Advent 3  
All Saints' Church E-Newsletter
 Finding our story in God's story, and the courage to talk about it.  
December 12, 2014    
In this issue:
Christmas Greens
Stewardship Report
Complete your pledge for 2014
2015 Mission Trip to Haiti
Pledge to help sponsor our class in Haiti for 2015
Welcome home Kwan Kew Lai
Wonder Wednesdays
Weather related cancellations.
Quick Reminders

Join us for a special Advent service
Lessons and Carols 
10:00 a.m.


Greening the church


All Saints' Window
 Sunday, Dec. 14

The Third Sunday in 
8:00 am -
   Holy Eucharist 

8:15 am - 
   Choir warm-up

10:00 am -
  Lessons and       
Godly Play 

11:30 am -
   Coffee Hour
   No Youth Choir 

Wed. 12/17 
7:30 pm -
Vestry Meeting

Sun. 12/21 
Greening of the Church

Christmas Eve
5:00 p.m. - Festival Holy Eucharist
Christmas Day
0:00 a.m. -
Holy Eucharist

The Third Sunday of Advent  ~ 
Advent Lessons and Carols 


"Beloved in Christ, in this season of Advent, let it be

our care and delight to prepare ourselves to hear again the message of the Angels, and in heart and mind to go  even unto Bethlehem, to see the Babe lying in a manger..."


So begins the heart-catching service of Advent Lessons and Carols, a beloved service one can find being used, in some form or another by Christians, Anglican or not, throughout the world.  


Join us for this service this Sunday, December 14 at 10:00 am to hear the readings from Holy Scripture that tell the story of the Fall in the Garden of Eden, God's promise of redemption in the words of the prophets, leading up to the story of the Annunciation ~ when the angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she has been chosen to be the mother of Jesus.  Each lesson is followed by a carol or other song that reflects on the lesson's message and a brief prayer.  


The choirs have been working hard to prepare special music and we'll be joined by guest organist David Owens.  Don't miss this very special event.


Invite your friends!  


Cheryl and Paul 

Donations needed for Christmas 
Greens & Flowers
Greening the church

We are collecting donations towards our Christmas Greens and Flowers.
To make memorial donations to the "Christmas Greens" mail in or drop off your donation, including the names of those loved ones you would like remembered in our Christmas service leaflets.  

Plan now to join us on Sunday, December 21 as we "green the church" for our Christmas celebrations.

It is with grateful hearts that we share the good news that as of this week we have received 57 pledges, two more than we had this time last year, and a 5% overall increase in giving. Furthermore, the average pledge is now $3898, up a total of 10.5% over last year's average.

Many also made a pledge of time and talent this year:
  • Volunteer on Sundays  - 49%
  • Participate in Outreach - 33%
  • Participate in Adult Ed - 35%
  • Invite a friend to Church - 39%
  • Share my faith story - 26%
Also happy news is the fact that while five families did not renew a pledge for 2015, we have five new families that have made a pledge!

There is still time to make a pledge for 2015!  We know there are still a few of you out there who have not yet made a commitment.  Pledge cards are available in the Clark Street Vestibule. 

Prayers asked:

Please pray for the Vestry on Wednesday evening, Dec. 17, as they meet to vote a preliminary budget for 2015.  

The biggest decision is regarding the clergy salary.  By adding a paid organist position we are still facing about a $7500 deficit so cuts will be necessary if we are going to present a balanced budget.
Complete your Pledge for 2014

As we head into the final weeks of the year, please make sure you complete your pledge payments for the year, and if you are able, please consider making an additional gift so we can close our projected budget deficit. 


And as requested previously, when making pledge payments, whether in person or by mail, please use your printed envelope and use checks instead of cash.  Using the printed envelope simplifies the processing of payments for the offering stewards who count them as well as for the Assistant Treasurer/Bookkeeper, as well as providing you with better records of your payments for tracking and income tax purposes.

Please note:  All gifts must be postmarked by Dec. 31st in order to be counted for 2014.

Let's go to Haiti! 
February 14-21, 2015
All Saint's Music Missionaries with our 1st grade class last March.

Plans are underway for our second trip to Grand Goave, Haiti.  This time we'll go during the February, public school vacation (Feb. 14-21).  We anticipate the trip costing each missionary $500.00.  The deadline for reserving your spot on the trip is January 1. 

Once again we will spend the week working with the pre-school and primary school at Mission of Hope, continuing our "music mission" and re-connecting with our 1st grade class. 

Additionally we plan to hold teacher training sessions in the afternoon with a group from the school so they can continue the work after we leave. 

Not feeling very musical? Not to worry.  We can still use you as support staff throughout the week.  And, if you are a medical person, we'll put you to work in the medical clinic with Leah Fuller, the clinic director.

More information about Grand Goave, and Mission of Hope International is in the Clark Street Vestibule along with a sign-up sheet.  We need commitments by January 1st.
Help us sponsor our class at the Mission of Hope International School in Haiti during 2015
Haitian school boy

All Saints' sends $150.00 to the Mission of Hope International in Grand Goave, Haiti, to help with the expenses related to the First Grade Class at their school.


Our $150.00 pays the salary of one of the teachers and helps with some additional expenses too!  


We are looking for three families per month, to give just $50.00.  There is a sign-up sheet in the Clark Street Vestibule.  

Welcome home Dr. Kwan Kew Lai!

We are happy to welcome Dr. Kwan Kew Lai home from her time in Liberia caring for those with Ebola and helping to stop the spread of that deadly disease.

To read more about her trip and her home-coming be sure to follow the link below to her blog!

The next opportunity for Baptism is January 11 ~ The Feast of the Baptism of Jesus

Please speak with Cheryl and Paul to arrange for preparation if you or someone in your family is interested in being baptized on Sunday, January 11.

Wonder Wednesdays - Coming in January!

Wednesday is early dismissal day for many towns.  Are you looking for something to do with your kids?  Please consider "Wonder Wednesdays" at All Saints' Church.

For six Wednesdays from January 7 - February 11 All Saints' will welcome children ages 5-12 for an wonder-filled afternoon of Godly Play from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.  

Space is limited so register now!

Register Here
Weather related cancellations!
Doors with wreathes

As we head into December we thought it was time to remind you of how we will handle wintery weather and activities at All Saints'.

If a snow or ice storm hits on a Sunday morning its safe to assume that there will be worship at both 8:00 and 10:00 at All Saints' in Belmont --- after all, the clergy live right next door so they have no excuses!  However, we will (on occasion) cancel all 
other Sunday morning activities -- Church School, Choir, and the like.

Snow or ice during the week may also mean that some evening activities will get cancelled.  

How can you find out?  

1.  Cancellations will be broadcasted on WBZ News Radio 1030 and WBZ-TV.

2.  We will send out an email to those on our e-list.

3.  We will post a message on the website as quickly as possible.

4.  We will put a message on the church answering machine as quickly as possible.

Please note:  Even when church is not canceled, if it doesn't feel safe to you (or you can't get dug out in time), we will understand!  Always err on the side of safety!!
We are a community gathered to find our story in God's story and the courage to talk about it.

Our purpose
is to know Jesus Christ and to make him known.

Our vision is to be a center of Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church.

Our mission is to communicate the universal church's witness to Jesus within the congregation and to the world thereby making disciples of Jesus Christ who personally know Jesus and strive to make him known.