Jesus Movement

All Saints' Church E-Newsletter
 Finding our story in God's story, and the courage to talk about it.  

Friday, January 15, 2016   
In this issue:
The Book of Signs
Altar Flowers
Musical missionaries
Class sponsorship for 2016
Nominations for Vestry
Cheryl Minor has a new position.
Quick Reminders:

Annual Meeting
January 31
11:30 am

All Saints' Window 
This Sunday
January 17

The Second
Sunday after the Epiphany
8:00 am -
Holy Eucharist

No Adult Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am -
Holy Eucharist
Combined Godly Play classes

11:30 am - 
Coffee Hour

Coming Up:

Wednesday, 1/20
Vestry Meets

Sunday, 1/24
By-law Forum

Sunday, 1/31
Annual Meeting

Epiphany and "the Book of Signs"

John 20:30 Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.
Jesus changes water into wine.

There is a widespread scholarly view that John's gospel can be broken into four parts: an introductory part (John 1:-1:18), the Book of signs (1:19 to 12:50), the Book of exaltation (13:1 to 20:31) and an epilogue (chapter 21).

There are a total of seven "signs" in "the Book of Signs".  The miracle at the Wedding in Cana is the first.  

John's account is familiar enough: Jesus and his disciples, along with Mary, Jesus' mother, are invited to a wedding in Cana. The wine gives out-an occurrence which, I once heard someone point out, might not have happened if all those disciples hadn't been there. Mary points out the lack of libations to Jesus. Initially resistant, Jesus relents and calls for the servants to fill six stone jars, used for the Jewish rites of purification, with water. When a sampling of the contents is taken to the chief steward, he is stunned and begins to praise the groom for saving the good wine until now, when many of the guests have become too drunk to notice.

John makes a point of letting us know that this is the first of Jesus' miracles-"the first of his signs" (from the Greek semeion), as some translations put it. It's John's way of calling us to pay particular attention to what's going on here. Jesus' action at the wedding at Cana is not only a wonder in itself; it reveals much about who he is and what he has come to do. Jesus offers here a foretaste, if you will, of the wonders he will yet perform; his gesture is a harbinger of the bent toward plenitude that will mark his ministry.

Join us Sunday as we ponder the first of these signs and wonder together about how it helps us understand more about who Jesus was and is for each of us.
Altar Flower Memorials for 2016

Did you know that every Sunday there is an opportunity to give glory to God and memorialize a loved one with a donation towards the flowers on the altar?  You can also give flowers in thanksgiving for an anniversary or another special event in your life or the life of a loved one.  

There is a new sign-up sheet in the Clark Street Vestibule (on the way up the stairs to coffee hour) that shows all the Sundays of the year and which ones are open.  Questions?  Speak to one of the members of the Altar Guild.
Pray for our Mission Team in Haiti

Our Musical Missionaries are returning home on Saturday night.  We look forward to hearing from them about their adventures!  Please pray for their safety as they travel home. 

Thank you to all those who helped the team prepare for the trip:  Audrey Martin, Liz McCarthy, Nancy Morrison, Suzanne Bloore, Fran Hutchinson, Janet Macdonald, and Donna Gross.  Thank you also for the incredible response to our fundraiser over the last month.  
Class sponsorship in Haiti for 2016
Haitian school boy

A fresh sign-up is up in the Clark St. Vestibule (the same place where the old one was).  The Vestry is planning to move some of our pledge to Mission of Hope in Haiti for our class of 2nd graders onto the operating budget, but we are still in need of sponsors.  Let us know if you have any questions!  
Nominations for Officers, Vestry, Convention Delegates & Alewife Deanery Delegates

The Nominating Committee voted the following slate of candidates to be elected into office at the Annual Meeting of the Parish scheduled for January 31.  Nominations are also welcome from the floor.   Be sure you check with someone before nominating them, and they must be present at the annual meeting so they can accept the nomination in person.
  • Senior Warden            Nancy Morrison
  • Junior Warden            Dwayne Aljets
  • Treasurer                    David Doneski
  • Clerk                           Audrey E. Martin
  • Vestry Members         
    • Larry Macdonald (completing Dwayne Aljets term - 1 year)
    • Elizaberth McCarthy (3 yr. term)
    • Regina Raz (3 yr. term)
  • Alewife Deanery Delegates 
    • Debbie Caruso
    • Janet Macdonald
  • Diocesan Convention Delegates
    • Mike Blasik
    • Gregory Harrison 
Cheryl Minor named the Director of 
the Godly Play Foundation's Center 
for the Theology of Childhood

Our Co-Rector, the Rev. Cheryl Minor, has accepted the position of the Director of the Center for the Theology of Childhood.  In this 15-20 hour a month position, she will join Senior Fellow Jerome Berryman to lead the Foundation's work in research, writing, publications, and academic offerings.  
We are a community gathered to find our story in God's story and the courage to talk about it.

Our purpose
is to know Jesus Christ and to make him known.

Our vision is to be a center of Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church.

Our mission is to communicate the universal church's witness to Jesus within the congregation and to the world thereby making disciples of Jesus Christ who personally know Jesus and strive to make him known.