Marie's Message
Weekly news and notes from Head of School Marie Dugan

Looking Ahead to September 2014
We have already begun our planning for re-enrollment and new admissions for school year 2014-15. The doors will open next year with many returning and new families, and we will welcome them all to our beautiful 25-acre campus. If you have questions about enrollment for next year, I will be happy to meet with you.
As we continue through this 50th anniversary year, there is much to celebrate, including our five-star status, awarded to our school by the Delaware Department of Education as a result of our accreditation with the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Their rigorous requirements have been fully met by our school. WMS has set the standard for excellence in Delaware for Montessori education. We are proud of this status.
Please visit our blog to read some research from Dr. Stephen Hughes, a neuropsychologist who is a strong supporter of Montessori philosophy. He has been a frequent presenter at national conferences with the American Montessori Society.
WMS Welcomes First State Ballet Theatre as Artists in Residence
The performance in the Great Room last week was simply magical. Our children loved every minute of this special event, and we are grateful to have this opportunity for our students to experience this beautiful art form and ask the professional dancers question. Even our youngest children were captivated by the performance, and many danced along in the Great Room. Visit our website to see more photos of this lovely event!
Many of us plan to attend First Ballet Theatre's performance of Swan Lake this weekend at the Grand Opera House. Tickets for students 18 and under are half price. To purchase tickets, call 1-800-37-GRAND or visit www.ticketsatthegrand.org. We look forward to seeing you at the Grand on Saturday evening at 7 p.m. or Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m.
First State Ballet will return to WMS on March 21, 2014 for another workshop and performance of scenes from Cinderella. I hope you will mark your calendars and plan to join us!
Have a great week!
 9-12 Students Finish Sculptures in Preparation for DelawareCAN Judging
Have you see the amazing sculptures our 9-12 students are creating in the lobby? A flower, a child reading a book, a giant can and a Montessori bead cabinet are all close to being finished. This STEM service project is quickly coming together and will conclude with a visit from the Food Bank of Delaware next week.
Representatives from the Food Bank will visit organizations throughout Delaware to judge DelawareCAN creations and then collect our school's huge donation of boxed and canned food to help feed the hungry in Delaware.
Stay tuned for final photos and a wrap-up in next week's issue! |
16 | Montessori Dads Group - 7 p.m. World Cafe Live at the Queen Learn More | 18 | WMS Night at Ramsey's Farm - 5:30 p.m. Come join the WMS community for a hayride & bonfire! Learn More | 20-23 | Sixth Grade Trip to New York (Global Citizenship Action Project at the United Nations) | 21 | Montessori Monday Open House Tell a friend! | 24 | Flu Shots for Students & Parents - 2:30-4:30 p.m. Great Room Details | 25 & 28 | Parent Conferences (Preschool & Elementary only) Pre-registered child-care available for those ages. Toddler classes will go on as scheduled. Register Online | 29 | Scholastic Book Fair Begins (Runs through November 1) Great Room
| 30 | Book Fair Family Night Gym, 5-7 p.m. | 31 | Halloween Parades 9:30 a.m. - Preschool Parade in the Great Room 11:15 a.m. - Elementary Parade in the Gym |
1 | Final day of the Book Fair | 2 | Green Apple Day of Service - 9 a.m.-noon
What do teachers do on professional development days?
by Liz Madden, Director of Educational Programs
On Monday, while students were home or in child-care enjoying Columbus Day, teachers participated in a day of professional development here at WMS.
The early childhood teachers and elementary teachers split up, to address topics specific to each level. To work toward Goal 2 of our strategic plan's second initiative, the elementary teachers began a course run by the NSTA (National Science Teacher Association) to further their knowledge and application of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) processes in the classroom. All of our K-6 teachers completed the first part of a three-part course to build their understanding of the Next Generation Science Standards, and more specifically, learn how to apply the engineering design process with children to solve problems. Because teachers at WMS have already begun to implement units and activities involving the engineering design process, they were excited to dig deeper into the concepts and visualize what this looks like in our Montessori classrooms.
Meanwhile, all of the early childhood staff - both lead teachers and assistants - enjoyed a day of learning about working with diverse children and families. Former WMS teacher and consultant Andrea Harding engaged the staff with ideas about the different types of diversity within a classroom, as well as ideas on how to make diversity concrete with children. The teachers at WMS work with different types of families on a daily basis and value this time to reflect on how to make this a rich experience for children and families.
While it is not always easy for parents to negotiate a day off from school for their children, having these days throughout the year are invaluable for teachers and staff. They make our school a more vibrant learning environment for all the students. Thank you for allowing our staff this time!
Green Apple Day of Service - November 2
 The Wilmington Montessori School "Spruce Up Day" will be held on Saturday, November 2 from 9 a.m. until noon. This event is a Green Apple Day of Service project sponsored by the WMS Parent Co-op. WMS Weekend Warriors and Green Thumbs are invited to assist with special clean up and green school projects on the Wilmington Montessori School campus - in the gardens, on the playgrounds and around the school building. In addition, this is a ShoeBox Recycling day, an ongoing green school project. Please bring in old shoes and place them in the designated collection boxes at both the front and side entrances to the school.If you plan to participate, please sign up on the co-op board across from the library or email co-op@wmsde.org.
 Earn Co-op Hours While Learning about Montessori
Please join us for this exciting parent education opportunity. Come and learn about Montessori education in the home and at school.
"Montessori 101" and "Bringing Montessori Home"
Presented by Betsy Haas and Lauren Harris, WMS Teachers and Parents
Monday, November 4, 2013, 7-9 p.m.
