The Fremont Club Experience

The Award Winning Rotary Club of Las Vegas Fremont

            "The Downtown Club"

Join us Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., inside Hugo's Cellar at 

The Four Queens Hotel & Casino, 202 E Fremont St, Las  Vegas, NV.

Fremont Street



With the tap of the bell President Lane Kay once again opened the meeting for the Greatest Club in the Universe!  Charter Member and Past Pres. Jim Main (87-88) introduced his guest, Omelet House owner Kevin Mills and then we were off to a very busy meeting. 


President Lane ran through the long list of announcements (see Save the Dates below) with special emphasis on District Conference from May 16-19th in beautiful San Diego.  Projects Chair Rob Goldstein asked members to send him a note if they are interested in serving at the Ronald McDonald House on June 20th.  Having no member birthdays during the month of May, Rob is also looking for an Agassi Birthday Bash captain.


President Lane then moved on to acknowledgements for the 2013 Block Party.  After the thanking the entire committee and members for all of the long hours they spent planning our Club's signature event, he gave a note of gratitude to several members - to Pres. Elect Robin Smith for filling in as emcee, to Past Pres. Allen Puliz (04-05/06-07) for his outstanding role is auctioneer, to Cameron Christianson for securing the Las Vegas Tenors, to Colleen Braid for inviting the Phat Pack and to April Main for introducing us to Faith Lutheran Junior Sarah Paravia who opened our event with "Sweet Caroline" as a tribute to the recent Boston Marathon victims and survivors.  He also acknowledged Greg Clemens for having too much fun at a recent wine tasting event (sure there is a longer story there).


Block Party Co-Chair Carla Smith presented Four Queens employees Tami Hall and Vinnie Jacobsen with flowers from the all of our members for the outstanding service they provided with the delicious food and set up before the Block Party.  Carla also had presented flowers to Megan Conklin of the Fremont Street Experience prior to our meeting for the extraordinary job she and her team did on our event.

               2013 Vinnie flowers 2013 Tami Hall flowers  


Cross-fines were relatively quiet considering our recent party - maybe folks are still recovering? To PP Allen for revealing his secret talent as an auctioneer and stealing the show, to PP Jim  for helping on the wine raffle with a curiously almost always empty wine glass, to Pres. Elect Elect Ray for not bidding more on the puppy, to Teresa Sowers, Carla Smith & Marilene Nevins for manning the check-in table all night and never leaving during the event and for keeping Carla up all night while they completed the evening's accounting.  Finally a self-fine to Past Pres. Roger Tabor (02-03) for his son Griffin Tabor's recent world robotics championship, participating with 20,000 other entrants.  Congratulations Griffin!!!


Jeff Gordon is President and CEO of the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation 2013 NCCF in Las Vegas, founded in 1993 at a time when no treatment was available to any child stricken with critical illnesses.  Their goal is to improve the quality of life for critically ill children and their families living in our community. When a child is diagnosed with cancer or other life threatening illness...they can look to the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation for support, hope, and courage.  The MISSION of the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation is to provide social, emotional, educational, and psychological support services and programs to families of ALL children diagnosed with life threatening or critical illnesses such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, sickle cell, hemophilia, renal disorders, and immunologic diseases and provide healing arts and wellness programs to adults touched by cancer and to chronically ill children and their caregivers. These services are provided to the families with 24 hours of the diagnosis.   NCCF supports those who fight a daily battle against disease, therefore, NCCF added healing arts and wellness services for critically ill children and their caregivers as well as hosting a second location (and new program) servicing adults touched by cancer.  NCCF has also set up a classroom in one of our local hospitals to serve students who have extended hospital stays.  It is the only classroom in the Nation that is run by a non-profit.  Because NCCF is not funded by any government programs or agencies, they rely solely on the community for funding and volunteers - 91 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to services.  Camp Cartwheel is one of their largest programs with 180 people requiring counseling during the camp.  This requires a large number of volunteers.  Check out their website for more information on their organization.

