
Marie's Message Weekly news and notes from Interim Head of School Marie Dugan
Welcome to the new year! So many wonderful things are happening at WMS! Our calendar is full of exciting events and our classrooms are filled with joyful learners. Yesterday, I had a short conversation with the grandmother of one of our preschool children. As she left WMS at the end of the day, she told me that she feels personally welcome and positive about how she is recognized by teachers, administrative staff and me. Her enthusiasm and willingness to share makes me happy. One of our goals this year is to be ever-responsive as we continue to build strong connections and openness within our community.
Board members are meeting this week to develop the 2013-14 budget. You will soon be getting information on tuition and registration for September. We are pleased to have an exceptional Finance Committee and Brenda Cole, former WMS Director of Finance & Operations, helping us with this important work.
This month, we have scheduled Transition Mornings for all levels. Starting tomorrow, we invite you to visit the next-level classroom that your child will enter this fall. The visits provide an opportunity for parents to observe lessons being taught inside classrooms, followed by discussion of the curriculum and structure by teachers, Director of Educational Programs Liz Madden, 9-12 Program Director Lisa Lalama, Admissions Officer Theresa Conaty and myself. Bring your questions. We have the answers. I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity. Click here for online registration. I also want you to know that you can contact me directly, if you also want to meet with me.
Transition to 7-9 Program (for current 5-7 families) Thursday, January 10 at 9 a.m. Transition to 9-12 Program (for current 7-9 families) Friday, January 11 at 9 a.m. Transition to 5-7 Program (for current preschool families) Monday, January 14 at 9 a.m.
Transition to Preschool (for current toddler families) Tuesday, January 15 at 9:30 a.m.
I also want to urge you to come to tomorrow's parent/staff meetings beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Great Room. There are two gatherings:
- 6:30 - School Preparedness and Security - The WMS Preparedness Committee will share information about its continuous work to ensure that WMS is a safe place for our children. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
- 7:30 - Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) - Get involved with the PTO's latest work on community-building, fundraising, school-wide communication and overall suport of WMS. All members of the community are invited!
Free child care will be available during these meetings (6:30-8:30 p.m.) - please contact Cass by noon tomorrow to register!
Financial Aid applications are due for returning families by January 25. Visit wmsde.org/financialaid to apply.
Have a wonderful week!
10 Transition to 7-9 Program 9 a.m., Meet in the lobby. Details
Town Meeting on Safety 6:30 p.m., Great Room
WMS PTO Meeting 7:30 p.m., Great Room
by noon to register for free child care during these meetings.
11 Transition to 9-12 Program
Alumni Pizza Party (for current sixth-graders and all WMS alumni and former students) 6:30-8:30 p.m. Details
14 Transition to 5-7 Program 9 a.m., Meet in the lobby. Details
15 Transition to Preschool 9:30 a.m., Meet in the lobby, Details
Financial aid applications due Details
28 Montessori Monday - Admissions 9:30 a.m., Meet in the lobby Tell a friend! Learn more
31 WMS's 49th Birthday! All-school assembly at 11:15 a.m.
in the gym, including a special announcement.
Parents are welcome!
New Family Reception 5-6:30 p.m. - More info TBA
Encouraging Our Children Toward Independence
Parenting Tips by Certified Parent Educator (and WMS Great-Grandmother) Yvonne Nass
The new year is a time for new beginnings. Perhaps it's time to look at inviting your child to share in home management. This will build on the sharing your child does in the classroom.
Asking questions like "Where do you think we should keep...?" "Who do you think should be responsible for...?" "Are you willing to help...?" will enable you to begin to organize your space so it's manageable for your child.
As you explore the answers to these questions, your child might see the need to put away or give away some treasured belongings in order to become more responsible for their environment. Too much "stuff" can become overwhelming and create problems from being over-stimulated, so remember less is best!
Are you ready to go on The Journey with us? - January 25 8:30 a.m. - noon Have you taken the Journey yet?
Whether you're a current WMS parent or just beginning to learn about Montessori education - it is time to step out of the observation room...and into the classroom!
During this event, you will:
- Personally experience the Montessori educational process and better understand the teaching methods.
- See first-hand how WMS prepares children for success in their educational journey.
- Learn how each program level builds and supports your child's development from introduction through 6th grade.
- Open conversations with your child about classroom activities.
- Realize the positive aspects of learning and succeeding at WMS.
- Be more prepared to describe the distinction of a Montessori education.
Registration is free and you receive five Co-op hours per family. Free child care is available by registering with cass_winner@wmsde.org.
Call or email Theresa Conaty, Admissions Officer, to reserve your spot. You can reach Theresa at 302-475-0555 or theresa_conaty@wmsde.org.
