The Fremont Club Experience

The Award Winning Rotary Club of Las Vegas Fremont

            "The Downtown Club"

Join us Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., inside Hugo's Cellar at 

The Four Queens Hotel & Casino, 202 E Fremont St, Las  Vegas, NV.

We are celebrating our 28th Anniversary - Chartered February 1, 1986



President Robin Smith opened our first meeting of February for what would prove to be another full meeting with several guests in attendance.  A warm LV Fremont welcome was extended to:

  • Tara Iamnucci, Kids Club partner and guest of Patty Saavedra
  • Tammy Hall and Pam Dreyer, Directors of Four Queens Catering & Sales and guests of the Club
  • Rick Wallace, Hansen Water Treatment, guest of Joe Parnello
  • Richard Berman, guest of Steve Gibson

The business portion of the meeting could not have started off with anything less than a rousing round of thank yous to Fundraising Chair Carla Smith for the very successful sales of the Big Game squares.  Thanks to every member who sold and purchased squares and a big congratulations to the winners!


And, then it was time to induct our newest member Bonnie Helms of Stewart Title, who was sponsored by Asst. Gov/Past President Linda Bertuzzi (10-11).  Bonnie's husband, Alan, was a member of our group some years back.  Through a chance crossing of paths with Linda, Bonnie was reintroduced to our club and very eager to join.  Welcome Bonnie & Alan!  We are thrilled to you back in the family.  A cake was presented to celebrate our 40th member, however, a few members decided it should also be to celebrate our 28th anniversary AND Carla's birthday, and so it was!





  • Fundraising Chair Carla, barely recovered from the Big Game fundraiser, didn't let too much time pass before she dove right into the 4th Annual 2014 Block Party.  Six tickets have been distributed to each member to sell.  Only six per member - that should be easy!  (And word is that as of the publication of this newsletter, Patty & AG/PP Linda had already sold theirs and are asking for more!)  This event is going to sell out quickly, so make sure you have your tickets in hand soon.  The venue is 3rd Street Stage, under the Fremont Experience, where we will dance to a very talented DJ, dine on delicious food from the Four Queens chefs, enjoy photo ops and bid for those perfect raffle prices.  If you are interested in sponsoring, contact Charter Member, Treasurer & Past Pres. Albert Guida, Jr. (94-95), and all credit card charges will go through Pres. Elect Teresa Sowers. 
  • Past Pres. Roger Tabor (02-03), announced just a few more homes are needed for the Haitian Soccer Team during the Mayor's Cup during Presidents weekend.  It's a once in a lifetime experience to share such a special weekend for kids who have probably never travelled outside their native country, let alone played in such a large event.  Contact International Chair Steve Reiter if you can host a few of the boys.

Cross-fines were numerous - to Kevin Mills for providing an awesome dining experience for the Puliz grandbabies at the Omelet House; to AG/PP Linda for not knowing the number of years PP Lane Kay (12-13) has been a Rotarian (7 years) and for her outstanding presentation at the recent BODTS training; to Membership Chair Michael Woodfield for "hurling a cork" at Steve Gibson during the Fireside Chat; a self-fine to PP Lane for his son Sean's successful 17 rebounds at his basketball game; to Patty for giving away Michael's seat at the meeting, and to AG/PP LB for taking it; to Butch Benda & Past Pres. Drew Levy (91-92) for not leaving the UNLV game early; to Terry Wong for his recent "pinless" TV interview; cross-fines to all the Bronco fans and to all the Big Game Board winners - and finally, from Miss Carla to everyone, a lucky bucks cross-fine to give good luck for her new job she has been working on and we heard she successfully earned!


Past District Governor Tom Novotny (2009-10), a long-time member of the Las Vegas West Club, has been very active in the District throughout his Rotary service.  He is currently in charge of the Youth Protection Program, and was on hand to train our members about the do's and don'ts when working with youth, whether it be during a Teen training camp, boarding the kids during the Mayor's Cup or just generally being in contact with kids during any youth event.  Some of the points discussed during the training were:

  • At the time of any report, never judge - listen attentively and stay calm.  Assure privacy, but not confidentiality, explaining someone must be told to prevent any harassment or abuse from continuing.
  • Always ensure the safety of the students, and if in a possible unsafe situation, remove the student, and do not challenge the alleged offender.
  • Avoid gossip or blame.
  • Always strive to have two adults, preferably one male and one female, present when working independently with kids.
  • No abusive statements targeting race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, gender, age, sex or sexual orientation will be tolerated.
  • Any physical contact is to be out in the open and should be brief, and respectful of child's resistance and only with the child's permission.

The training is mandatory every year before any adult is allowed to participate in Rotary youth programs.  An extensive background is required as well.  If you have any other questions or would like to participate in the Youth Protection training, contact PDG Tom


2013 Nova QR
2013 Nova Banner
2013-14 Platinum Sponsor
Committee Reports

Let the "Big Game" Begin!

