Blessitt: Aurora Shootings Midnight Massacre  

          "God's Flower Will Bloom in Aurora and the World"

aurora Joy cross  aurora crowds cross up


I have been carrying the cross and ministering in and around the Century 16 Theatre in Aurora, Colorado following the midnight massacre shooting where many were killed and wounded. We were out with the cross on the Friday morning of the shooting and then some of our team were out day and night for the past three days. People have rushed to the cross to find comfort, prayer and hope. Everyone has been welcoming and thanking us for bringing the cross to them. With tears people have found fresh hope and many have found new life in receiving Jesus as Savior.


aurora cross up at memoral  


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It reminds me of my time in West Beirut, Lebanon in 1982 as I carried the cross there on my journey around the world. It is one thing to discuss war and killings but it's another to experience its devastation at close range. How it tears apart the humanity and blackens the spirit of most people it touches. I was not in Lebanon as a politician, a diplomat or a reporter. I was there as nothing more than a simple man with a cross. I also had my 12-year-old son with me, Joshua. We had a calling from God to visit that land, torn to pieces by the atrocities of war.

We were warned not to enter the war zone in West Beirut. We were told we would certainly meet our deaths. We knew Jesus had called us to carry the cross there and that He was with us and we walked in His sovereign will.


aurora theater  


To enter West Beirut, we walked precariously through a minefield two blocks long, amidst the open gunfire of five armies. As we walked, we saw Israeli fighter jets diving toward the city and heard the shrieking sound of rockets exploding in every direction, tearing apart everything they struck. During the brief periods of silence, the screams of the dying filled our ears, as did the muffled cries of people trapped in the bombed buildings.


aurora cross up                     aurora cross lifted up hands


As we continued to carry the cross, we came upon an apartment building shortly after a bomb had hit it. Human body parts were scattered throughout the rubble. My son and I began to help those who were collecting the remains for burial. All of us wept as we picked up the fractured pieces of people, who were at one time men, women and children whom God loved and for whom Jesus died.

This wasn't the first bombing West Beirut experienced, and several months before another building, a few blocks away from where we were, had been demolished by the impact of a bomb. We walked down the street toward this now empty block and amidst all of this chaos one flower was growing in the rubble. It was beautiful. I lay the cross down and sat beside the flower.

There in the midst of war an amazing beautiful flower was growing in the ashes! And so

even in a world ravaged by hate, war, killing and disasters with people troubled and confused. There is Hope!

Out of the ashes of our sins the flower of God's love breaks through the ashes of tragedy hopelessness, suffering and death. Jesus came and shed His Holy Blood upon the cross for our sins to bring victory.

At the cross, the worst of man met the best of God. Through Jesus there is hope, peace, love, mercy, purpose and salvation.

God understands suffering as He gave His only begotten Son Jesus to die on the cross.

Jesus understands suffering as He carried not only the cross but also our sins and died on the cross that we might be saved in Him. Holding the cross distressed people have come weeping and hold me and the cross for one or two minutes just crying. Then I point out that the Father say His Son Jesus beaten, scourged, carrying a cross and being nailed to a cross and then dying on the cross. Mary His mother stood at the cross of suffering and cried. Jesus experienced the horror of dying for our sins, suffering for us. The Father understands, Jesus understands. Let's pray now and receive the peace and comfort of Jesus as your Savior as you repent and welcome Him in your life. Oh, I tell you almost every person prays.

As we walked by the movie theater where the shooting took place a man was setting by himself on the hillside. He came walking slowly down to us. His name was Al and he had been working on repaving the street at night and was there and heard the shooting and rushed into the parking lot to help people. He was so shocked and troubled with what had happened he could not sleep but sat thinking of life and death and purpose for living. At the cross as we shared he prayed and invited Jesus into his life. His first words after his prayer was "I feel so much better, I feel peace!" I have found around the world that Jesus can do in a moment, in the moment of new birth or being born again more than we can comprehend. For Jesus makes a new creation, a new heart.

We must never cease to dream, to love or to smile, even when we're faced with the most arduous suffering of our lives. We must press forward with the message that first came from the Middle East from the mouth of Jesus..."All power is given Me in heaven and in earth...go into all the world and preach the gospel to every person...and I am with you always!" People are hungry for the message of love and peace on earth...Jesus gives it all.

