God Calls

Nourished by the living waters of Jesus Christ, we awaken, enliven and enhance worshiping communities to courageously extend their branches and bear new fruit in the spirit.

-The Mission Statement of the Presbytery of Wabash Valley

July 13, 2016
707 Main St. - PO Box 225 - Rochester, IN 46975
Phone: 574-223-5678    Fax: 1-888-215-6219
Office Hours:  Monday-Thursday 8-12 & 1-5
Closed Friday 

Stories of Hope...
Truth be told, I was dreading driving for more than 4 hours round trip, leaving at 6 am to drive across the state to meet with 5-6 people for a 2 hour records review.  I left Ligonier feeling energized and uplifted and thankful.  There were 7 or 8 of us, and started with intent to talk about ministry for 20 minutes to get folks engaged with one another before settling down to the task of records.  The conversation morphed from "we don't really have anything good happening..." into a discussion in which all contributed, talking about the joys in ministry, service to community, and being small churches.  Together, I sense we generated hope in one another and I encouraged them to share their stories through God Calls. There are stories of hope to be told.
Love the line I heard at General Assembly-- "we are not dying, we are reforming..." One thing I realized (and named) is that there is much more "ministry" going on than is acknowledged in declining membership numbers.  We talked about that in several contexts. One is the extensive relationships that John Lersch has with Spanish-speaking people in Ligonier-- where I heard on NPR that half the school children in town are Spanish speakers-- but that was not considered initially a "ministry" to be named. Of course, they don't come to Sunday morning church or file an annual report of activities to the congregation.  But that church is building a Sunday afternoon gathering called Casual Conversations, or something like that, when non-Sunday morning people hang out in the fellowship space to talk, do puzzles, color together, share a meal, etc.  That church is where people come to find Spanish-speaking help for varying needs.  
Pierceton church is a distance from neighboring Presbyterian congregations, but does lots of collaborative ministry with the Methodists, Catholics and at least one other congregation in town.  Chapel of the Lakes in Angola continues to nurture its vibrant Blue Heron Ministry as well as its congregational work and envisions close clusters of presbytery congregations working together.  Ogden Dunes intends to add staff to nurture activities and relationships with children in its unique residential setting.  Auburn partners with other congregations in its community to live out its mission as the hands and feet of Christ.  Elkhart is enthusiastic about the leadership of its co-pastors and the ministry initiatives of its church.
Two more records review meetings to go, eager to hear more!
- Linda L. Long, Stated Clerk
Presbytery of Wabash Valley
PO Box 225 Rochester, IN 46975
(219) 926-7098

Prayer Vigil:   
A Walk Through Goshen Tonight, at 7 pm
After the horrifying events in Baton Rouge, Minneapolis, Dallas, and St. Joseph, many Goshen  congregations have joined together to plan a Prayer Vigil in Goshen on Wednesday, July 13 at 7:00 pm.
We will meet in the parking lot of North Goshen Mennonite Church (501 N. 8th St.) and walk through downtown, pausing for prayer at the Work Release Center, the Police Station and the Court House.  Round trip, the walk will be about two miles. For those who have difficulty walking, a map will be provided so they can drive the route and join us at the three stops.  The Vigil will conclude at the Court House. 
The purpose of this event is simply to provide an opportunity for people to come together in lament and to express a common desire to walk for justice and for peace.
In the event of rain at the time of the service, the Prayer Vigil will be rescheduled.



$39.38 total

General Assembly - $7.12 
Synod of Lincoln Trails - $3.81 
Presbytery of Wabash Valley - $28.45 

In This Issue
Save the Dates


Tuesday, July 19 -
Meeting location changed to

Tuesday, August 16 -
Rochester, Geneva Center

Thursday & Friday, October 6-7
Council Retreat - Geneva Center

Tuesday, December 6 - Rochester, Community PC


Saturday, September 17 -
Rochester, Geneva Center

Tuesday, November 15 -
North Manchester, Peabody

Commissioned to Validated Ministry Available to
Serve Communion

Jill Kitowski (219) 325-0039  jill2536@comcast.net

David Abbott (574) 234-2414  
Carrie Munson (574) 721-5225  


Michael Shurn (574) 946-3851  judge66@pulaskicounty.in.gov  



Ministry Quick Links

Presbytery of Wabash Valley Pulpit Supply List


Presbytery of Wabash Valley 2016 Monthly Bible Study


Center for Congregations
Free - Online - Live - Workshop
Vibrant Youth Ministry In Indiana
July 28 & 29, 2016


