The Fremont Club Experience

The Award Winning Rotary Club of Las Vegas Fremont

            "The Downtown Club"

Join us Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., inside Hugo's Cellar at 

The Four Queens Hotel & Casino, 202 E Fremont St, Las  Vegas, NV.

Fremont Street



President Lane Kay, counting the few short weeks remaining until his retirement, opened our weekly meeting with an energetic ring of the bell.  After the inspirational moment, salute to the flag and song, we shared fellowship over lunch, with a little networking thrown in for good measure.  Moving on to introductions, we welcomed Drizzle, spouse of new member Steve Gibson, Las Vegas Rotary Past Pres. (and honorary member) Russell Swain, and a former member Alan Helms, guest of Past Pres. Drew Levy.


Announcements - We will be presenting a $500 check to the Agassi Boys and Girls Club at 4:15 just before our monthly Birthday Bash on Wednesday, June 19th. The funds will be used to purchase additional books for the Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Reading Room at the Club and bookplates signed by our speakers throughout the year will be placed in each of the new books.  The shopping expedition to the local Barnes & Noble Store will be coordinated by Agassi and open to any of our Rotarians who would be interested in tagging along. This donation is just one of many items funded by the Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Foundation.


Projects Chair Rob Goldstein said final details are almost in place for the Ronald McDonald House dinner on Thursday, June 20th.  Steve Reiter will be providing barbecued chicken, cooked fresh on the grill in the parking lot at RMH, and several other members will be preparing the side dishes.  Additional information will be forthcoming in the next week.


Fundraising Chair Carla Smith will be sending out e-mails to all members to find out who is interested in being part of the Block Party committee for 2013-14.  The planning is going to start much earlier this year and anyone interested should contact Carla as soon as possible.  Speaking of the Block Party, Membership Chair Mike Woodfield requested names and contact information for any guests who attended the party so he can follow up about the possibility of joining Rotary.


2013 Debunking Pres
His new pinstripe suit

Due to Past Pres. Gary Prater's absence at the debunking (which cost him during cross-fines), Pres. Lane presented Gary's thank you gift for outstanding PR duties at our meeting.  Pres. Lane also extended a very big thank you to Past Pres. Roger Tabor and his bride Amy for hosting the debunking at their home - the perfect venue, with the perfect weather and delicious food.  There wasn't much more Lane could say about the evening, since, to paraphrase a famous Las Vegas quote, "what happens at the debunking stays at the debunking!"  He did offer an apology to Immed. Past Pres. Dulcinea Rongavilla for mispronouncing her name at the party (of course, he was set up by a few past presidents) and thanked her for the 3 year plan begun during her year. He also recognized PP Drew for referring to him as a mensch on facebook, which apparently is a good thing. Additional pictures of the debunking are available on our facebook page and the Club's website.


Dr. Terry Wong upgraded to the Blue Badge of Honor and shared his one Rotary moment, which was short and sweet - "Being a party of the best club in the universe.  What more needs to be said?"  We agree Terry!


And, then the cross-fines - to Teresa Sowers for hot air ballooning with one fella Saturday morning and then being seen at the Aria with another, Dancing With the Stars hunk Derek Hough, later in the day; to Past Pres. Paul Bell for continuing to soak Pres. Lane long after the other past presidents had finished and also for his poor water gun technique; to PP Gary for "having the opportunity to attend the debunking and choosing not to"; and one more to Teresa for also squirting the president after everyone was done, which turned into a confession by Pres. Elect Robin Smith who said it was she who was the culprit.


2013 Darby & Miller
Ashley & Michael at the Emmy's

Michael Darby and Smile's goal is to reach children when they are a blank canvas. The band/anti- bullying authors want to stop the problem before it starts. They accomplish this with a show that leads by example teaching children to discover the best part of who they are and who they can become. The age2013 I Have a Friend Who book group they target is K-3rd grade. The band comes with a world class performance that lifts the children up when they are down and pushes them higher when they are almost there. Children leave the Michael Darby and Smile show educated, motivated and confident.  With Michael Darby on the guitar, partner Ashley Miller tap dances to improv music personalized for the audience.  Pres. Lane was treated to an interactive song about him and his love for golf.  Michael and Ashley have also written a book, I Have a Friend Who..., which teaches children that no matter how different they are, they can still be friends.  Check out their website atMichael Darby and Smile.  And, just a note, the Club purchased several of the books to be donated to the reading room at Agassi. Photos courtesy of their website.


