 Marie's Message
Weekly news and notes from Head of School Marie Dugan
Graduation Wilmington Montessori School is winding down the 2012-13 school year with a number of fun year-end activities like last week's We Kids Rock concert, the student-parent lacrosse game and field days. We are also ending the year with a tribute to our graduates. Take some time to visit the poster display in the lobby. Each year, our staff comes together to remember our graduating sixth-graders and create posters that reflect their individual gifts and interests. Laurie Muhlbauer led this project and created the beautiful display in the lobby.  | WMS Class of 2013 |
We have a truly outstanding group of sixth-grade graduates, who will celebrate their special day on June 4 with a special breakfast in the Great Room (for family members/special guests of the graduates) followed by a ceremony in the gym that is open to all. Please help us honor them and their parents as they leave WMS for their next steps in life. I am so proud of them!
The Class of 2013:
Grant Farabaugh
Dylan Garvin
Crescentia Jung
Katie Krawczuk
Michael Lober
Dharini Simon
Zach Siple
Ahmad Taylor
Juliana White
Kevin Wolynetz
Odyssey of the Mind World Finals
Last week, 12 WMS students and 19 of their supportive family members traveled to Michigan State University for the 34th Annual Odyssey of the Mind World Finals. Our WMS teams joined over 8,000 participants (827 teams, representing 13 countries and 33 U.S. states) from 3rd grade through college.
The World Finals began with an opening ceremony, featuring a parade of teams similar to the Olympic opening ceremonies. Jordan Ranji and Isabel Snyder were selected by their teammates to represent their teams in the parade.
The competition was spread over three days. Each team had to present its long-term performance and also participate in a spontaneous question section. The "Pet Project" team (Ariel Shweiki, Adin Shweiki, Alex Ropars, Jordan Ranji, Charlotte Davey) placed 26th out of 55 teams from all over the world and were very proud to finish 9th in the spontaneous portion of the competition. The "Email Must Go Through" team (Isabel Snyder, Evan Bastianelli, Lauren Jones, Lauren Aussprung, Sarah Breger, Jackson Politis, Annabelle Damude) placed 22nd out of 64 teams. By all accounts, they made WMS and the state of Delaware proud!
There was much more to the Odyssey of the Mind experience than just participating in the competition. Our teams worked together to unpack props for their performances and repair props from damage during transportation. They also went to see other teams perform, traded pins with students from other states and attended a Creativity Festival. The Creativity Festival encircled Michigan State's Jenison Fieldhouse and included carnival-like games set up by 19 states and three countries. The Delaware booth had a chicken catapult where partners launched stuffed animal chickens and the other partner had to try to catch the flying chicken in a basket. Florida had a giant hamster wheel where a human was the hamster and his or her running shaved ice for a snow cone. Teams also visited other parts of campus like the 4H Children's Garden and the MSU Dairy Store and experienced dorm life. Their favorite part of staying in college dorms was the "cereal station" at the dining hall.
Another highlight of the Odyssey of the Mind experience was spending time with Buddy Teams. WMS's teams were each paired with a team from Singapore, They ate meals together and spent free time getting to know them, talking about what their school is like and what things they like to do in their free time. The teams exchanged small gifts with buddies and supported each other by attending their performances.
Many thanks to the parent coaches who supported all of our Odyssey of the Mind teams throughout the year, Joanna Breger who served as faculty representative and to everyone who donated funds at the auction to help them make this amazing trip! Important Surveys - Your feedback is valued! All-school year-end survey Feedback from the parents at our school is one of our most valuable resources as we strive to enhance our programs and overall WMS experience every year! We appreciate the high response rate we've received in previous years and have used information to make changes to our parent education offerings, communications and more. We hope you will take the time to complete this year's parent survey at www.surveymonkey.com/s/wmsparents2013. This survey was created through a combined effort between WMS staff and Board. Those who fill out the survey can receive one hour of co-op time (please submit a co-op form for this as you would any other co-op work) and will be eligible to win a gift from the school store! Please direct any questions about the survey to Noel Dietrich at noel_dietrich@wmsde.org. If you choose to include your contact information to be eligible for the prize, it will not be shared or connected with your responses. Responses are due by no later than the last day of school.
