God Calls
Serving Christ, Enhancing Congregations, Connecting Communities
                                                                          June 28, 2017
Instilling a Love for the Church
by Sarah Dianne Jones

My earliest memory is of being four years old in Sunday school. It was there that I not only learned about Noah and the ark, Moses and the burning bush, and the Easter story, but also the importance of sharing my animal crackers with my friends, the need to say please when asking for the out-of-reach toy, and how much fun it was to be at church. Growing up, the church supported and loved me in ways that I'm just now realizing instilled my love for the church.

It was at church that there was a community that cared - deeply cared - about the ways I was growing and learning. The congregation wanted to know about the latest book I was reading, read the "newspapers" that my friends and I made in Sunday School about the things that we were learning about, came to my school events, and taught me what it was to be fully surrounded and loved by a community in the name of Jesus Christ.

This community raised me up in the faith, and I went to college assured of my place in the church. I had given the church my whole self, and in exchange my whole self had been shaped by the church. College was my chance to figure out what kind of relationship church and I would have, and I jumped in feet first, full of excitement. In college, I engaged with multiple congregations, each of which offered different experiences that helped to expand and deepen my faith. It was in the moments of great joy that I could celebrate in community, and in the moments of pain I learned to lean on the faith of others to hold me up when my faith felt weak.

As college came to a close, I needed to find what was next. The natural next step was to participate in the Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program, as it was a mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA) that would offer intentional growth opportunities that I had yet to experience. What better way to spend more time thinking about vocational discernment and figuring out what my next steps were? I was thrilled to be matched with the Washington, D.C. site, but almost immediately after accepting the placement, my brain filled with questions.

Was my faith strong enough to do this? What about my experience? Will 22 years of living in the suburbs have prepared me at all to live in a city? Have mission trips, Vacation Bible Schools, Montreat conferences, and countless Bible studies prepared me to live into this experience in the way it deserves?

I needn't have worried. My experiences had not given me a history in working in situations like I do now in DC, but that did not mean that I wasn't prepared. My faith had been formed and tested by the same community that still loved me. It's not perfect, but it never will be. The important part is that I have seen the evidence for a strong community to surround you. My YAV year could not have been as meaningful, challenging, and fulfilling had I not been reminded over and over again throughout my faith journey of my place in the community of Jesus Christ.
June 16-23, 2018 
St. Louis, MO 

Is God Calling You?

Consider serving as a commissioner to next year's meeting of the PC(USA) General Assembly. Maybe you've served before; maybe you've never served, but are interested in how the denomination works. Add your voice and your experience to the process by considering being nominated to serve. Whether you're a Minister of the Word and Sacrament, an elder or a young adult between the ages of 17-23, perhaps God is calling you to this rich and wonderful experience as a commissioner or a young adult advisory delegate.
Here's what our current commissioners have to say about their experience at last summer's assembly:
"I really appreciated our Presbyterian form of government, and that we all have a voice in it. It was a joy to better understand how it all works. It was great meeting new friends from across the country and talking about our faith." -Mike Munson
"WOW! What a week! Attending GA was a rich and meaningful experience, seeing God at work in the dedication, joy, disagreements, and celebrations of the various people and perspectives that are woven together in our Presbyterian Church Family." -Sandy Carlson
"There is no better way to grasp the breadth and the depth of our Presbyterian church family than to participate in a General Assembly. This is an incredible way to live out your ordination vows and serve Christ."- Sarah Sanderson-Doughty
"I was grateful to be part of what makes us Presbyterian - to see the church and Holy Spirit work out of people's deep love of Christ and what it means to be His disciples. At General Assembly you get to do important work with grandmothers from California, College students from Iowa, part-time pastor and firefighters from Texas who together are sharing insight, knowledge and their deep love for the future of this denomination. We worship, study, discuss, break bread and sing praise to a living God active and making a difference in our world today."- Sarah Bishop

Links to our application forms are listed below. Please consider a self-nomination or nominating someone you know for this distinct privilege. Nominations are due by August 21, 2017 and should be sent to vicki@ourpresbytery.org or info@ourpresbytery.org.

Ruling Elder Application  

Teaching Elder Application 

Young Advisory Delegate Application 

Nourished by the living waters of Jesus Christ,
we awaken, enliven, and enhance worshipping communities
to courageously extend their branches and bear new fruit in the Spirit.
Covenant Gathering Logo
Together With Courage and Strength

Covenant Gathering 2017

July 16, 4 pm to July 21, 11 am


A week of fun, faith, friends and family  
Join other Christians for Covenant Gathering 2017 at beautiful Geneva Retreat, Camp and Conference Center in the rolling hills of north central Indiana. Discover and explore how we can face today's disruptions and challenges strengthened and fortified by the community of faith, God's word and the courage of our hope in the Lord. Covenant Gathering is a little bit conference, a little bit vacation with facilities for all abilities!!!

Visit www.covenantgathering.com for more information or to REGISTER.  

Committee on Representation is Back and in Action

We're Ba-a-ack. COR (Committee on Representation) is alive and functioning once again. Representation on Presbytery and/or church committees is based on many things. Diversity of members may be due to age, race, ethnic background, gender, and size of the congregation among others. Perhaps you will think of some too.
Our purpose is to encourage congregations to get a good view of their neighbors. We need to address some tough topics. We want to look to the future.
We are currently working on gathering resources to share with congregations. We welcome your thoughts and questions on how we can help your congregation or your committee.