2013 Nova QR

2013-14 Platinum Sponsor
 Committee Reports    
Projects - Ronald McDonald House Dinner Service
Headed by Projects Chair Rob Goldstein, LV Fremont Rotary Club members will be gathering on June 20th at the Ronald McDonald House located at 2323 Potosi St, Las Vegas, to serve the families who are staying at the facility during their children's medical evaluations and treatments at local hospitals.  Something as simple as a home cooked meal can reduce the stress of worrying about the expenses of or where to get their next meal.  It brings them to a common table with new friends and volunteers to take a little of the burden of their shoulders.  This opportunity has a limited number of spaces available.  Contact Rob at if you have questions or are interested in volunteering.
2012-13 RI Theme          
                   Save the Dates
June 11- Asst. Gov/Past Pres. Linda Bertuzzi, 2013 Polio National Immunization Day in India
June 18 - Judge Frank Sullivan, Access to Justice Project
June 25 - President Lane Kay's final meeting and recap of his year
 Projects & Events
June 19 - Agassi BD Bash
June 20 - LV Fremont members will serve at Ronald McDonald House
July 4 - Summerlin Patriotic Parade - sign up on DaCdb
INTERESTED IN SPEAKING? If you or someone you know is interested in making a presentation at our regularly scheduled luncheons, please contact Speaker's Bureau
  District 5300 & RI News


Scholarships to The Girls of the Piyali School in Calcutta, India


District 5300 Governor Sylvia Whitlock invites you to join her on her extraordinary travels to The Girls of the Piyali School in Calcutta, India,  where she will deliver the scholarships collected from members and clubs within 5300. In addition to the school tour, there will be extensive travels throughout Delhi, Agra and Calcutta.  The dates are August 30 through September 9, 2013.  Contact Robert Bridel at or 702-256-2872 for reservations.  Flyer is attached for more details.


Rotarians Rallying for Moore, Oklahoma Disaster Relief


2013 Moore OK

Oklahoma Rotary International Districts 5770 and 5750 are supporting the relief and recovery efforts related to the tragic events in Moore, Oklahoma, and the destruction from the tornado that hit there on May 20.  Many families and friends have suffered great loss.  It is estimated that there were between 12,000 and 13,000 homes destroyed or damaged, in addition to businesses and schools.  Tax-deductible donations to help in those efforts are being accepted.   Click this link to learn more about how you can help.




To our members:

Articles are due by the end of business each Thursday.  If you send articles, please make sure they are word format, and all pictures must be jpeg format.  Thank you for all of you who take the time to contribute - this is your newsletter and we need your help.

June 9, 2013


Celebrating 27 years of "Service Above Self"

Volume 4-Issue 39

Lisbon RI Conf 

In This Week's Newsletter
Upcoming Calendar
Club Leadership
Captain's Duties


Lane Kay 
Lane Kay 
President Elect
Robin I Smith
Robin Smith
President Elect Elect
Ray Jansma 
Ray Jansma 
Teresa Sowers
Al Guida, Jr.
al guida 
Past President
Dulcinea Almazan
Pres Dulcinea 
Public Relations
Gary Prater
Steve Reiter
Michael Woodfield
Robin Smith
Allen Puliz
Rob Goldstein
Carla Smith
Club Administration
Marilene Nevins
Bulletin Editor
Linda Bertuzzi


Check out our website!

Club Anniversaries


Laura Fitzpatrick

12 years

Birthdays & Anniversaries 

Drew & Debbie Levy
June 1
Lane & Susan Kay
June 5
Roger Bishop
June 8
Sandy Stolberg
June 8
Judy Goldstein
June 8
Rob Goldstein
June 12
Roy York
June 13
Kim Woodfield
June 19
Cameron & Jessica
June 28
 If we have missed your special day, let us know!

 Meeting Captain   

Larry Goldstein
June 11
Geoff Holmes
June 18
Lane Kay
June 25
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The Four WayTest


Of the things we think, say or do


1. Is it the TRUTH?


2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?




4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


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Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club