July 2016      
Welcome to the Envision Shooks Run e-newsletter. Future e-newsletters will be sent periodically with project updates, upcoming meeting schedules and other useful information about the study.
Project Contacts 


City Website: 



Project Website:



City of Colorado Springs

Aaron Egbert 719/385-5465
Project Consultant - FHU 
Dan Krueger, 719/314-1800
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Photos from Public Meeting
June 14, 2016

The Envision Shooks Run study focuses on one of the more important stream corridors in the central part of the City of Colorado Springs. The study area encompasses two boundaries: the Community Planning and Transportation System Area boundary (noted in blue in the map above) and the Infrastructure Planning Boundary (noted in red in the map above). The project area is generally located to the east of Downtown Colorado Springs, between the Patty Jewett Golf Course area to the north, and the Fountain Creek corridor, to the south. It encompasses the southeastern quadrant of the Legacy Loop trail.


"Confirming the Theme"

Approximately 80 citizens attended and participated in the Envision Shooks Run Public Workshop #4 held June 14, 2016 at First Presbyterian Church. Following a project update presentation detailing how the project arrived at the recommended corridor "Transformative" theme, participants broke into tables for focused discussions on various aspects/topics of the theme affecting sections of the corridor.

Next Steps

Public Workshop #5 will take place in September/ October, 2016.

Citizen Comments from June 14, 2016 
Public Workshop #4

"The team did a good job of listening to the comments from the last meeting and scaling back the transformative elements in the north areas, while keeping them south, thanks."

"I love that the city is looking at improving the Shooks Run Corridor."

"Need a phased and comprehensive plan to clean up the creek and maintain it. Need a "quick win" soon so citizens can see the benefits of the efforts. Need action. Need to establish a timeline for phases and improvements."

"While concerns were expressed about "affordable" housing, especially if not well arranged/designed, diversity of housing values and types is welcomed, appreciated."

"Ideas: botanical garden, bike park, adventure park, grocery store, restaurants, cafes, amphitheater, swimming pool, baseball stadium, soccer facility, dog park (in conjunction with the Lowell Development), soccer posts next to the southern basketball court and add seating, trash cans along the trail (maybe some recycling), restroom facility and dog waster facility, beer garden that allows dogs, pedestrian promenade on the spur line (like the Highline), and run trolleys on the spur with a trolley coffee shop and museum."

"Can we mitigate urban run-off into the creek? Is there an option for wetland development/utilization?"

Updated Project Schedule 
CLICK HERE to enlarge image.

With the June 14, 2016 Public Workshop #4, the Envision Shooks Run project has now completed the Vision and Focus milestones of the study.  The "Vision" phase involved confirming the vision for the corridor and surrounding area as previously defined by other community studies and planning processes. The "Focus" phase refined the multiple visions and focused the direction based on community desires for the corridor (the "Transformative" theme has been recommended and confirmed through the public involvement process). The project now moves into the "Planning" phase to determine how to best compliment the corridor vision with specific alternatives, moving toward development of a Facilities Master Plan.

The project schedule was revised in June of 2016 to respond to the community desire for Shooks Run to be greatly improved from what it is today. The key change was the addition of the development of a Facilities Master Plan to the project. The value of this addition is improved guidance to reach the goals for Shooks Run defined in the recommended Transformative Corridor Theme. The City will continue the original project effort after the Facilities Master Plan is developed and presented to City Council in late 2016.
The Transformative Theme 
CLICK HERE to enlarge

Following several months and hundreds of public comments/suggestions received during the four workshops held to date (an average of 120 individuals attended each workshop), numerous neighborhood and small group meetings, nearly 200 door-to-door visits with property owners, as well as community organization and elected official meetings, the community has directed the City toward a theme focused on using transportation, infrastructure and parks as seeds to encourage economic growth along the Shooks Run corridor.

CLICK HERE to read more.
Experience Legacy Loop. Tell us What You Think FREE Public Outing and Guided Tour

View displays and tell us your preferences for landscaping, aesthetics, lighting, wayfinding signage and features for potential events at the site of the new Legacy Loop plaza/trail head. Then join the educational guided pedal tour of Legacy Loop Phase 1 by Allen Beauchamp, Education and Encouragement Committee Chair of Bike Colorado Springs. Bring your bike, bring a helmet (required), bring your family!  Water and popsicles provided. 

Time/Date: 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, July 30, 2016
Location: Meet at the site of new Legacy Loop plaza/trail head: east of I-25/railroad tracks at the Fontanero Street terminus, between Recreation Way and the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail.

Shooks Run is part of Legacy Loop, a comprehensive trail and park development project. Click here for more information about the Legacy Loop.

Las Vegas Street Corridor Study: Located at the south end of the Shooks Run Corridor. For more information, contact George Hayward at (719) 314-5018.