2013 Nova QR

2013-14 Platinum Sponsor
 Committee Reports    
Easter Seals - Rotary at Work Day


For over 20 years, Las Vegas Fremont Rotarians have been creating and tending to the beautiful gardens at the Easter Seals facility at 6200 W Oakey Blvd.  As part of Rotary at Work day throughout District 5300, we gather once a year at our 2004 SNWA Award Winning Reflection Garden to spruce up the grounds.  Armed with rakes, hand saws, blowers, power saws and some dedicated members, we spent the morning on May 4th trimming trees and shrubs, repairing sprinklers, cleaning up debris and returning the grounds to their original beauty.  This is another one of our most favorite hands on projects.  We enjoyed some great fellowship, along with the yummy donuts & bagels provided by PP Scott.  We also learned who to avoid when they were working with saws & power tools - cross-fines and recognitions will surely follow on Tuesday. Members on hand were President Lane Kay, Pres. Elect Elect Ray Jansma, Past Presidents Scott Stolberg, Jim Main & AG Linda Bertuzzi, John McInerney, Carla & Cailyn Smith, Marilene Nevins, Secretary Teresa Sowers, Rob Goldstein, Butch Benda, Bernice Davidson and Greg Clemens


      2013 Easter seals 1 Easter Seals #3 2013 Easter Seals 2  


2013 Easter Seals 4  

2012-13 RI Theme          
                   Save the Dates
May 7 - Phat Pack
May 21 - Angela O'Callaghan, University of Nevada Coop Extensions
Additional speakers TBA as calendar updates
 Projects & Events
May 6th - Block Party recap at Nova Home Loans, 8311 W Sunset #100
May 7th - LV Fremont Board Meeting, all members welcome
May 9th - 2013-14 LV Fremont Board Retreat at Sedona Restaurant, 3:00 pm
May 15 - Agassi Birthday Bash (always the 3rd Wednesday of the month)
June 1 - (Soon-to-be Past) President Lane's Debunking, details TBA
June 20 - LV Fremont members will serve at Ronald McDonald House
  Rotary International Conference,
Lisbon - June 23 - 26, 2013
INTERESTED IN SPEAKING? If you or someone you know is interested in making a presentation at our regularly scheduled luncheons, please contact Chair Greg Clemens at Speaker's Bureau
  District 5300 & RI News


Scholarships to The Girls of the Piyali School in Calcutta, India


District 5300 Governor Sylvia Whitlock invites you to join her on her extraordinary travels to The Girls of the Piyali School in Calcutta, India,  where she will deliver the scholarships collected from members and clubs within 5300. In addition to the school tour, there will be extensive travels throughout Delhi, Agra and Calcutta.  The dates are August 30 through September 9, 2013.  Contact Robert Bridel at or 702-256-2872 for reservations.  Flyer is attached for more details.



 May 2013 District Highligher Newsletter

To our members:

Articles are due by the end of business each Thursday.  If you send articles, please make sure they are word format, and all pictures must be jpeg format.  Thank you for all of you who take the time to contribute - this is your newsletter and we need your help.

May 5, 2013


Celebrating 25 years of women in Rotary

Volume 4-Issue 36

Lisbon RI Conf 

In This Week's Newsletter
Upcoming Calendar
District 5300 & RI News
Club Leadership
Birthday & Anniversaries
Captain's Duties


Lane Kay 
Lane Kay 
President Elect
Robin I Smith
Robin Smith
President Elect Elect
Ray Jansma 
Ray Jansma 
Teresa Sowers
Al Guida, Jr.
al guida 
Past President
Dulcinea Almazan
Pres Dulcinea 
Public Relations
Gary Prater
Steve Reiter
Michael Woodfield
Robin Smith
Allen Puliz
Rob Goldstein
Carla Smith
Club Administration
Marilene Nevins


Check out our website!

Club Anniversaries


None this month

Birthdays & Anniversaries 

A quiet month -
 no birthdays
 If we have missed your special day, let us know!

 Meeting Captain   

Linda Bertuzzi
May 7
Greg Clemens
May 14
Laura Fitzpatrick
May 21
Join Our Mailing List
The Four WayTest


Of the things we think, say or do


1. Is it the TRUTH?


2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?




4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


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Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club