Join seasoned Montessori teachers/Montessori moms Betsy and Lauren in this exciting two-part workshop. Lauren will delve deeper into the Montessori philosophy and explain in more detail what Montessori means and how it plays out in the classroom, with the teachers and throughout the school. Betsy will then share tips and pointers about how to carry the Montessori Method outside of school - no pricey materials needed! There are many simple things you can do to foster independence and creativity in your child while in the most comfortable of settings - your home.
This is a wonderful workshop for those who are new to Montessori and those who want to learn more. It is being provided free of charge to all WMS families. Two hours of co-op time will be given to each family member who attends. Seats are limited. Please register online.
Please note: Child-care will be available at a cost of $5 per child, with advanced registration required. Email cass_winner@wmsde.org or call (302) 475-0555 to register by Friday, November 1.
To learn about additional co-op opportunities, visit www.wmsde.org/co-op or check out the Co-op Boards located across from the library and at the top of the Aspen Wing. |
Calling all Montessori Dads
Join us tonight!
The WMS Dads Group will gather for its second informal meeting tonight (Wednesday, October 16 at 7 p.m.) at the World Cafe Live at the Queen.
Whether or not you attended the first meeting, please don't hesitate to join us this time as we continue to share ideas and talk Montessori (and celebrate the debut of the new Dogfish Head Grateful Dead Beer)!
If interested, please contact Matt Harris, Everett's dad (Room 6), at mala934@yahoo.com. It would be helpful if you could let us know if you plan to attend so we can contact you with any updated info about the gathering.
Hope to see you there!
- The Montessori Dads
 Second annual WMS Family Night at Ramsey's Farm - This Friday
Join the WMS community for a night of fun! Enjoy an evening outdoors with hayrides, a flashlight corn maze and bonfire. Bring your own dinner - grills and picnic tables will be available - and enjoy snacks and drinks provided by Co-op.
When: Friday, October 18, 5:30-8 p.m.
Where: Ramsey Road, Wilmington, DE 19803 (Off Route 92)
Prices: $10 for ages 5 and up, $6 for ages 4 and under
Want to earn some co-op hours? Help provide snacks and drinks for this evening. If you're interested, please register on the main Co-op Board across from the library or email co-op@wmsde.org.
2013 Book Fair Information & Co-op Opportunities
Wilmington Montessori School's annual Scholastic Book Fair will be held Tuesday, October 29 through Friday, November 1. The hours of the fair are:
- Tuesday, October 29, 8 a.m.-noon, 2:30-4 p.m.
- Wednesday, October 30 - 8:30 a.m.-noon, 2:30-7 p.m. (Family Fun Night and after-school shopping!)
- Thursday, October 31 - 8:30 a.m.-noon and 2:30-4 p.m.
- Friday, November 1 - 8:30 a.m.-noon
To help your child find the best books, all elementary students will visit the Book Fair during class time and will be allowed to purchase books during that visit. You may also visit the fair with your child before or after school. If you cannot attend, you may use the Book List order form that was sent home with your child and return it to school.
Our Family Night will be Wednesday, October 30, from 5 to 7 p.m. Your family can shop together, participate in activities and enjoy refreshments. Kids can dress up as super heroes and can win prizes for best costumes. Pizza will be on sale in the gym. We also invite you to stop by the Classroom Wish List display while visiting our Book Fair. Help add books to our classroom shelves by purchasing books and donating them to your child's class.
This year, we again have the opportunity to bring more books to our students and classrooms through a program called All for Books. Look for the collection jars at the cash register tables in the Great Room and the gym near the food during Family Night. All of the money collected goes directly to purchasing more books for WMS. In addition, Scholastic will match the All for Books dollars we raise with a donation of up to one million books to three non-profit organizations devoted to improving reading skills among children: Kids in Distressed Situations Inc., National Center or Family Literacy and the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.
We appreciate your dedication to creating lifelong readers. See you at our Book Fair!
Note: Co-op volunteers are still needed for this event. Check out the sign-up page and volunteer for specific days and times that work for you!
Protecting Yourself Against the Flu:
Shots available from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on October 24 in the Great Room
Flu shots will be available at WMS again this year. The cost is $30 per person, payable with cash or check (written to Dr. Richman). Children must be at least 6 months of age, and parents must be present for children to receive a shot.
Please sign up in advance on Nurse Paige's office door.
And, whether you get a flu shot or not, wash your hands often!
Odyssey of the Mind - Last Call for Coaches & Participants
by Leslie Bastianelli
Last week, we held our interest meeting for WMS's 2013-14 Odyssey of the Mind teams. If you attended the meeting or had expressed interest otherwise, you should have already received an update email from me. If you were unable to make the meeting and are interested in your child participating, or if you are interested in coaching a team or judging a competition, please email me at leslieasb@mac.com as soon as possible. We will be organizing and finalizing teams this Friday, October 18.
Thanks so much!
Three Online Resources for Families with Young Children - Win a Family Fun Pack
Great Starts Delaware is an online resource for parents with toddlers and preschoolers, provided by the Delaware Office of Early Learning. As part of the Delaware Stars program, the office shares information with us regarding helpful resources for early childhood parents. Here's an opportunity to check out these resources AND win prizes!
You can win gift cards for movies, bowling, skating or a trip to the Delaware Children's Museum and much more. Contest ends November 1.
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Communications Officer. |
Our Mission
Wilmington Montessori School is a collaborative learning community rooted in Montessori principles, inspiring the joyful discovery of self and a passion for learning and independent thinking. We empower children to be knowledgeable and responsible contributors to the global community.