Lymphedema eNews

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February 2013


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We are amazed at how many times a time we hear callers tell us they are so pleased to "Get a real person" when they call us. We are eager to assist in any way we can to help those struggling to succeed in their lymphedema home maintainence program. Call us today at our West Coast or East Coast office. We can help with your day time compression, night time compression, preventative needs, referrals for treatment, insurance etc. We have staff in both time zones to best assist callers from all over the country.

East Coast  800-606-7655
West Coast 800-293-3362
 NHF Logo
This month's Noble Heart Fund recipient is shown below wearing
bilateral lower ReidSleeve� Classics


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

 Ask Kelly

Hi Kelly,

What compression does the ReidSleeve Classic provide? Is it for moderate to severe edema or mild to moderate lymphedema?


Dear Linda,
Thank you for your inquiry. You ask an excellent question. The ReidSleeve Classic compression ranges between 15mmHg to 40mmHg and is controlled by the outer Velcro straps.  The compression on the ReidSleeve is determined by using the Precise Pressure Gauge, which insures consistent compression that is within the proper range for optimal results. The ReidSleeve Classic is ideal for those with moderate to severe lymphedema.


I hope I have answered your question.  Feel free to contact me if you have questions or if you would like additional information.

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Peninsula Medical, Inc

P.O. Box 66149

Scotts Valley, CA 95067-6149

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