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November Update
Your Vertical Transportation Information Source

Please use this complementary monthly newsletter as a resource for all of your vertical transportation needs.


Motivational Quote of the Month:

"The discovery that human intelligence can learn to function, with awareness, at altered levels of mind, will go down in history as the greatest discovery of man. It is sure to change our concepts of psychology, psychiatry, mind, and the subconscious." 

- Jos� Silva: was an American parapsychologist and author





Thanks For The Lift




WC Acc Lift  

We are of course a real business with bills to pay and jobs to complete. But, we have the additional benefit that what we do for a living helps people. Most of the time when a vertical transportation device is purchased, it is with the intent to enable at least one individual who has issues with mobility.







Click here to read the full story




The Final-Final

CC Dwg   

For the record, each and every custom home elevator Inclinator Company of California installs is well-custom! As in customized. It is constructed specifically for the site that it is planned to be located.


While this appears to be a (feeble) attempt at sarcastic humor, there is a well-intentioned purpose to the message. After a substantial amount of time mired with blueprints, permits, and all matters of paperwork, a home-builder can lose track of the fact that the residential elevator will not be built until the hoistway is one hundred percent finished and signed off by our company.



Click Here to read the full story


Elev Door Sliding




    • MYTH - Pushing the Door Close button will close the door faster.


      TRUTH - It may cause the doors to close sooner but not faster. If a buzzer the sounds, the doors may actually close slower.






We hope you enjoy our vertical transportation update and benefit from its content.  We are available in person or by phone to answer any of your questions or concerns.




 Robert Boardman


Otis at Home/Inclinator Company of California,


A Division of T. L. Shield and Associates, Inc.
(800) 201-1212
In This Issue
Thanks - Lift Article
Custom Planning
PVE Showroom
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Stump the Experts
Thinking Cap

Do you have a question or think you have an unsolvable situation or condition?

Email us your question or situation and we may feature it in our next newsletter.

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PVE Northern California Showroom

Inclinator Co. of Ca. would like to invite you to experience the smooth ride and elegance of our Pneumatic Vacuum Elevator product.  Call us today for directions to our Northern California Showroom located in Fairfield, CA. (Conveniently located between the Budweiser brewery and Jelly Belly!) PVE Demo



We know you have choices when it comes to your Vertical Transportation needs.  We want to help. 

Please give us a call and let us help you with your next project.