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April 2013
Dear Faculty,

Welcome to the Faculty Governance Spectator. Once a semester, this newsletter will come your way to provide a summary of business in faculty governance as well as items upcoming for governanceUse this link  to see the structure of governance to keep track of committees you are reading about. You may also find this helpful for understanding governance-speak.


By the way, this newsletter is a direct result of the Survey on Communication we ran on the Senate Moodle page.  


Governance by Topic

In this newsletter, you can choose what topics interest you the most and skip the rest. Check the side bar for the topics. Be sure to let us know of other topics that might interest you.

What's Hot in Governance
The Senate Budget Subcommittee has been working hard on creating budget priorities for Academic Affairs. See the report 


The Academic Planning Committee developed and the Senate and President approved a new policy on Online and/or Hybrid Instruction.


Electronic Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness are coming in the Fall. More below.

Resolution Endorsing Academic Senate CSU (ASCSU) Resolution AS-3090-12/EX Support of Proposition 30 on the November 2012 Ballot here


Resolution Regarding CSU Board of Trustees' Committee on Educational Policy September 2012 Agenda item 3, Upper Division General Education Degree Completion, Information [Amendedhere


Opposition to Proposition 32:  Political Contributions by Payroll Deduction.  Contributions to Candidates.  Initiative Statute. (The "Paycheck Protection" Initiative) 2012 here.



Resolution Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the SSU Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Grove here.


Resolution in Appreciation and Welcome Back for Laurel Holmstrom here


Resolution Reaffirming the Importance of Graduate Program and Access to Graduate Programs here



Resolutions approved so far Spring 2013


Resolution to Guarantee Year-Round On-Campus Housing for Current and Former Foster Youth Attending SSU here. 


General Topics of Discussion


There was substantial discussion about the budget situation in the Fall due to the uncertainty of the passage of Proposition 30. The President reported that campuses were being asked to come up with scenarios for further cuts. Fortunately, the proposition did pass and we were pleased to see an additional $125 million added to the CSU budget. The Board of Trustees is currently deciding how that $125 million will be allocated. Recently, we have heard that the Department of Finance and the Legislature are starting to discuss changing the funding formulas for the CSU and linking funding to "outcomes assessment." More to follow on this topic. Also, see above in What's Hot about the Senate Budget Subcommittee work on priorities for Academic Affairs. They still want faculty input. 

New name of School of Extended Education, etc

The School of Extended Education has been renamed The School of Extended and International Education. EPC did review this new naming. The Senate heard an informative report from Dean Merickel on 9/13 about his vision for the School and what opportunities bringing International Services under his School might bring. APC is working on formalizing how faculty work with The School of Extended and International Education on program development and implementation.

New Mandates

The CSU mandated that most degree programs can now not exceed 120 units. There were some exceptions. The Associated Students passed a resolution against the idea and quite a few campuses have now asked for an extension of the deadline. Several of the curricular proposals that came through EPC in the Fall were addressing this mandate.


Employees of higher education are now considered mandatory reporters of child abuse and child neglect. The Chancellor's office is attempting to create training and guidelines, but more work needs to be done. 


Two new policies of particular interest to faculty have been initiated by governance. As referenced above, a new Policy on Online and/or Hybrid Instruction has been approved through the President. A new policy on Course Instruction Materials Adoption has passed the Senate and is on its way to the President. 


FSAC is working on three aspects of SETEs. 1) In conjunction with Faculty Affairs, they are being consulted on the implementation of online SETEs. The Senate received a timeline for this implementation which will begin in the Fall. 2) FSAC is  working on a recommendation regarding whether all classes should be evaluated as put forward in the new Collective Bargaining Agreement. 3) A task force of FSAC is also working on the content of the SETEs and invites any faculty interested in this topic to join their efforts. 


Curricular Items approved in Fall 2012


GE Experimental Course Process and Form

Revision to the MA in Spanish 

Revision to the MBA 

Revision to the BS in Business Administration 

Revision to the Film Studies minor 

Revision to the CALS Interdisciplinary BA  

Revision to the CALS Teacher Prep track 

Revision to the MA in Counseling  


EPC is also starting to review certificate programs.

What To Watch For

A new tradition? If you serve in governance, you will be invited to the first "Governance Front Porch" social on August 29, 5:00 in the Commons. Meet other faculty in governance and also the student leaders in student governance in a relaxed, social setting. A must!


Early in the Fall we will be asking for people to run for Statewide Senator. Please give this some thought. We need a strong voice for our campus at the Statewide Senate to carry on the work of Brian Wilson and to compliment the work of Catherine Nelson. 


Each Fall the Senate hosts the Annual Emeritus Faculty Dinner to honor faculty who have newly received emeritus status. This is always a lovely event and not just for the newly or returning emeriti! Think about attending this year to feel more connected to the faculty and our campus traditions.

Sonoma State University Academic Senate
 707-664-2801 | [email protected] | Senate Home Page
1801 East Cotati Ave, ST 1027
Rohnert Park, CA 94928

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