We will share this on our Facebook page - help us get the word out about WMS by reposting and sharing with friends!



Marie's Signature   

Mark Your Calendar
Financial Aid Application Deadline for Current Families* - Learn more and apply
Extended Day Lockdown Drill - 4:40 p.m. - Current families and staff should have received an email with information about this drill today. Questions? Contact Nurse Paige.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No school - Pre-registered child-care available - Register
Montessori Monday - Admissions - 9:30 a.m. - Tell a Friend!
Auction Planning Meeting - 6 p.m. - Room 17 - Find out how you can get involved with this memorable event. For more information, contact
WMS 50th Birthday Assembly - 11:15 a.m. - Gym 
Parent Conferences (Preschool & Elementary only) - No school - Pre-registered childcare available - Register 
Note: Toddler classes will continue as scheduled. 

Parent Conferences (Preschool & Elementary only) - No school - Pre-registered childcare available - Register 
Note: Toddler classes will continue as scheduled.
Learning Together - An Adult/Child Workshop Series - Week 1 of 10 - 9:15 a.m. - Learn More & Register 
WMS 50th Anniversary Celebration - 7 p.m. - Learn More & Purchase Tickets
Full WMS Calendar


* Important Reminder - Financial Aid applications are due TODAY!    
Financial Aid notifications for returning families will be made prior to the March 1 re-enrollment deadline. Because funds are limited and demand is high, late filing of materials may result in non-renewal of a financial aid grant - we want to help, but we must have your application before we make a decision. Please contact Nancy Oddo with any questions!
Learning Together Adult/Child Workshop Series Returns to WMS - Starting February 7 at 9:15 a.m.
Learning Together Toddler WMS's popular Learning Together workshop series for adults and children (ages 6 months to 2 1/2 years) is back!

Based on the Montessori philosophy of "following the child," Learning Together is a 10-week program in which young children are free to learn, explore and interact with others in a classroom designed especially for them. Each child is joined by an adult partner - parents, grandparents, guardians or other consistent caregivers are welcome! 
Discussion topics include (but are not limited to):
  • An Introduction to the Montessori Method
  • The Importance of Routines
  • The Purpose of Play
  • Preparing Your Child for Separation
  • Positive Discipline
  • Developmentally Appropriate Activities
  • Exploration of New Sensorial Activities

Classes will be led by veteran WMS teacher and family programs director Laurie Orsic and begin on Friday, February 7. Space is limited to allow for a flexible and individualized learning experience so register today!
Visit the Learning Together website for full information on program topics, scheduling, registration and more. Families outside the WMS community are welcome to attend!
News & Notes
STEM Education Opportunity for First- Through Fourth-Grade Girls
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information.  Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Communications Officer.
 Our Mission
Wilmington Montessori School is a collaborative learning community rooted in Montessori principles, inspiring the joyful discovery of self and a passion for learning and independent thinking. We empower children to be knowledgeable and responsible contributors to the global community.