Alban Weekly Logo

Gil Rendle: Leadership means 'pushing people to purpose'


Congregational Offerings

Blue Hymnals Available
Central Presbyterian Church in Lafayette has a number of blue hymnals in good condition available. Free delivery (within Indiana) or free (reasonable) shipping is negotiable. Please contact Operations Manager Laurie Kuhn at (765) 742-8481 during business hours.

Congregational Happenings

You are Invited and Encouraged to Welcome and Celebrate with
Two Congregations and Two new members of PWV
as they are Ordained and Installed

Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NRSV)
What a joy we share when we ordain and install new pastors to their calls. It is an opportunity for those of us who are members of the Presbytery of Wabash Valley to join in the celebration between a church, a newly called member of the Presbytery and the presence of Almighty God in worship. I urge the members of the Presbytery to affirm our connectedness as Presbyterians, and the call of Jesus to encourage one another by attending the ordination and/or installations of our brothers and sisters in faith.

Upcoming ordination/installation:
  • August 7, 3:30 PM - Michael Lyle called to the Rossville Presbyterian Church, 5434 W SR 26,Rossville,IN

and Installation: 

  • August 14, 2:00 PM - The Rev. Theda McBryde called to Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, 5588 N SR 25 Logansport, IN 46947
For more information call the Presbytery Office at 574-223-5678

Community Worship at Fort Ouiatenon August 7  

Fort Ouiatenon
Bethany, Dayton and Elston Presbyterian Churches in the Lafayette area will worship together by the river at Fort Ouiatenon on Sunday, August 7, 10:00 am.

The community is invited to join in this time of worship and fellowship. Those attending are asked to bring a lawn chair, table service and a dish to share for the picnic that will immediately follow worship.

You are invited to join us!

rtv6 Reports
  Prayer vigil was held in Boone County Monday 

Rev. Terri Thorn, First Presbyterian Church Lebanon organizes a prayer vigil supporting local police.

Click on photo to hear the report.

Read Matthew 25:31-40

Lord, I give You thanks for Your righteousness. I sing praise to You for Your salvation, for none of us humans, no not one, can save ourselves, even though we be the rightest of all righteous people. You saw fit to judge us and to save us! I will sing praise to the Most High, my God!

submitted by Louis A. Sandos, Honorably Retired 
Please pray for....
  • Our hurting world
  • Schneider United Presbyterian Church
  • Those who suffer in silence
  • Those who are traveling during this busy & tumultuous travel season...

Thank you for your ministry and your service...
  • July 13, 2003 - The Rev. Laura Penney Bade, Parish Associate at Bethany Presbyterian Church Lafayette
  • July 14, 2002 - The Rev. Sarah Sanderson Doughty- First Presbyterian Church of Elkhart
  • July 15, 1990 - The Rev. Catherine Moran - Minister Member at Large
  • July 17, 1983 - The Rev. Mark Morrison - Honorably Retired
  • July 19, 1987 - The Rev. Alan Griffin - First Presbyterian Church of Goshen
  • July 20, 1986 - The Rev. Thomas Smith - Chapel-of-the-Lakes Presbyterian Church of Angola
If you have been omitted or your information is incorrect please accept my apology. Help to update our records by sending your current information to vicki@ourpresbytery.org.

  PC(USA) News & Announcements

PC(USA) leadership responds to Dallas shootings, encourages people to care for someone today
Clean up continues following West Virginia flooding

Mission co-worker Leisa Wagstaff remains in Juba, South Sudan, during tentative cease-fire

Musings from the road
from Sue Krummel

Can you tell what these items are in the accompanying picture? You might guess that they are some kind of art installation in my backyard and you would be mostly right. They are not in their permanent homes yet. Let me tell you the story.  
Continue Reading

                                 WEBINARS  AND EVENTS
2016 Ministry Development Conference

August 27, 2016
10 am to 3 pm
Geneva Center, INC
Rev. Dennis Bickers



September 10, 2016 -
Healthy Pastor - Congregation Relations Workshop   
Join us for this workshop on nurturing Healthy Pastor-Congregation Relations.  A powerful day-long workshop that teaches skillful practices for building sound pastor-congregation relationships.

