Wednesday Weekly
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November 20, 2013
Marie's Message    
Weekly news and notes from Head of School Marie Dugan 



Happy Thanksgiving!

We have much to be thankful for this 2013-14 anniversary year. Our Core Values and Strategic Plan will lead us into the future as we continue to build our Montessori program. I thank everyone who has helped us in so many ways to achieve the excellence that we provide for children and their families. Have a lovely family holiday!


birthday cutout Annual Fund 

Our two-week 2013-14 Annual Fund Drive kick-off celebration concludes this Friday. The festivities have been a wonderful beginning to our 50th year. We will continue to work toward our goal of achieving 100% participation from our parents and staff by the time our fiscal year ends on August 31, 2014. Our board members have already pledged 100% participation!

Donations of any amount matter. The value of each gift is multiplied by our matching gift challenge and will increase exponentially through the support of foundations. We have met one half of our $60,000 goal. Envelopes will continue to be available in the front lobby and near the side entrance, and online credit card donations are also accepted year-round. Thank you so much for your generous support.


To learn more, visit   

Donate to the WMS Annual Fund Today

"WMS News" Update 

Have you watched the first episode of WMS News at the Annual Fund table? Now, it's available online!    


Some of our elementary students developed an interview process during which children shared their opinions about WMS and their wishes for the school's future.       


"We interviewed each other and talked about what we love about our school," said fourth-grader Alex Amado who appeared in the first episode, both as a "news reporter" and interviewee. "We also talked about the WMS's 50th birthday and helped with the Annual Fund Drive. It was fun!" 


Look for episode 2 later this week! 


Marie and Lakshmi
Remembering Lakshmi Kripalani

This week, I am saddened by the passing of an internationally-recognized Montessori educator, Lakshmi Kripalani, who visited WMS last year during our Holi celebration. Her funeral was a powerful and beautiful Hindu ceremony. Lakshmi would have been pleased at the honor given to her on Sunday. The focus was on her lifetime work in support of education. I attended with three other Montessori friends to represent the many students and teachers who learned from her. She was also a poet. When I spoke with her last week, she reminded me of how grateful she was for her visit to our school for the Indian Holi celebration. 


Marie's Signature   


Please note that this will be the last issue of the Wednesday Weekly this month as school will be closed next Wednesday. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Mark Your Calendars


23WMS Hosts Tellabration - A World-Wide Night of Storytelling - 7 p.m.
Great Room
Read More

25Montessori Monday - Admissions - 9:30 a.m.
Tell a friend! 

Home-School Enrichment Program Open House - 10 a.m.
Learn more and tell a friend!

26Grandfriends' Day - 8:15 a.m.
27School Closed 
Pre-registered child-care available

28 & 29No school - Happy Thanksgiving!
No child-care - Building Closed  

5Holiday Cultural Potluck - 5-7 p.m.
Learn more

9Montessori Monday - Admissions - 9:30 a.m.
Tell a friend! 

Home-School Enrichment Program Open House - 10 a.m.
Learn more and tell a friend!

WMS Skating Party - 3:15-5:15 p.m. 
Skating Club of Wilmington
Read More 
home school science
WMS's Home-School Enrichment Program  
Wilmington Montessori's Home-School Enrichment Program is a full-day program held on Mondays at WMS, offering home-schooled children a program of exploration in four subjects: Art, French, technology and science.  
Students enjoy social and academic growth in a nurturing community, supplementing their home curriculum. The program is offered in 14-week semesters; winter/spring semester begins on January 13, 2014. Open houses will be held at 10 a.m. on Mondays November 25 and December 9. If you know any families who home-school, encourage them to check us out at or contact!
Upcoming Events
Grandfriends are special people in our children's lives - aunts and uncles, family friends, grandmothers and grandfathers, and even great-grandparents. 
On Grandfriends' Day, we invite these family members and friends to spend a fun-filled morning at WMS and your join child in the classroom. Attendees will enjoy refreshments, activities with students, a special musical performance and more!



8:15-9 a.m.       Registration in the lobby

8:30-10 a.m.     Elementary classrooms open to grandfriends for visits

9-10 a.m.          Preschool and Toddler  classrooms open to grandfriends for visits

10-11 a.m.        Reception in the Great Room including refreshments, music and more!


RSVP: Visit or call 302-475-0555. (Parents, feel free to RSVP on behalf of your grandfriends!)


tellabrationWMS Hosts Tellabration!
This Saturday, November 23
7 p.m.

TELLABRATION!a world-wide night of storytelling, is coming to Wilmington Montessori School on November 23. 

Every year, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, story-telling enthusiasts from every continent but Antarctica (anyone know any penguin storytellers?) gather to share the oldest form of entertainment - telling stories.  
Please join the Wilmington Story Tellers and WMS for an evening of wonderful, child-appropriate stories.  Doors to the Great Room will open at 6:30 p.m. and stories will start at 7 p.m. 

This event is free! and open to the public. A basket for donations to benefit the WMS library will be at the door.


potluckHoliday Cultural Pot Luck Dinner
Thursday, December 5
Join the WMS community for a Holiday Cultural Pot Luck Dinner on Thursday, December 5, 2013 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the gym. Please share a dish that you serve during the holidays in your home. Parents, staff, students and siblings are all welcome!  


Celebrate the holidays, as well as all of the families and cultures in the WMS community. Please let us know if you plan to attend by registering below:   

Register Now Button  

Co-op opportunities for this event are posted on both co-op boards. 
Skating party
WMS Family Skating Party 
Saturday, December 14

Join us for a WMS Ice Skating Party on Saturday, December 14 from 3:15-5:15 p.m. at the Skating Club of Wilmington.

Bring your entire family (the $8 per person fee includes the cost of ice skate rental) and a snack to add to the WMS party table.  
Please let us know if you'll be attending by emailing co-op@wmsde.orgWe hope to see many of you there!

Want to get involved? Co-op opportunities for this event are posted on both co-op boards. 

An Idea for Creative Play on the WMS Grounds


Miniature outdoor landscapes are fun for children to make, and WMS outdoor play areas are excellent places for creating these imaginative environments. Some people refer to these creations as "Fairy Houses." They can take many forms and be created in many different ways and places.

Here are a few ideas for building these playscapes excerpted from an article on


Find a quiet place away from roads or busy pathways. The base of a tree or the side of a rock could be just right; close to the ground is usually best.  

Use only found, natural materials to build your house - nothing artificial and nothing pulled from a living plant. Many fairy houses look so natural that they are almost hidden.


Sticks, bark, dry grasses, pebbles and pinecones are just some of the materials you can use. Different seasons will give constantly changing materials that you can use. Be imaginative!


  • Found leaves, seeds and twigs are best. Be respectful of plants that are growing.
  • Take care not to disturb plants that are still living, such as ferns, mosses and flowers.
  • Remember your "fairy house" may be disrupted...they are gifts for other creatures to enjoy and share.
Has your child made a creative fairy house, or do you have other beautiful photos of your children enjoying our grounds? We'd love to see them! Please send photos to Noel Dietrich for possible inclusion on our website, Facebook page or an upcoming issue of the Wednesday Weekly!

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information.  Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Communications Officer.
50th Logo

Our Mission

Wilmington Montessori School is a collaborative learning community rooted in Montessori principles, inspiring the joyful discovery of self and a passion for learning and independent thinking. We empower children to be knowledgeable and responsible contributors to the global community.