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June 2013 


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This month's Noble Heart Fund recipient is shown below wearing bilateral  
3/4 length Lower ReidSleeve� Classic sleeves.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

Ask Kelly

Dear Kelly,

I currently have a ReidSleeve Classic and the company I purchased it through told me I may be able to have it refurbished as opposed to purchasing a new one (it's about 4-yrs old).  It still does a pretty good job but could use a "face lift!"  What's the next step and do you think my insurance will cover it (it covered the initial cost of it)?

Thanks in advance
Theresa M.   (you can use my name!)

Dear Theresa,

We can almost always refurbish the Classic garments (once in a blue moon one comes in that was mistreated and we can not) and it is the fraction of the cost of a new one and it will be returned to 'like-new' condition. In the off chance we can not do the work on it, we will return it as-is and there is no cost to you for the evaluation.  Most insurance companies handle the cost associated with the refurbishment as they recognize the cost savings. We are happy to verify your coverage (at no obligation) to confirm they cover the refurbishment code. Call me toll free at 1-800-293-3362 to receive a Return Authorization and we will get this going for you!


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