Arthur & Denise Blessitt

Lifting 'up' Jesus 
the Cross 
All the World! 
Cross walk Timeline
Greeting dear fellow followers of Jesus,

God willing we are leaving for the summer carrying the cross and visiting friends and supporters this Friday June 20th. Glory! Denise will be driving and where ever Jesus leads us we will stop to carry the cross. At the places we visit supporters we will carry the cross and share Jesus.

Again I have had to make a decision that involves medical issues. I walked out of Hollywood after being in the hospital with a brain aneurism two weeks before leaving Hollywood in 1969. Then again rejected brain surgery in 1985 at ORU Hospital in Tulsa. On and on I could go and then having the heart attack during a heart test when the heart doctor put in a stent. That was in June 2009.

One of the top orthoepic clinics just did an MRI my left knee.They say I need arthroscopic surgery on the knee. No need to give the detail test result. After prayer and research Denise and I have decided not to have the surgery. I have faced a lot of pain in the walk around the world both physical and in my life. Struggle sharpens my life. The difficulties have made me stronger.
Every stumbling stone becomes a stepping stone...going higher!

The pain was very bad but since the doctors report I have carried the cross every day and each day the pain gets less and less. I have cut my millage but am still walking. This afternoon when I left with the cross I'd only walked 1/4 of a mile and a lady stopped her car to talk and I had prayer with her!

I called Dr. Ed Wagner in LA who has helped me since the 1970's on the walk around the world. He overnighted me Micro Greens and Reds a natural Super-Food from MacroLife Naturals. This is to heal and restore the joints and body and it's his company. The pain level has dropped 25% a day the three days I have taken it. I have a good local chiropractic Dr. John P. Jungers and my personal doctor Dr. Fred Grover Jr. They are all the best.

All of these doctors love Jesus and care for me. But most of all we have Dr. Jesus. It is Jesus that can and will I heal me. Our trust is totally in Jesus.

I would be greatly blessed if you would just say a short prayer for total healing of my knees and legs and feet. Jesus is with me and I will take every step He has planed for me carrying the cross.

So, God willing I will carry the cross, crossing the 41,000 miles mark next week in Ada, Oklahoma! Of course it will be a new world record for the "world's longest walk" according to Guinness World Records. I can't think of a better place than Ada were many of our great supporters live. We have wonderful friends and supports in Oklahoma. Pray for that historic moment. Then we will walk on...God willing, always lifting up Jesus and sharing Jesus with lost souls.

We will be going on to other places and states and I trust that as we focus on getting healthy knees and legs and feet we will go on for many thousands of miles more or until Jesus calls me home. Thanks for your understanding should we not get to your area. I'm just getting a tune up.

Know Denise and Sophia take awesome care of me. They will be with me all the way. Please pray for all of us as we walk and drive the roads sharing Jesus for the glory of God.

Should you desire to know more about where we are then visit our homepage at and also I post many days on Facebook, Google + and Twitter. Should Jesus lead you to donate to our ministry to help keep us carrying the cross and the message of Jesus to all the world...on foot and via TV, Internet and social media there is a donate button on this e letter or mail to the address below.

God bless you. We love you. We pray for all our friends and supporters and for your prayer request.

Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Denise, Sophia and Arthur Blessitt, Luke 18:1


We are now slowly going into social media on the Internet. You are welcome to become a 'follower' or 'like' to see our blog posts.

Posting on the social media sites often. 


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You can donate from anywhere in the world by credit card. 

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"Follow Arthur and Denise" 
Arthur Blessitt Evangelistic Association
P. O. Box 632246
Littleton, Colorado 80163

a 501 3c tax exempt ministry since 1968
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