The Fremont Club Experience

The Award Winning Rotary Club of Las Vegas Fremont

            "The Downtown Club"

Join us Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., inside Hugo's Cellar at 

The Four Queens Hotel & Casino, 202 E Fremont St, Las  Vegas, NV.

We are celebrating our 28th Anniversary - Chartered February 1, 1986




It's hard to believe we are at the end of January already.  President Robin Smith just returned from a two day President's Advance conference in Palm Springs, recharged and ready to go.  President's Advance is so named because presidents don't retreat - really!   She opened the meeting for the "greatest club in the universe" and after a bit of time for fellowship and lunch, moved on to introductions:


Bonnie Helms of Stewart Title, guest of Asst. Gov./Past Pres. Linda Bertuzzi (10-11)

Rena Hughes, Attorney, guest of Cameron Christiansen

Chuck Carson, Past President, North Fern, Indiana

Richard Cross, Russell Kansas Rotary


Our Rotary guests were here for the furniture convention and Chuck hopes to return for our Block Party in April.  Roger Bishop was glad to be back after a short leave of absence.



  • Las Vegas Mayor's Cup International Soccer Tournament - International Chair Steve Reiter announced three homes have been secured for the visiting Haitian soccer team, but a few more are needed.  Housing, meals and transportation are involved for the kids and volunteers would be greatly appreciated.
  • JDRF Soccer Day - Chair & Past Pres. Lane Kay (12-13) indicated everything is finalized for the 2nd annual JDRF Soccer event at the Las Vegas Indoor Soccer Park being held on February 9th from 10-12.  Rotarians are asked to be on hand to set up and serve/cleanup beginning at 9:30. 
  • 4th Annual Block Party - Fundraising Chair Carla Smith updated us on the great progress being made for our Party on April 24th.  This is the biggest event we host and one of the most popular in the District due to its venue at the Fremont Experience.  There is room for one more Gold Sponsor, a few more Silver and a few more table sponsors.  But, honestly, if another Platinum Sponsor or two, are brought in, that would be terrific, too!  Tickets will be available to sell and distributed at the February 4th meeting.  Seven tickets are all each member is requested to sell.  It will take every Rotarian to make this the party of the year and Carla and her team are promising to take this one to the next level.


Past Pres. Paul Bell (98-99) received the first Presidential Recognition of the year for his wife's win of the Review Journal's drawing for a 2-door Fiat.  Of course, the fact that she upgraded to a 4-door didn't help as the recognition was upgraded as well.  Congratulations Wende!


Cross-fines - Michael Woodfield was at the center of several as he fined AG/PP Linda for not returning his Seahawks hat, and then took two fines for not allowing one of our guests speak when introduced and for sending his wife to Disneyland without the kids, which he corrected to being "told" she was going and that brought a few more dollars out of his pocket; to Patty Saavedra for not completing her Captain's duties the previous week; to the entire membership from Past Pres. Roger Tabor (02-03) because no one stepped up to take the free rugby tickets; and finally a selfie from PP Lane for his son's semi-finalist win in the mock trials at Faith Lutheran.


Two-time Past President Allen Puliz (04-05/06-07), who also serves as the Club's Foundation Chair, gave a presentation on the Rotary International Foundation and the Club's Downtown Rotary Charitable Organization.  All dollars raised at a local level through our fundraising efforts go to our Charitable fund, providing necessary resources for home builds in Mexico, water projects in India and elsewhere, RYLA & TLC scholarships, winning checks for Dan Stover, Four Way Speech Contest, Booker Thanksgiving, Easter Seals, among just a few, as well as the generous donations to Ronald McDonald House and Operation School Bell.  The Charitable Board meets three times a year and votes on the programs and funding requests received from the Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club Board.  Thousands go through our Charitable fund each year, and the ability to continue to make these donations is due in no small part to the excellent work by our fundraising committees and membership.   The Board is comprised of:


Linda Bertuzzi, President

Dulcinea Rongavilla, President Elect

Albert Guida, Jr., Treasurer

Robert Goldstein, Secretary

Allen Puliz, Director

Jim Main, Director

Amy Tabor, Director


The history of Rotary International's Foundation began at the 1917 Rotary convention where outgoing RI President Arch C. Klumph proposed to set up an endowment "for the purpose of doing good in the world." In 1928, it was renamed The Rotary Foundation, and it became a distinct entity within Rotary International. "The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world. This support is essential to make possible Foundation grant-funded projects that bring sustainable improvement to communities in need."  Contributions provide support for such programs as PolioPlus, Paul Harris and the Permanent Fund.  Millions and millions are distributed through grants each year to fund 6 areas of focus - water & sanitation, maternal & child health, basic education & literacy, economic & community development, peace & conflict resolution/prevention and disease prevention & treatment.  RI's Foundation's work and funding is extensive and is well covered in this brochure, which every member is encouraged to read. Rotary Foundation Brochure  This link Foundation will take you to the Rotary website for more information on how you can donate.


