

Eating meat should be different than eating a carrot or a candy bar. It requires the taking of an animal's life. Some would even argue that to eat kosher meat, we should at least be willing to witness what happens when an animal is killed but in our age of industrialized food, we are far removed from that process. On Sunday, June 7th, Beth El offers a unique opportunity to learn - first hand - about the kosher slaughter of a chicken.

We will be learning with Naftali Hanau from Grow and Behold about ethical and environmental issues related to meat production, Hilchot Shechita- laws of kosher slaughter and what it takes to run a family-owned kosher meat business. In addition, we will watch a demonstration of an actual chicken shechita and learn how to pluck, soak and salt the birds. The entire program will run for 3 hours.

The 3-hour program includes:
- Orientation to the day
- Schechting of 3 birds
- Plucking & processing - hands-on!
- Kashering Process (Soaking - 30 min and Salting - 1hr), during which time we will learn together.
- Final rinsing, packaging of kosher, ready-to-eat poultry

More about Naftali:
Naftali is a shochet (ritual slaughterer), m'naker (ritual butcher), farmer and professional horticulturist. He grew up around the corner from the kosher butcher in Rochester, NY and has been a carnivore from a young age. After spending a summer at Adamah and learning more about the ethical and environmental issues surrounding modern meat production, Naftali realized he had to change his lifestyle a bit. He learned shechita in Crown Heights, NY, and Scranton, PA and has studied at butcher shops and slaughterhouses across the country with many experts in the field of kosher meat production. Naftali earned a Degree in Horticulture from the New York Botanical Garden School of Professional Horticulture and spent a year as Greenhouse Manager at Adamah, a Jewish environmental farming program in northwest Connecticut; he has also worked on several organic farms and owned his own landscaping firm. 


Sunday, June 7th @ 12:00 pm
Cost: $18/participant--Space is limited, register now!

Location: Home of Nathan and Rachel Bearman (about a 45-minute drive from Beth El, down a gravel road)


B'virkat Shalom,

Rabbi Daniel Greyber 

Beth El Synagogue
1004 Watts Street
Durham, NC 27701
(919)682-1238 | Email Us

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