Candle lighting: 8:11 pmPARASHAT BEHA'ALOTCHA Havdalah (42 min): 9:11 pm 
Katie Schwartz lecturing about educational scholarships.
Photo by: Emily Hayes
Quick Links for the Week's Announcements:
Community Announcements
(A listing of all community activities on our new website!)

Upcoming Events
Beth El Events at Beth El
SULAM for Emerging Leaders

6:00 pm-Kabbalat Shabbat Services (Bat Mitzvah of Eve Moskovitz)

Shabbat Morning
8:45-9:30 am-Shabbat Mishnah Study in Freedman Center
9:00 am-Orthodox Kehillah Shabbat Morning Services
9:30 am-Main Sanctuary, Shabbat Morning Services (Bat Mitzvah of Eve Moskovitz)
Gabbai: James Tulsky
Gabbaim will also try to accommodate requests made in person on Shabbat morning (by 10:15am, before the Torah service), but please understand that all honors may be previously claimed.

Kiddush Lunch is hosted by: Marc Moskovitz & Barb Carter in honor of their daughter Eve becoming a Bat Mitzvah.

10:30-11:30 am-Parsha Study, Library

Weekly Minyanim
Sunday morning at 9:30 am
Wednesday morning at 8:00 am followed by a text study
Mazel Tov!
Mazel tov to Eve Moskovitz on becoming a Bat Mitzvah!

Mazel Tov to  Professor Laurie Patton will give one last Dvar Torah for our community before she and her husband, Professor Shalom Goldman, depart for Vermont to take up residence at Middlebury. Laurie will become Middlebury's 17th and first woman president and Shalom will become a professor in the department of religion.

Beth El extends condolences to the following:

Andree Allen on the death of her long-time companion, Norbert Nevid, who passed away on May 27.

Nathalie Goodrich and Beth Goldstein and their families on the death of Nathalie's brother-in-law and Beth's uncle, Irwin "Buck" Freedman, who passed away on May 13 in Atlanta, GA.

Ed Balleisen and Karin Shapiro and their family on the death of Ed's sister, Wendy Finger - Deborah bat Gavshon v'Chaya Sarah - who passed away on May 12 in Chicago, IL.

Valerie and Jerry Schreiber and their family on the death of Valerie's mother, Dorothy Gross, who passed away on May 3.
Social Action Sunday for June Cancelled
We decided to cancel the June meeting and include this year's wrap-up with next year's plans when we meet in late summer/early fall.
We welcome hearing about any of your thoughts regarding this year and next year before then!
Have a wonderful summer!
Hope and Jacki
SULAM for Emerging LeadersSULAM
One of the impressive things about Beth El is the partnership between staff and lay leaders.  Some people easily adopt lay leader rolls, perhaps because of past personal or professional experience that left them feeling prepared. If you have not previously been involved in the lay leadership, but are interested, we want to cultivate your talents and boost your confidence.  In our conversations about USCJ membership, we learned more about a program called SULAM for Emerging Leaders.  We are hoping to have a pilot class next year.  If you are interested, please contact Barak Richman, the chair of the nominations committee who can explore with you, your interest and tell you more what you can expect.  Hoping that whatever roles you choose at Beth El bring you joy.
Ezra Resnick's Mitzvah Project
For my Mitzvah project, I am collecting animal shelter donations for our local county animal shelter. I chose this project because we rescued our dog Koko from the shelter and we want the animals there to be well taken are of. Please consider donating dog care items and other supplies such as:
canned food, dog toys, collars, leashes, laundry detergent, paper towels, and Walmart/target gift cards.
We will be collecting items up through my bar mitzvah weekend, on July 4th. There are donation bins in the lobby at Beth El Synagogue in Durham, and at West End Billiards. Thanks for considering and we hope to see you on the 4th!
Beth El Events at Beth ElBethElEvents
Save the Date! Shochet Program

Sunday, June 7th @ 12:30 pm, Bearman Home

Join us for this exciting learning experience and demonstration. Naftali and Anna Hanau from Grow and Behold Foods will be doing the demonstration.  


Visit our new Beth El website for more information about Connecting with Kosher, First Hand


Eicha Readers for Tisha b'Av
Saturday, July 25th @ 9:00 pm, Beth El Synagogue

Would you like to read a chapter of Lamentations/Eichah this year for a community Tisha b'Av service?
Beth El will be joined by members of Kehillah Synagogue for a joint reading of Eicha on Tisha b'Av. Please contact Sheila Tayrose from Kehillah Synagogue (919-491-9962) if you are interested in reading a chapter and specify which chapter you prefer. More information about the evening is forthcoming. 
Please note that services and Eichah readings will also be held at Beth El in the Orthodox Kehillah sanctuary that evening and the next morning, Sunday morning, July 26th. All are welcome. 

To view a calendar of events in our greater Jewish community, click here.

Have an announcement?  
Please email the text to

Beth El Synagogue
1004 Watts Street, Durham NC 27701
(919)682-1238 * Email Us