NAEYC survey - licensing requirement!All toddler, preschool and kindergarten parents should have received a paper survey from your teacher yesterday. These surveys are part of the self-study portion of our re-accreditation process for the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Please fill out these short surveys and place them in the labeled basket in the front lobby by the last day of school. Thank you for all of your input! |
30 | 9-12 Concert Dress Rehearsal - 9:30 a.m. Concert - 7 p.m. Gym More info |
4 | Last day of school! Graduation - 10 a.m. in the gym - All are welcome! | 5-14 | Pre-camp child-care days - Register online or contact Cass for a paper form by no later than May 30. Summer's almost here! | 7 | WMS Student Photography Show (Part of the June Art Loop in Wilmington) Opening Reception - 5-8 p.m. - Louis L. Redding Children's Gallery, 800 N. French St., Wilmington - Photos will be on display through June 30.
| 8 | Family Fitness Day at Retro Fitness - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. -
| 17 | Camp Montessori Week 1 begins - sign up today! Sewing Design Yoga Nature Explorers Dance Dream Discovery
End-of-School Reminders
Summer Reading ProgramThe Delaware Learning Lab's Summer Reading Program 2013 offers intensive daily reading instruction for students ages 5 and older. Instruction is individualized for each student and all instruction is one-on-one. The four-week program at WMS will run from June 17 to July 12. Children will receive one hour of instruction per day (longer sessions may be scheduled for older children for an additional fee) with a 5% discount for those who register before May 30. More information about payment and registration can be found on brochures that are available at the front desk or from Trish Harkins. Questions? Contact rebeccaschaen@comcast.net or call 302-250-5244. Children enrolled in Camp Montessori may also attend the reading program and will be escorted to their sessions by camp staff.
Co-op As the school year draws to a close, don't forget to submit your co-op hours by the last day of school to avoid getting a bill. Co-op hours can be submitted online (preferred) or by using a paper form, available next to the main co-op board across from the library or the board at the top of the Aspen Wing. Questions? Email co-op@wmsde.org.
GraduationAll members of the WMS community are invited to celebrate the graduation of the class of 2013 at a ceremony on June 4 at 10 a.m. in the gym! Key Cards If you will not be returning to WMS for the 2013-14 school year, please turn in your keycard at the front desk during the last week of school. Re-enrollmentIf you haven't re-enrolled for the 2013-14 school year and still plan to, time is running out! Classrooms are quickly filling up and placement meetings will begin in the coming weeks. Children whose families have not submitted re-enrollment paperwork and deposit will not be placed. Please contact Theresa Conaty as soon as possible with any questions about re-enrollment.
School CalendarOur 2013-14 school calendar is now available online. This calendar includes dates on which school is open and when breaks occur. We hope this will assist you with your planning for next year. Our school events calendar for next year will be available in a few weeks.
Bake sale raises funds to save endangered species
 Last Friday, the front lobby was filled with tasty treats created by students from the 7-9 program and their families as part of a fundraiser for the World Wildlife Fund.
Upon learning that the pandas they adored were on the endangered species list, several girls from the 7-9 program came together to form the Kids' Endangered Animal Fund (KEAF) and organize the sale, which raised $141. Through additional donations, the group has now raised $259 toward their goal of raising $500.
The girls want to thank everyone who made purchases at last week's sale or who have donated. To help them reach their goal, check out their fundraising page!
Helping Delaware's Hungry Children
(Donate peanut butter to our "wall"!)
There are only three days left to donate peanut butter to the Food Bank of Delaware! 9-12 students will bring the donations to the Food Bank on Friday.

9-12 Spring Musical - "Compose Yourself"
Dress Rehearsal: 9:30 a.m.
Concert: 7 p.m.
Tomorrow, May 30, in the WMS gym
 | 9-12 students, along with music teacher Kelly Rhondunda and preschool teacher Trish Bradley (crouching in the photo above), had fun painting sets after school for tomorrow's performances of "Compose Yourself." |
 Family Fitness Day at Retro Fitness Concord Mall - June 8 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Bring your family to Retro Fitness (located in back of Concord Mall through a separate entrance near the Sears Automotive Center) for a day of teamwork, friendship and physical activity.
Family Fitness Day will be a day of fun for all ages (even toddlers are welcome but may not be able to participate in some activities) that will include "Family Fitness Bootcamp" run by professional trainers, family fitness challenges (with prizes), freebies, a visit from the Talleyville Fire Company and all-day access to the gym. The event's theme is Disney's The Incredibles, which will be showing in the Retro Fitness theater throughout the day. Wear your WMS gear and be sure to stop by WMS's table in the vendor area to say hello! Please note that your "family" can include friends, as well as relatives.
Admission for children 10 and under is free. Tickets for ages 11 and up are $8 if purchased in advance or $10 at the door. To purchase advance tickets or for more information, please contact Noel Dietrich by Friday, May 31.

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Communications Officer. |
Our Mission
Wilmington Montessori School is a collaborative learning community rooted in Montessori principles, inspiring the joyful discovery of self and a passion for learning and independent thinking. We empower children to be knowledgeable and responsible contributors to the global community.