2013 Nova QR

2013-14 Platinum Sponsor
Committee Reports

Let the "Big Game" Begin!

The teams and numbers have been drawn for the Super Bowl on February 2nd.  Thank you from Fundraising Chair Carla Smith for EVERYONE's efforts in completing all the Boards.  It was a team effort and no surprise that we filled all five boards.  And speaking of teams, may the best team win!




Welcome to our Club's newest member, John Chmela and his wife Claire, inducted on January 21st. John is the Managing Director/CEO of Blacknet Group, with expertise in social media marketing.  He was a member of the Rotary One Club in Chicago from 2003-2006 and moved to Vegas about a year ago. Welcome John & Claire!




Agassi Birthday Bash


In keeping with our Club's reputation for having a good time, Past President and Charter Member Albert Guida, Jr.  provided some great fun for the January birthday bash at the Agassi Boys and Girls Club!  From the pin the tail on the pig to the gooey bug snatchers, the kids were entertained and really enjoyed their special birthday celebration.  The girls were pitted against the boys and the contest was close for both games.   And, it seems PP Al was enjoying the games just as much as the kids!  President Robin and AG/PP Linda were on hand to help with the festivities and Drizzle Gibson arrived in the nick of time with the highly anticipated birthday gift bags.  See you next time on February 19th for another great party! 





Save the Dates
February 4 - PDG Tom Novotny, Rotary Youth Protection Program
February 11  Lynda Jean  - Power of Business Etiquette
February 11 - "League of Extraordinary Booker Students" club visit
February 18 - Four Way Speech Contest
February 25 - Alyson McCarthy, Ronald McDonald House

 Projects & Events
February 4 - Monthly Board Meeting, all members welcome
February 4 - Serve at Ronald McDonald House (contact Rob Goldstein to volunteer)
February 9 - JDRF Soccer event, (contact Lane to volunteer)
February 13 - League of Extraordinary Booker Students 2nd trimester award presentation
February 13 - March 1 - 2014 Polio Dream Team to India
February 15-17 - LV Mayors Cup International Soccer Tournament
February 19 - Agassi BD Bash
INTERESTED IN SPEAKING? If you or someone you know is interested in making a presentation at our regularly scheduled luncheons, please contact Speaker's Bureau
2013-14 District Banner
  District 5300 & RI News


2014 Peace Conference


Registration has opened for the 25th Annual Peace Conference on March 1, 2014. Our theme this year is Unity Through Diversity. Participants will learn from Keynote speaker and Rotary International Vice President Dr. Anne L. Matthews, Distinguished Guest Speakers United Nations Delegate Mattias Sundholm, and Federal Judge Samuel Der Yegiayan. We will host a Peace Concert, enjoy hearing from youth panelists, and celebrate with several awards and recognitions. Seating is limited to the first 359 registrants so be sure to register early. Adult Tickets are $20.00 each with student tickets $5.00 each. See attached flyer for more details or visit the district website at District 5300.  We are asking for each club to help sponsor the event with any amount that you can.  Your sponsorship helps us grow the Peace Institute and the Peace Initiatives that help us make the world a better place. Based on your sponsorship level there are free tickets to the Peace Conference. Information 

To our members:

Articles are due by the end of business each Thursday.  If you send articles, please make sure they are word format, and all pictures must be jpeg format.  Thank you for all of you who take the time to contribute - this is your newsletter and we need your help.

February 2, 2014



28 years of 

"Service Above Self"

Volume 5-Issue 25

2013-14 RI Theme


In This Week's Newsletter
Upcoming Calendar
Club Leadership
Birthday & Anniversaries
Captain's Duties


Robin Smith
2013-14 Pres RS  
President Elect 
Teresa Sowers
Larry Goldstein
Al Guida, Jr.
al guida 
Past President
Lane Kay
Lane Kay  
Club Administration
Marilene Nevins
Bulletin Editor
Linda Bertuzzi


Check out our website!



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Club Anniversaries







Albert Guida, Jr.

28 years


Jim Main

28 years


Gary Prater

28 years


Birthdays & Anniversaries 

Carla Smith
February 4
Amy Tabor
February 15
Kathy York
February 26
 If we have missed your special day, let us know!

 Meeting Captain   

Colleen Braid
February 4

Hector Buendia
February 11

Cameron Christiansen
February 18

Bernice Davidson
February 25
The Four WayTest


Of the things we think, say or do


1. Is it the TRUTH?


2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?




4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


Rotary at a Glance

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Fremont Club Editor
Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club