Please respond to Martha Flora (
jamarflo34@ligtel.com) or to
Jennifer Burns Lewis (

Watch God Calls for information in the future.

Martha Flora, moderator COR


YAV alums think young adult mission is critical
Eight years ago a mission co-worker and YAV site coordinator visited a little church in Laramie, Wyoming, and met five students in the college group
to share information about the PC(USA)'s Young Adult Volunteer program. Two of those students, Kendra and Karl, were fresh-faced 22-year-olds with dreams of teaching college mathematics (Karl) and designing the future infrastructure and skylines of the country (Kendra). Two years later, they were serving as YAVs in Northern Ireland. A year after that they served as YAVs in Tucson.

Today Karl Heimbuck is a rural pastor and hospice chaplain with dreams of a new reformation for the church, and his wife, Kendra, is working to provide affordable housing in one of the wealthiest counties in the United States. Looking back, they reflect on their YAV experience:                                                           Continue Reading

The application season for the 2018 - 2019 YAV year will open October 1, 2017

Find leadership development resources

The Congregational Resource Guide (CRG) features helpful leadership development resources. You can find information about skill development,spiritual education, conflict, tools to address boundary issues or any number of related topics to help you and your congregational leaders.

Learn More

2017-2018 Presbyterian Planning Calendar

We still have a few left 
This 19-month, official PC(USA) calendar (June 2017 - December 2018) is an outstanding and well-loved resource for pastors, church leaders and everyone interested in the life and mission of the church. It features monthly planning and worship suggestions, lectionary readings, a liturgical color guide, foldout synod, presbytery and world maps, plus directories of PC(USA) staff, offices, synods and presbyteries. The wire-bound calendar measures 8 1/2" x 11" and is punched to fit a standard binder.

To order your copy today (while supply lasts) for $9.00 each contact vicki@ourpresbytery.org or 574-223-5678.

Shipping is additional. 

Pulpit Supply ListALBAN

PWV 2017 Bible Study

Proposed Directory for Worship

Cully Fund Application/Brochure
Click above to find out how you can apply for assistance or donate to the Cully Fund.
Commissioned to Validated Ministry
Available to Serve Communion

David Abbott
Jill Kitowski
Carrie Munson


Thank you for your ministry and your service...
  • June 29, 1975 - The Rev. John H. Everett, Honorably Retired
  • June 30, 1961 - The Rev. Donald L. Neely, Honorably Retired
If we have inadvertently omitted your ordination please accept my apology. Help to update our records by sending your current information to 

Almighty God, we are truly grateful to live in this country, this land of the free and the brave. Yet hearts and lives still suffer from some sort of imprisonment and oppression. To you, our God and Savior, we turn for help and hope. Show your truth, Lord Jesus, to those we lift up in prayer this day. Speak your word and your life into them and set them free and draw them into life with you. Hear our thanks for congregations that minister in your name for fairness and hope and healing. We praise you, O God! Amen.

June prayers submitted by CRE Donna Enersen, Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church of Frankfort.

Please pray for...
  • Deer Creek Presbyterian Church as they faithfully serve the Lord.
  • The Rev. Louis, HR & RE Jan Sandos, Nominating Committee Moderator and PWV Vice-Moderator, as they travel with Teen Serve providing support to mission trip participants
  • RE Arlene Quinn, Lebanon, First PC & PWV Committee on Representation member as she continues recovery from shoulder replacement surgery and all that goes with it.


Tuesday, July 4
  • Presbytery Office Closed to Observe Independence Day
Wednesday, July 5
  • 9:30 am - Leadership Development Team (Go-to-meeting)

Thursday, July 6

  • 10 am - Commission on Preparation for Ministry - Bethlehem PC 5588 N SR 25 Logansport (map)
  • 10 am - Commission on Ministry - Bethlehem PC 5588 N SR 25 Logansport (map)

Monday, July 10

  • 10 am - Stewardship Ministry Team

Tuesday, July 18

  • 10 am - Council Meeting - Deer Creek Presbyterian Church

Wednesday, July 19

  • 1 pm - Committee on Representation (Go-to-meeting)
All meetings & events posted on the PWV Calendar are eastern time (EDT) unless noted otherwise. Please call 574.223.5678 or visit http://www.ourpresbytery.org/calendar.htm
for more information regarding meetings and events.
Contact Information for Wabash Valley Officers, Staff and Consultant

Visioning & Connecting Leader ~ TE Jennifer Burns Lewis ~ 574.653.1003
Stated Clerk ~ RE Linda Long ~ 219.926.7098
Presbytery Moderator ~ TE Kevin Bowers ~ 765.447.5662
Vice Moderator ~ RE Jan Sandos ~ (h) 765.379.2287 (c) 765.430.0536
Council Moderator ~ TE David Smook ~ 574.343.0568
Financial Consultant ~RE Eric Herzog ~ 317.361.2632
Administrative Assistant ~ RE  Vicki Dreibelbis ~ 574.223.5678
Phone: 574.223.5678 | Fax: 888.215.6219 | info@ourpresbytery.org | www.ourpresbytery.org