Marie's Message
Weekly news and notes from Head of School Marie Dugan
Parent Survey and Strategic Planning
We are still working on our strategic planning. Last night we met for five productive hours with Terry Moore, a consultant with Independent School Management. We reviewed the results of our recent survey and continued our focus on this year and the next five years. We will be sharing the strategic plan at our March 20 Annual Meeting. Everyone is invited to join us as we share where we are and where we are going.
One of the sections of a recent survey was for parents. The 97 responses included thoughtful and helpful information about WMS. Questions about our various programs and other aspects of the school came back with high ratings. These included:
- Faculty care and concern for your children
- Character development
- Campus facilities and setting
- Faculty expertise
- Degree of safety from harm or negative influences
- Academic program
Although this is only one part of the report, we think you will find this of interest. We look forward to sharing the plan with you on March 20.
Parent Workshop
Melissa Sugzdinis (Professional Development Coordinator and Montessori teacher) and Betsy Haas (preschool/kindergarten teacher) have offered to lead a two-part workshop for parents. Part 1 will provide an introduction to Montessori education and the second part will discuss ways in which you can bring Montessori into your home. This new parent education opportunity will be held this April - check next week's issue for dates! We urge you to attend, especially if you are new this year to the school. Come to next Tuesday's PTO meeting (9 a.m. on March 19) to learn more!
WMS Board Elections Alert 
Elections are now underway for new WMS Board members. An
electronic ballot has been sent to an email address in your household (the one that was used for the ISM survey). There will be one vote per household and voting will continue until noon on March 20, 2013. Your household vote is anonymous. If you have not received an email with election information and a ballot, please contact the Nominating and Elections Committee at WMS_BOD@wmsde.org. We hope you take this opportunity to vote!
WMS Annual Meeting - March 20, 2013 at 7 p.m. If you are new to WMS, or just never understood this event, the WMS Annual Meeting is a chance for the WMS Board to inform you, the members of the WMS community, about big picture issues at WMS, AND for you to communicate with the board.
For the first half of the meeting, highlights include the "State of the School" with Marie Dugan, board member election results, and a chance to meet the entire school staff and learn about WMS's strategic plan and finances. For the second half of the meeting, the board wants to hear and answer your questions.
Stay in the loop during this exciting time for WMS, and join our dynamic community for this important meeting! |
WMS's Got Talent!
Last Thursday, students from the 9-12 Program performed in their annual talent show. Acts included vocal performances (solo, small group and full choir), skits, instrumental performances, dance numbers and more! Their energy brought the crowd to their feet on more than one occasion. For more photos, visit the WMS Facebook Page!
14 Preschool Social 5:30 p.m., Great Room Details15 Extended Re-Enrollment Deadline Financial aid may be re-allocated and enrollment will open to new students after this time.
19 PTO Meeting
9 a.m., Great Room
20 WMS Annual Meeting 7 p.m., Great Room
8 Montessori Monday - Admissions
11 Parent Education: Standardized Testing
8:30 a.m., Room 26
Toddler Spring Sing Fling 11 a.m., Great Room
15-19 ERB Testing
More info coming soon.
17-19 Childfind Testing More info coming soon.
20 WMS's Lucky Pair: Auction & Casino Games
7 p.m., Gym
22 Montessori Monday -Admissions Tell a friend! 25 Preschool Concert 9:30 a.m., Gym
Rummage Pre-Sale For WMS Staff/Families 4-6 p.m., WMS Lower Level 27 Rummage Sale 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. More Info
Sponsor Nemo!
The fish in the Aspen Wing aquarium are looking for new friends (and plants)! To keep this tank colorful, we would like to involve the WMS community by offering the opportunity to purchase a fish to be named by your child/children.
To learn more, please contact Eva Glick at evachenblau@gmail.com!
Encouraging Our Children Toward Independence
Parenting Tips by Certified Parent Educator (and WMS Great-Grandmother) Yvonne Nass
Do you remember the thrill of the sense of accomplishment? As parents we must not deprive our children of this wonderful feeling of "I did it!" and "I can do it!" What a beautiful gift to give - the gift of stepping back, watching and supporting their hard work, problem-solving, failing and trying again and finally sharing in the joy of an outcome that brings personal pride. That personal pride becomes a self-motivator. Saying to your children "You must feel so pleased and happy with yourself" helps them recognize what they are capable of.