Richard Blackburn, executive director of the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center will lead the event. He is an ordained minister in the Mennonite Church, and served ten years as chairperson of the Peace and Justice Committee of the Mennonite Church. Richard has led hundreds of workshops on conflict transformation and mediation skills.
What are the benefits?
  • Using family systems theory, you will learn how congregations, lay leaders and pastors can better function together - and how to troubleshoot problems quickly.
  • Drawing on case studies, you will learn to identify problematic behaviors and think strategically on building solutions.
Who will benefit?
  •  Congregations with pastors
  •  Congregations in a search for pastoral leadership
  •  Congregations without pastoral leaders who may find new opportunities for working together in healthy ways to share pastoral leadership
  • Anyone who wishes to practice healthy ways to handle differences that can lead to unhealthy conflict
- Sponsored by the Commission on Ministry of Presbytery of Wabash Valley and the Synod of Lincoln Trails.

Richard Blackburn live at First Presbyterian Church Valparaiso which will be live streamed at Bethany Presbyterian Church, Lafayette; First Presbyterian Church, Elkhart; and First Presbyterian Church, Peru. Choose the location that fits your needs.
Register a group before September 1st for the best value.
   Click here for more information and to register!  
 Clerk's Gathering for Records Review and Learning 
Thanks to those Clerks of Session who have already registered their plan to attend the Records Review session in July.  This is our time to review one another's minutes and rolls, and to share experiences as Clerk. 

We will meet:
  • Sunday, July 17, 2:00 - 4:00 pm CDT at First Presbyterian Church, 7898 Taft St., Merrillville, IN 46410 (map) 
  • Saturday, July 23, 9:30 - 11:30 am EDT at Elston Presbyterian Church, 375 Elston Rd., Lafayette, IN 47909 (map) 
If you can't make one of those dates, please also record your "Sorry I can't make it,"  and we will arrange another time and place.   
Register Here

- Linda Long, Stated Clerk
Upcoming Events and Meetings

Thursday, July 14
  • CANCELLED - Stewardship Ministry Team (Go-To-Meeting)
Sunday, July 17
  • 3 pm (EDT)/ 2 pm (CST) - Clerks Gathering for Records Review - First Presbyterian Church - 7898 Taft St. - Merrillville, IN. 46410  Registration Information    (map)
Tuesday, July 19
  • 10 am  - Council at Community Presbyterian Church - 530 Jefferson St. - Rochester, IN. 46975 (map)
Saturday, July 23
  • 9:30 am - 11:30 am - Clerks Gathering for Records Review - Elston Presbyterian Church - 375 Elston Rd. - Lafayette, IN 47909   Registration Information                 (map)
All meetings & events posted on the PWV Calendar are eastern time (ET) unless noted otherwise. Please visit http://www.ourpresbytery.org/calendar.htm  for more information regarding meetings and events or call 574-223-5678.

Every week, we publish this eNewsletter to hundreds of Wabash Valley and PC(USA) members and also post online!  The Administrative Assistant accepts articles for entry and is always actively seeking new and original content sharing how your congregation is engaged in ministry. We would especially like to share photos and stories of your confirmands, new members, VBS,  mission trips and other special ministries that are occurring in your congregation and community.

Please forward your stories and photos to vicki@ourpresbytery.org, due each Friday.  And encourage your congregation's members to join our email list to keep up with news and events across our presbytery.  Have you considering printing a few copies and leaving them on your church's resource table for people to pick up?

Wabash Valley Officers, Consultant and Staff Contact Information

Stated Clerk ~ RE Linda Long ~ 219-926-7098
Presbytery Moderator ~ TE David Smook ~ 574-343-0568
Presbytery Vice Moderator ~ TE Sarah Sanderson-Doughty ~ 574-264-3109
Council Moderator ~ RE Jill Kitowski ~ 219-325-0039
Financial Consultant ~RE Eric Herzog ~ 317-361-2632
Administrative Assistant ~ RE Vicki Dreibelbis ~ 574-223-5678