Fundraising Chair Carla Smith was very happy (& exhausted) to report that  we sold every single square on the 5 boards and, after the payouts, our Club will net $5,000 which is being sent to the Downtown Rotary Charitable Organization to continue funding the extraordinary programs our Club is known for. Thanks to every single member and partner who made this possible!




Membership Chair Michael Woodfield greeted a large LV Fremont Rotary group at his home for our Fireside Chat on Thursday, January 30th.  With nearly as many new members as seasoned, and spouses/partners along-side, everyone was treated to a potluck of appetizers and refreshments before getting down to the business of "What is Rotary?"  The leadership was on hand to provide our Club's story and committee reports, allowing time for Q&A as needed.  With the upcoming Block Party getting closer, the topics of Fundraising, Chair Carla Smith, and Foundation, Chair Past Pres. Allen Puliz (04-05/06-07), were the most discussed topics, allowing everyone to come up to speed on both committees and hopefully encourage a lot more member involvement at every level of the Club.  And special congrats to our new blue badge holders - Steve & Drizzle Gibson and Kevin Mills. Another one will be planned in the near future - don't miss it!



Back to Booker Program


As part of the New Generation's sub-committee Back to Booker program, chaired by AG/PP Linda Bertuzzi, various members volunteer to conduct mini classes for the fifth grade classes on etiquette, personal hygiene and other topics to aid the children as they move into middle school and adult life.  The topic this past week was etiquette with an emphasis on a proper greeting and handshake.  It's amazing how something so seemingly small was able to fill the entire 15 minutes allotted.  The kids really enjoyed learning about how the handshake came to be and evolved into what we know today in the business world.  They practiced smiling, saying hello and making eye contact, all the while offering their hand in friendship.  With the assistance of Past Pres. Dulcinea Rongavilla (11-12), who pulled together material from her experience at the Boys and Girls Club and was covered by AG/PP Linda, along with Colleen Malany Braid and Patricia Saavedra, who both have extensive experience working with kids, the presentations were superb. 



Save the Dates
February 11  Lynda Jean  - Power of Business Etiquette
February 11 - "League of Extraordinary Booker Students" club visit
February 18 - Four Way Speech Contest
February 25 - Alyson McCarthy, Ronald McDonald House

 Projects & Events
February 13 - League of Extraordinary Booker Students 2nd trimester award presentation
February 13 - March 1 - 2014 Polio Dream Team to India
February 21st - 23rd - PETS at LAX, Registration here
February 15-17 - LV Mayors Cup International Soccer Tournament
February 19 - Agassi BD Bash
April 24 - Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Block Party - Celebrate Rotary Las Vegas Style!
INTERESTED IN SPEAKING? If you or someone you know is interested in making a presentation at our regularly scheduled luncheons, please contact Speaker's Bureau
2013-14 District Banner
  District 5300 & RI News


2014 Peace Conference


District 5300 is holding its annual Peace Essay contest focused on the theme of "Unity through Diversity".  The essay is to think about our communities today, whether its global, country, city, school or even family, and consider the differences that can be discovered to unite diverse peoples to work together to promote peace. The 1,000 word essay is due by February 21st and open to all high schools in our District.  Prizes are first $500, second $250 and third $100.  Only the first 100 entries received will be accepted.  Get the word out to high schools in your community and encourage the schools to have their students enter.  Click here for rules and submission requirements.


To our members:

Articles are due by the end of business each Thursday.  If you send articles, please make sure they are word format, and all pictures must be jpeg format.  Thank you for all of you who take the time to contribute - this is your newsletter and we need your help.

February 9, 2014



28 years of 

"Service Above Self"

Volume 5-Issue 26

2013-14 RI Theme


In This Week's Newsletter
Upcoming Calendar
Club Leadership
Birthday & Anniversaries
Captain's Duties


Robin Smith
2013-14 Pres RS  
President Elect 
Teresa Sowers
Larry Goldstein
Al Guida, Jr.
al guida 
Past President
Lane Kay
Lane Kay  
Club Administration
Marilene Nevins
Bulletin Editor
Linda Bertuzzi


Check out our website!


Join Our Mailing List

Club Anniversaries







Albert Guida, Jr.

28 years


Jim Main

28 years


Gary Prater

28 years


Birthdays & Anniversaries 

Carla Smith
February 4
Amy Tabor
February 15
Kathy York
February 26
 If we have missed your special day, let us know!

 Meeting Captain   

Hector Buendia
February 11

Cameron Christiansen
February 18

Bernice Davidson
February 25
The Four WayTest


Of the things we think, say or do


1. Is it the TRUTH?


2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?




4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


Rotary at a Glance

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Fremont Club Editor
Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club