Marie's Message
Weekly news and notes from Head of School Marie Dugan
Parent/Staff Survey Extended
If you have not received and sent your parent survey from Independent School Management (ISM), there is still time. We've extended the deadline until Friday, and we want and need more families to give this feedback.
Please note that only one survey has been sent to each family - not one for each parent. Check your spam filters and check every email address you submitted to WMS on your family information form. If you still find that you have not received it, send a quick email to Marie Kelly at ISM. Her email address is Marie@isminc.com. She will re-send you the survey. We also are urging more staff members to respond. Thank you so much for doing this quick survey. Your opinions truly matter.
Financial Aid Letters
We are almost done processing the applications. Expect to hear from me by early next week if your family has applied. Questions? Contact me by email at marie_dugan@wmsde.org.
Board Update
Are You Interested in Being Part of Big Decisions at WMS?
 If you are or have been a parent at WMS, it often goes like this. First you realize that going to school at Wilmington Montessori School is a gift that you were lucky enough to be able to give to your children. And then you realize that you would like future children to have a chance to share in this gift. How can you play a part in ensuring that WMS thrives into the future? The WMS Board of Directors seeks individuals who are able to put their own personal aims and interests aside in the interest of the long-term interest of WMS, to join our board committees (listed in the Board Portal on the WMS website) and the board itself.
To join a board committee, please talk to any board member about your interest and we will put you in contact with the committee chair to see if there is a good match of ability and needs of the committee.
To join the board, we have a Nominating and Elections Committee (Anna Quisel, Susie Ventresca and Caroline Lintner) that will propose candidates to the board. The Nominating and Elections Committee is entrusted with making sure that proposed board members understand their role and responsibilities. Volunteer experience at WMS is important too, especially experience coordinating a school event or participating in a task force or board committee.
This year, the board will hold elections March 10-20, 2013 for up to four new board members. The Nominating and Elections Committee will speak with potential board members with the goal of creating a slate of candidates for the WMS Board. Other things you should know about board membership: 1) Terms are three years with one additional term allowed upon election; 2) for the election ballot, each candidate will need to write a short biography including the reason(s) he or she would like to join the board; and 3 ) the slate of candidates for the board will allow a yes or no vote for each candidate.
This year, preparation time is very short so the Nominating and Election Committee would like
28 Dads' Day
Starting with classroom visits at drop-off time, followed by a reception and special presentation at 10 a.m. in the Great Room.
1 Re-enrollment Deadline for the 2013-14 school year!
4 Montessori Monday - Admissions
Tell a friend!
7 9-12 Talent Show 7 p.m., Gym
11 The Journey 8:30 a.m. - noon, meet in the lobby 20 WMS Annual Meeting 7 p.m., Great Room 25-28 Spring Break No school. Child care available. Register in advance. 29 Spring Break - Good Friday School and child care closed April 8 Montessori Monday - Admissions Tell a friend!
Encouraging Our Children Toward Independence
Parenting Tips by Certified Parent Educator (and WMS Great-Grandmother) Yvonne Nass One of the most encouraging things we can do as caregivers is to hold children accountable for their behavior. That means using consequences to teach what happens when they choose to not follow the established rules.
Consequences are related to the behavior, presented respectfully ahead of time and reasonable to the child, not punitive. Natural consequences happen naturally when the parent does not interfere. When safety is an issue, we need to create a logical consequence. A logical consequence will come in the form of an immediate loss of an object, privilege, time or money. The best way most of us have learned is through experience. Allowing your children to experience the results of their behavior demonstrates you have faith in them to handle their world. This is a great way to teach children to make choices they can live with. For more information about this and other parenting topics, contact Yvonne Nass at MyNass@aol.com. |
Preschooler Julie Cash showed her WMS Spirit by dressing up for Pajama/Crazy Hair Day yesterday.
 Support Save the Rain during Spirit Week - Two days left!
There's still two more days of Spirit Week, which means it's not too late to support a great cause while having fun and showing your school spirit!