For more information about this and other parenting topics, contact Yvonne Nass at MyNass@aol.com. |
A Message from the 5th-Grade Class
Dear Wilmington Montessori Community, We want to give a sincere thanks to all of you for your support of PJ Bingo. We worked very hard to make this fundraiser a good time for all. This event helps support us as we prepare for our sixth-grade trip to NYC and the Global Citizenship Action Project conference. With your help, we raised more than $1,800! Thanks again for your generosity. Sincerely, The WMS Class of 2014
Preschool Family Potluck Social
Want to get to know other preschool families?
Join us for the Preschool Family Potluck Social scheduled for March 14 at 5:30 p.m. in the Great Room. New WMS parent Sushana Chaudhary has organized this event, which will include crafts for the kids and a potluck-style dinner.
Please contact Sushana (sushana@gmail.com) to RSVP.
Cute, cute girlie toys (next week, boy toys)
Junque 'n' Treasures Rummage Sale
Many thanks for all of the wonderful donations that have been pouring in. When we ask, we receive. We are still in need of our most popular items: Jewelry and furniture items! Can't drop off? We can pick up! Contact Nancy Sakaguchi (email nansak@yahoo.com or call 475-4162) to make arrangements.
Also, get ready to set sale with us on Thursday, April 25 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the lower level of the school. This "pre-sale" is for the WMS community only. The sale to the general public will take place on Saturday, April 27 from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Last-minute donations are always welcome and will be accepted up until 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 26.
9-12 Student Art Selected for DAIS Art Show
Dear Parents & Staff,
I am pleased to announce that all of the 9-12 students will be participating in this year's Delaware Association of Independent Schools (DAIS) Art Exhibit.
This year the exhibit is being held at The Tatnall School. The exhibit will be up from April 9 through 11 with a reception on April 9 from 4 to 6 p.m.
I hope that you will come out and support the students and enjoy some fantastic artwork!
Laurie Muhlbauer

Free Family Concert
In an event sponsored by Wilmington Montessori School, the Newark Symphony Orchestra will present "Carnival of the Animals" on Sunday, March 17 at 3 p.m. at The Independence School (1300 Papermill Rd., Newark, DE).
WMS's very own Executive Assistant Carolyn Fuhrman will perform with the orchestra on cello in a concert that will also include performances by the Delaware Dance Company.
Following the concert, the DDO will present a dance demonstration. There will also be an "instrument petting zoo," children's activities and a full-size keyboard up for raffle.
To learn more, contact Carolyn or visit newarksymphony.org.
Nature. Nurture. Knowledge.
Make it a Montessori summer!
Have you registered for Camp Montessori yet?
Be sure to visit the Camp Montessori website to check out this year's line-up of unique specialty camps or enroll your child in traditional day camp.
Specialty camps begin to fill in March, so be sure to secure your child's space! Also, don't forget that there is 10% discount for those who register for five or more weeks of camp before April 1.
Got magic? Don't miss On Dragon's Wings (for ages 8-11) at Camp Montessori!
In this camp, children will learn fiction writing basics and the techniques that fantasy authors use to make their books come to life. Campers will write stories featuring wizards, fairies, and their own made-up characters and lands, and create several projects inspired by the Harry Potter books.
When: Week 2 (June 24-28) from 1-4 p.m.
Price: $215
Did you know...
...that six WMS teachers are state-certified to teach other teachers? Last spring, Lauren Harris, Betsy Haas, Laurie Muhlbauer, Michael Johnson, Sara Grant, Elizabeth Varley and Melissa Sugzdinis participated in an eight-week training course provided by the Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood. This training allows them to provide quality-assured professional development workshops for other educators in the state. This is just one way in which we can spread Montessori's ideas and philosophy and share our expertise with the educational community at large! To learn more about workshops for education professionals at WMS, visit wmsde.org/CMA. |
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Communications Officer. |
Our Mission
Wilmington Montessori School is a collaborative learning community rooted in Montessori principles, inspiring the joyful discovery of self and a passion for learning and independent thinking. We empower children to be knowledgeable and responsible contributors to the global community.