"I found the day to be extremely valuable in learning about the Montessori Method - which seems to be an extraordinary interdisciplinary approach to learning" - Parent attendee |
 Flo Miniscloux, WMS class of 2002, graduated from the University of Southern California last May, and is already making waves in the field of event planning!
Employed by the international meeting, events and communication agency Extraordinary Events, Flo has worked with several international clients including BMW and Hanwha Solar (Korea's third largest corporation) on events ranging from 50,000-guest celebrations and high-end product launches to multiple day incentive trips and lavish grand openings. In her nomination for the Event Solutions' Rising Star award, her employer said, "Flo has brought Extraordinary Events nothing but freshness, creativity and enthusiasm." To vote for Flo to win this prestigious award, please follow the instructions below: Voting Instructions: 1. Go to www.event-solutions.com/spotlight/voting. 2. Enter your email address. Click "Submit." 3. On bottom left of screen, click "Rising Star Female." 4. Select "Flo Miniscloux" (Click on her name to learn more about her!), then click "Submit." Flo thanks the WMS community for its support and Marie and her past teachers for encouraging her creativity! Good luck, Flo!
Alumni, past students and current sixth-graders are invited to WMS's annual Alumni Pizza Party on Friday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Great Room. The evening provides a wonderful opportunity for alumni and past students to catch up with old friends, make new ones, and reminisce about their time at Wilmington Montessori School! If you know someone who attended WMS in the past, please let them know about this event! Advance registration is required, so please ask them to submit the form below:
________________________________________ Have alumni news? Know a past student with a great story? Contact Noel Dietrich so we can feature them in a future issue of the Wednesday Weekly!
Help us keep in touch. We'd like to stay in touch with all of our alumni and former students! If you know any, please ask them to fill out this form to share their post-graduation experiences and find out how they can become involved with our 50th anniversary festivities next year.
WMS Alumni on Facebook Please share these links with any WMS alums in your life: |
WMS supports Food Bank through food drive and volunteer day
In our last issue, we shared information about our December food drive for the Food Bank of Delaware, which resulted in an impressive donation of 485 pounds of food! On Saturday, 30 members of the WMS community took this service experience to the next level by volunteering at the Food Bank's Newark facility. The volunteers spent the day assembling food kits for the Food Bank's Backpack Program, which provides food to children in need for weekends and holidays when school is not in session and federal school meal programs are not available.
WMS parent Drew Matalonis worked with the PTO to organize this opportunity for families to volunteer together at the Food Bank.
"The kids had a lot of fun putting the packs together," Drew said. "It gives you a great feeling at the end of the day to know you're really helping out people who need the assistance."
WMS's work with the Food Bank isn't over! The elementary child care classrooms are conducting their second annual food drive in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. Please bring your donations to rooms 25-28 before January 21. Students will build a village with the donations, and then take them to the Food Bank. As always, your generosity is appreciated!
Shoe drive fundraiser this week!
Recycle, reuse, raise funds, provide for others!
WMS receives $20 for each full box of used donated shoes! To officially kick off our shoe recycling fundraising program we are having a shoe drive this week. Please bind matching pairs by tying the laces together or wrapping with string or elastic bands. Dirty shoes are ok but no holes in the soles, please, and no skates. The donation boxes are located in the two main entrances of WMS. Note: All shoe donations are tax deductible. Request a donation form at the Front Desk. For more information, see: wmsdepto.org/shoes facebook.com/ShoeBoxRecycling |
Register for after-school specials by Friday
WMS has another fantastic line-up of winter/spring after-school specials including Yoga, Tennis, Olympic Sampler, Cartooning & Fantasy Art and more!
Please note the following two corrections on the flyer that was attached to your child's locker last week:
Yoga is on Tuesdays. Pre-Ballet is on Thursdays.
A full list of programs and their details, as well as online registration, is available at wmsde.org/afterschoolspecials. |
PE news
WMS's gym floor has been refinished!
To keep the floor in the best and safest condition possible, we ask that children wear sneakers at all times in the gym (boots are no longer permitted). Children not wearing sneakers will not be allowed to participate in PE activities.
Adrianna is currently seeking assistant coaches for basketball. Contact her at Adrianna_Cichonska@wmsde.org or stop by the gym if you're interested in volunteering for this co-op opportunity!
Rummage Sale
Cleaning out the house after the holidays? Don't forget to donate your Junque 'n' Treasures to WMS's Rummage Sale, coming on April 27! We especially appreciate furniture donations, household, jewelry, power and hand tools.
Please drop your items off in the bins outside Room 24 or in the front lobby area. Donations are tax-deductible - visit the front desk to request a donation form.
The Wednesday Weekly promotes WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. For more information, contact Noel Dietrich. |
Our Mission
Wilmington Montessori School is a collaborative learning community rooted in Montessori principles, inspiring the joyful discovery of self and a passion for learning and independent thinking. We empower children to be knowledgeable and responsible contributors to the global community.