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November 2014


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Insurance Billing End of Year Reminder 

With all the insurance changes this year, and changes in benefits, it has been overwhelming and confusing for many.  However, if you are in need of garments or compression devices and are not sure where you stand with your current insurance, please contact us to let us assist you in finding out if it is advantageous to get a claim in by the end of 2014.  Time is running out and some of you had increased deductibles that may be met, so before the deductibles start over for 2015 now is the time to act! Many of the insurance plans are also changing in 2015 and restructuring their deductibles and out of pocket expense. Talk to your health care provider about your need for compression and let us assist you in the insurance arena.

As the end of the year nears, we get a large number of requests. With most insurance carriers requiring pre-authorization, a process that can take several weeks, it's best to think about this before it's too late!

We would like to also remind you that Peninsula Medical provides insurance verification, at no obligation nor cost. We will verify your coverage for durable medical equipment (DME)*.  You may contact us about this service on line by clicking the link provided below or you may fax in your information toll free to 866-808-7538. When faxing, please be sure and include your contact information. If you would prefer to speak with one of our billing specialists about this service, please call toll free 1-800-293-3362.

*We also maintain a current database of Contracted Authorized Distributors so you may be referred to the distributor for the highest reimbursement available on your plan.

NHF Logo 
This month's featured Noble Heart Fund recipient 
is shown below wearing a ReidSleeve� Classic leg sleeve.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

Ask Kelly

Hi Kelly,

Do you have a ReidSleeve for the leg?

Thanks in advance
Anita G. (you may use my name)

Dear Anita,

Yes!  We are always a bit surprised at how often this question comes up, I guess it's because our brand name ReidSleeve has the word sleeve in it and that is always associated with an arm.  Anyway, our Classic, Comfort, Jazz, OptiFlow EC, SC and Ready-Made garments all are available for the legs.  If you go to our website and click on the left side and click on "products" a list of all our products pop up and you can see pictures and options.

Thank you and let me know if I can assist you in any other way!


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Peninsula BioMedical, Inc

P.O. Box 66149

Scotts Valley, CA 95067-6149

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