Arthur & Denise Blessitt

Lifting 'up' Jesus 
the Cross 
All the World! 
Cross walk Timeline

Blessitt: Love to all our friends,


Thanks to all of you who have helped us with a glass of cool water,

a place to spend the night, a smile, money for another air flight,

support to keep walking, a kind word, prayers and your blessings.


Thanks for your love!

You have been like a beautiful flower growing alongside a busy highway.

You have been to us like a shade tree in a parched desert.

You have held our hands through the struggles of life.

You have cared for us and welcomed us, helped meet our needs.

You have seen us as people, just simple followers of Jesus and yet you

have joined us on this long and historic journey.

You are beautiful people, full of kindness and active in support.


Denise and I love you. We thank you, we ask God to bless you and I

know he does. We have needed you by our sides. Every blessing and any reward Jesus gives us, He gives you.


I am amazed that through the wars, jail, struggles and triumphs Jesus

has always been with us. We could not take one step or one breath without

Jesus. He is my life, my love, my savior, my friend, my Lord, my guide,

my hope, my everything. I love to follow and serve Jesus. I love people.

It's that simple. We welcome your prayers and love.


This is a simple but heart-felt thank you. This E-letter goes around the world to dear ones that have loved us in distant lands and we keep in touch through the internet. Others of you we get to see personally from time to time. Together it's a worldwide family of love and a journey together with fellow followers of Jesus.


We still carry the cross and also carry it while making TV programs with TBN the world's largest Christian network. Shorter walks, but a message to millions of people. Different but wonderful.



In January we will be hosting TBN "Praise the Lord" from Denver. A two hour program with four guests and I will share a message at the end.


Also we will be filming new programs for "The Message of the Cross" half hour programs with the focus on helping others share Jesus. We will be filming in Orlando at the Holy Land Experience. Please pray for us and the witness of Jesus for the Glory of God in all of this. Denise is always with me.


Celebrating 45 years of carrying the cross, 1968 to 2014. Sharing Jesus; loving, touching, caring and seeking to bless people of all races, religions and nations. Lifting up the cross with the message of hope, peace and salvation in Jesus.


As of January 1st 2014 I have carried the cross 40,698 miles (65,497km). For a total of over 81,000,000 steps and carried a total weight of well over 18,000,000,000 pounds on my feet. I'm 73 and feel great as we walk on with the cross.



Denise is well and blessed but we do need your prayers for an eye problem she has. She is with me at home and in our travels. She manages our office and drives ahead of me a ways and waits as I carry the cross.

Sophia is 9 years old and so tall and beautiful. She is doing well in school and she makes great creative movies. She loves Jesus so much.

Denise, Sophia and I are working together on a great and glorious project that will be a great witness to the world and bless you all richly. I'll share it in due time but it is well on its way! Thanks for your prayers and some who have sent support for it.


Prayer Request! 

Should you have a prayer request then please hit reply to this e-mail and give your request. We will print it off and pray for you and then for the month of January we will keep your request on the three crosses we've carried around the world that are leaning against the wall behind my desk. We will be praying for your request every day.


Together let's witness that people will come to know and follow Jesus. Leading people to Jesus to be saved has, is now and will always be our focus.


God bless you, Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur, Denise and Sophia Blessitt

Luke 18:1


Thanks to Karl Goetsch, we now have a new online store. We welcome you to check it out. Plus we are now slowly going into social media on the Internet. You are welcome to become a 'follower' to follow our blog posts.


There is a new Donate button below in Yellow.

You can donate from anywhere in the world by credit card. 


"The Cross" movie and book and other witness materials in our Online  Store 
"Follow Arthur and Denise" 
Arthur Blessitt Evangelistic Association
P. O. Box 632246
Littleton, Colorado 80163

a 501 3c tax exempt ministry since 1968

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