November 14, 2013
Issue No.13
In This Issue
Upcoming Events & Key Dates

11/18 White Center Education Initiative Meeting

11/18 Project 3B RFP Due

11/20 Deep Dive 3 Information Session #1

11/22 Deep Dive 3 Information Session #2

11/25 Deep Dive 3 Learning Session #1

11/25 Deep Dive 3 Letters of Interest Due (Optional)

12/2 Deep Dive 3 Information Session #3

12/6 Deep Dive 3 Learning Session #2

12/13 Deep Dive 3 Final Day to Ask Questions About RFP

12/19 Executive Committee Meeting

12/20 Deep Dive 3 Proposals Due

Quick Links

About the Road Map Region Race to the Top Grant

In 2012, seven King County, Washington, school districts joined forces and won $40 million in federal Race to the Top funds. The participating school districts are Auburn, Federal Way, Highline, Kent, Renton, Seattle and Tukwila. The districts dubbed themselves The Road Map District Consortium, a reference to their participation in the Road Map Project, a community-wide effort in South Seattle and South King County to drive major educational improvement with a focus on personalized learning.

Dear  ,

We are pleased to share that Race to the Top is moving forward! The Deep Dive 3 Investment Fund RFP (to develop additional community-school partnerships) was recently released, as was the RFP for Project 4 (Digital STEM Tools). We look forward to working with interested districts and organizations on these projects, and to the positive impacts that should result!    

RFP for $1 Million in Community-School Partnerships Released
The Deep Dive 3 RFP (investment fund to develop additional community-school partnerships) was released on Monday November 4, 2013.

The Deep Dive 3 project creates an investment fund that aims to allow districts and community partners to create intensive, site-based school and community partnerships to turn around academic performance in high-need schools. The implementation of these partnerships is intended to be scaled across the region, focus on students in the opportunity gap, and support family engagement, students who are English Language Learners, and students who receive special education services.

There will be plenty of opportunities to learn more about this grant. Information Session and Learning Session dates for the Deep Dive 3 RFP include the following:

Information Sessions
November 20, 2013 (9:00-11:00am at PSESD)
November 22, 2013 (1:00-3:00pm at PSESD)
December 2, 2013 (3:00-5:00pm at PSESD)
Learning Sessions
November 25, 2013 (2:00-4:00pm at PSESD)
December 6, 2013 (1:00-4:00pm at PSESD)

To RSVP for the sessions, or for more information, please contact Deep Dive 3 lead Matthew Gulbranson. For more information on the RFP and Deep Dive 3, please visit our Deep Dive 3 page.

RFP for Digital STEM Tools Released
An RFP for Digital STEM Tools was released on October 31, 2013. This project invests in adaptive digital tools to personalize STEM learning for high-need elementary and middle schools in the region, prioritizing math and science instruction.

The RFP is intended for digital learning vendors, and has been posted to the state WEBS (Washington Electronic Business Solutions) site. 

The RFP will close on December 2. It is expected that 21 schools across the region will receive tools this spring and summer, with additional schools benefiting in future years. For more information on Project 4 and other STEM activities, please visit our STEM Strong page.

Please visit the Race to the Top Website!
Please remember to share the Road Map Region Race to the Top website with friends and colleagues! We regularly update content and add new resources. To access the website click here!

Stay Tuned!
Thank you for taking the time to read the Road Map Region Race to the Top grant e-newsletter! The next e-newsletter will be released in December. Click "Join Our Mailing List" on the left to receive future e-newsletters!

Questions or Ideas for future e-newsletter topics?

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