In places of suffering and hurting let's find comfort in the loving arms of Jesus. Evil is within. The most needy place in the world is the human heart. Loving hearts do not hurt or murder.

Many people facing tragedies of many sorts question 'Why'. The answer for me is what Jesus said. "The devil has come to kill, steal and to destroy but I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." Evil must be confronted with the Name and Person of Jesus. Even thought the purpose of sharing Jesus is for people to be saved the overflow is that it is the greatest source of moral good on earth. Following Jesus develops Godly living and actions.


aurora family  


My wife Denise and I live in the Denver area and I have several children and grandchildren living in Aurora.  At one time or another Denise, daughters Gina, Joy, Sophia and son Joel and his wife Cuc Kim and grandson Gideon have been out with the cross. My daughter Gina has been out with her cross and another friend I know has been out with another cross. Rev. Gregory McDonald has been a great help. People are crowding around all three crosses. People rush to the cross, touching it, crying, praying and then we sing a song and some people bring flowers. Dozens and hundreds of people have been coming to the crosses. They find comfort and hope and see the love of Jesus. It's moving beyond words. A light in darkness. People see the cross and rush up to say "Thank you, oh thank you for bringing the cross. Please pray for the people in Aurora, Denver and all of Colorado because there was much suffering and death from the fires a few weeks ago.

I pray that no more such events happen in the world but should a tragedy happen in your area. One thing you can do is make a cross and go to the place of need and the people will come to the cross. We must identify Jesus and the cross with people where they are. I have given my life out where the people are around the world sharing face to face the message of Jesus and the cross.

I would like to add that I was deeply moved with the response of the pastors and outreach groups of the Denver area to this crisis. They were there. At some points there were more ministers than people. But in the larger gatherings the needs of the people far out numbered the people ministering and so we got the people in smaller groups with their arms around each other and shared Jesus, sang and prayed.

Sure there are many ways to minister but whatever way Jesus leads you...Go


aurora Gina  


Share Jesus with others. We can feed, clothe, build houses, and do great service for others but remember is was Jesus that said "what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul". How shall they hear without a preacher?

So to a lost, hurting and needy world the cross like a big flag or banner of God 'I love you'! What is your response? Will you say like Isaiah "Here am I Lord, send me"

Jesus said " pray the Lord of harvest to send laborers into the harvest" that is my prayer.

Lets let the light of love and mercy in Jesus bloom like that flower in the ashes. A troubled world needs Jesus. I can tell you Moslems were hungry for Jesus in the war in Lebanon and I've see it the world over with peoples of all religions and races. Let's take Jesus where the people are and the needs are. More than anything in a disaster people need hope! Love! Understanding! ...and Jesus.

Many times as I've walked the roads of the world the water running down my face has been tears and not sweat. The love of Jesus and the lost souls call me on. I can never stop as long as I have breath. I must go to the people of this world with the Person of Jesus no matter what the cost. Jesus is calling me...what about you?


Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Blessitt, Luke 18:1  


(I have carried a twelve foot cross around the world in every nation, major inhabited island group and territory for a total of 321. Have carried the cross over 40,000 walking miles over the past 44 years. Been through 54 wars, in arrested 24 times, walked about 80 million steps, carried a weight of about 18 billion pounds and at the age of 71 don't have a ache or pain in my body. God willing I'll be 72 October 27th :) Jesus did it. All glory to God)


*We will be in Southern California July 29th through the next week filming "Message of the Cross" programs shown twice weekly on TBN TV. I'll be a guest on "Praise the Lord" on TBN August 2nd with Matt Crouch. Will share about ministering in Aurora to the people there.

*I have done interviews with TV, newspapers, magazines around the world and always sharing the message of Jesus and the cross


* I will be hosting TBN "Praise the Lord" worldwide twice in August and on as a guest once.


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Arthur Blessitt Evangelistic Association

P. O. Box 632246

Littleton, Colorado 80163-2246

Office phone 303-355-2234

We are a 501 3c non profit ministry incorporated since 1967.


Thanks for your great financial support and partnering with us to take the cross, the message of Jesus along with hope and love to the world. Please pray for us and the suffering people in Colorado. We love you all. Your support is welcomed and needed. God bless you.