Glenmore Community Association

GCA Newsletter                   25 September 2015

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Here is your monthly newsletter. As always, we welcome your feedback to


Ben Benjamin,
GCA Communications

New Resident Social
welcome_flowers_pear.jpg The inaugural New Residents' Social will take place in the Rivanna Room at the Glenmore Country Club on Saturday, September 26 at 5:00 pm. This event is co-sponsored by the Glenmore Community Association and the Glenmore Country Club as a means to introduce new residents to one another and to inform them about the functions of the GCA and opportunities to participate in GCA activities. Those who have moved to Glenmore in the past 12 months have been invited to this first New Resident Social. Thereafter it is anticipated that these events will be held every six months. If you have moved here in the last 12 months, you should have received an invitation. If not, please contact Dette LaRobardier at 817-0508.

Water Resources Committee - Opportunity to Serve Your Community
Would you like to help Glenmore protect the environment? Would you like to help manage our dams and stormwater facilities? The GCA Water Resources Committee is looking for volunteers to help protect our property values and ensure the terrific lifestyle we enjoy in Glenmore. You do not have to be an engineer to volunteer ... just be willing to join an important team in our community. If interested, please send an email to

Glenmore Farm Bookkeeper
Glenmore Farm Equestrian Center is looking to hire a bookkeeper to work 5-15 hours per week. This position offers a flexible schedule and the luxury of working mostly at home. Previous accounting and QuickBooks Online experience is helpful, but not required. Please email Beth Swartout at to apply or with questions about this position. Please forward this opportunity to others outside Glenmore who might be interested. Thank you.  
Tree Removal in Common Areas
The Common Area Review Board (CARB) has removed several diseased Leyland Cypress trees in GCA Common Areas near the Bremerton Cottages.  These trees have become infected with Seiridium Canker.  Removal areas will be replanted in late October or early November with vegetation of a hardier variety.