Save the Rain is an organization that collects rain water and filters it to make clean water for children and adults in Africa who walk more than eight hours a day for water that's not even clean.
Every 15 seconds, a child dies from lack of clean water. With only $15, you can give a child clean water for the rest of their life and the lives of their future offspring.
Save the Rain has helped more than 260,000 people get clean water. You can help too by participating in Spirit Week. Please join us - every dollar counts and it's fun!
Thursday - Twin Day
Friday - Spirit Day (Wear your WMS gear!)
Suggested donation: $5
Rummage Sale Update
 | Pretty vintage china. We love the matching coffee set! |
The 2013 Junque 'n' Treasures Rummage Sale will be held on Saturday, April 27 (with a pre-sale/children's bike sale for WMS families and staff on April 25). Please drop your items off in the bins outside Room 24 or in the front lobby area. Donations are tax-deductible - visit the front desk to request a donation form. Join our Rummage Sale event page on Facebook for news and updates!
Remember, pick-up service is always available for larger items, furniture, play equipment, household, etc. Smaller goods can be picked up as well as if you are unable to transport them to WMS. Please contact Nancy Sakaguchi at 302-475-4162 or email nansak@yahoo.com to make arrangements. Note: Any and all books, CDs and DVDs are still needed for our book department. Please include them with your donations.
We thank you kindly for your ongoing generosity. Volunteer opportunities will be posted shortly!
PJ BINGO - Coming Friday, March 1
PJ Bingo is almost here. Please join us for food, fun, games and prizes on Friday, March 1, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the gym. Don't forget to wear your PJs!
This fundraiser helps support the fifth grade class raise money for their sixth grade trip to NYC and the Global Citizenship Action Project conference.
All ages are welcome and everyone leaves with a prize! Don't miss the fun. Tickets cost $10 per person and will be on sale before and after school starting on February 25.
We are still accepting prize donations in the bin between Rooms 9 and 10. If you have small toys that you want to get rid of, we would love to take them off your hands and save them from the landfill!
Calling all runners - raise funds for WMS at the Delaware Marathon
Meeting tonight, February 20, at 7 p. m.
The PTO is working to put together a team or teams to run the Delaware Marathon Relay on Saturday, May 12. Teams will raise funds for WMS as they prepare for the race.
The race is for four- and eight-person teams (running roughly a 10k or a 5k, respectively). Experienced runners, new runners and older students welcome! If you are thinking about running, but aren't quite sure, this meeting will be an opportunity to find out what to expect. If you already know you want to run, we can sign you up! Please contact Becky Davey for more information.
Tea Clothing Fundraiser from TeaCollection.com - Ends TOMORROW!
Dear Parents,
Spring is in the air! Time for a wardrobe update for you and the kids?
Wilmington Montessori families can help raise money for WMS while spring shopping.
Tea Clothing at Tea Collection is having their "school days" fundraiser for participating schools and will give WMS families free shipping and donate 15 percent of your purchases to Wilmington Montessori school when you enter promotion code SD13123 in the "Promo Codes" box during checkout.
Purchases must be made by the end of the day tomorrow (Thursday) to qualify! Get your friends and extended family involved by posting this info to your Facebook page or other social network.
Happy shopping and thanks for your support for WMS!!!
Stephanie Wolynetz
PTO "Free Money" Committee Chair
Steel Drums Tryouts -
This Friday
Interested in playing the steel drums?
Children ages 7 and up are invited to tryouts this Friday, February 23, at 3:15 p.m. in the Steel Drum Room. No experience necessary!
Spring After-School Soccer:
Eight-week session, March 15 - May 24. Cost: $145.
See Cass Winner or visit the After-School Specials website for more information and online registration!
The Wednesday Weekly promotes WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. For more information, contact Noel Dietrich. |
Our Mission
Wilmington Montessori School is a collaborative learning community rooted in Montessori principles, inspiring the joyful discovery of self and a passion for learning and independent thinking. We empower children to be knowledgeable and responsible contributors to the global community.