Presbytery of Wabash Valley
Office Hours: 8 - 4 Monday - Friday 
November 12, 2014 

Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Schererville
Passage to Ponder... Mark 12:28-31 (NRSV)

"Which commandment is the first of all?" Jesus answered, "The first is, 'Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'  There is no other commandment greater than these."

(from the Presbytery of Wabash Valley  2014 Monthly Bible Study  Reading and Reflection)

The Presbytery Assembly meeting to be held at Geneva Center  
9:00 am Tuesday, November 18
Registration begins at 8:30 am

Geneva Center in preparing for our big day and needs your help. Please register today so we can help them to know how much food to order and prepare, how many staff to schedule and how many tables and chairs to set-up. By registering today you will help them be good stewards of your mission dollars.

You will want to watch your email late this evening or early tomorrow morning for another Assembly notice with links to new documents

         REGISTER TODAY      


Each congregation's session is encouraged to name an elder-commissioner to attend the Presbytery Assembly.  Ideally-- but not required-- the elder-commissioner will attend several meetings in a row to get acquainted with the matters that continue from meeting to meeting. Please forward email address of elected elder-commissioner to If your commissioner would like to read previous minutes, send an email to and the Stated Clerk will send them.


 God, we thank you for grace and forgiveness. Help us to show mercy to others as you have shown mercy to us. 


Please lift those listed below in prayer:
  • Rev. Bill Kleymann, Rochester Community PC, healing.
  • Ann Haworth, wife of Rev. Bill Haworth, Garrett Presbyterian Church & Smock Senior Ministries, for continued healing.
  • Rev. Ellis Gasser, Honorably Retired, as he recovers from a minor auto accident.
  • Rev. Jack Hess, Honorably Retired, healing.
  • Rev. Maria Rutland, Minister Member at Large, healing prayers.
  • Lori Gibson, Geneva Center kitchen staff, and family as they tend to the care of her ill mother.
  • Please hold those in prayer of spoken and unspoken need.
We pray for and with Schererville, Immanuel Presbyterian Church who has faithfully served their community and followed you O' Lord since 1963. Amen.
Thank you for your ministry and your service...
  • November 13, 2007 - CRE Timothy Reyna, First Presbyterian Church, Portage
  • November 15, 1964 - Rev. William Wimberly, Honorably Retired
  • November 16, 1980 - Rev. Marge Braden, Minister Member at Large
  • November 16, 2004 - CRE Edward Fabrici, First Presbyterian Church, Kouts
  • November 18, 1984 - Rev. Adelia Kelso, First Presbyterian Church, South Bend
  • November 19, 1991 - CRE Anella McFee, Meadow Lake Presbyterian Church, Wolcott

If you have been omitted or your information is incorrect please accept my apology.  Help to update your records by sending your current information to   


You are Cordially Invited

to the Ordination Service


Tamika Montgomery

Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 4:00 pm


Light of the World Christian Church

4646 Michigan Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46228


Tamika and her husband, Michael, are serving as Covenant pastors at Geetingsville Presbyterian Church





In This Issue
Register Today for Presbytery Assembly
Session Encouraged to elect Elder-Commissioner
Prayers of the Presbytery
Ordination Celebrations
Tamika Montomery Ordination
Join us on Facebook
Save the Dates
Congregational Events & Offerings
Fall Concerts
Joshua Journey 2 FQAs
Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators
Living Missionally
Resources Available on Confession of Belhar
Simple Wisdom for Rich Living
Choir Robes and other items FREE to Good Home
Great Ends of The Church Pattern Sought
Save the Dates

December 9

November 18

Ministry Quick Links



Pulpit Supply List




21st Century Who's and How's of Reaching our Neighbors

November 21-22, 2014

Presented by  

The Presbytery of Chicago & McCormick Theological Seminary

Learn More 




Certificate in Leadership

for a

Transformed Church

Learn More


Healthy church looks outward

By Tom Ehrich





    Synod Of Lincoln Trails  




Center for Congregations 

Helping Indiana Congregations find and use resources

Upcoming Workshops

Congregations & Community Engagement
Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014 Indianapolis
Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014
Crown Point




Alban Weekly Logo


Alban's Legacy, Alban's Future

An Alban Weekly interview with Dave Odom





Sunday, November 16 at 4:00 pm
Thorntown Presbyterian Church
301 W Main St., Thorntown, IN
Guest organists include
Grace Long & Nelson Hunter.
Contact Cindy Stevens with questions at

Ebola Relief Concert
7:00 pm Sunday, November 16
Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church
307 South Washington St.
Crawfordsville, IN


Malowi Matters, INC
a mission of
 First PC, South Bend
Christmas Shopping Made Easy!      
JJ header



After presentation of the recommendations for the future of The Presbytery of Wabash Valley by the Joshua Journey Task Force 2, we noted several questions that had arisen in addition to email communiques and personal questions directed to members of the Task Force.  In response to queries and requests for more information, we have compiled FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) to be linked to the Joshua Journey logo on the Presbytery's website,  In addition to appearing on the website, there was a mailing sent to every pastor, clerk of session and elder commissioner of the September Assembly.  If you will be having a different elder commissioner at the November Assembly, we request that the clerk of session make copies of the distributed document available to the new commissioner. Join our voices in prayerful discernment for God's call for the future of the Presbytery of Wabash Valley.


Association of Presbyterian Church Educators

Presbyterian Mission is Changing Lives
How is your church-or the churches in your area-living missionally? Submit your stories to

Resources available on Confession of Belhar

A quote from Linda Valentine, executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, introduces the section on the Confession of Belhar on the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) website. Valentine recently wrote, "Last summer, millions of people across the United States celebrated the 50th anniversary of the march on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.'s inspiring 'I Have a Dream' speech. Yet even as we reflected on the progress of civil rights since 1963, we painfully acknowledged the persistence of racism and its destructive consequences in our church and culture." A one-day conference at Montreat examined the Belhar Confession in depth through four speakers. Those presentations can be found at "Belhar Resources."



Simple Wisdom for Rich Living 

Thoughts on Stewardship 
Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others. Augustine of Hippo, 354-430

Where I was born and where and how I have lived is unimportant. It is what I have done in how I have lived that is important.  Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899) American evangelist

If I have but enough for myself and family, I am steward only for myself and them; if I have more, I am but a steward of that abundance for others. George Herbert (1593-1633) English poet and Anglican priest

Worship is giving God the best that God has given you. Be careful what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to God as a love gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to God in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard a thing for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for yourself; it has to be given back to God that he may make it a blessing to others.  Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) Author of My Utmost of His Highest.


 Continue Reading

Miscellaneous Choir Robes and Other Items Free to Good Home

These items are being offered to any congregation who could use them. Please call 574-223-5678 or email with your interest. First come first serve.



6 - Yellow Robes 5 with Collars

3 - Ivory Robes
28 - Gray Robes
21 Burgundy Robes with Green Collars
26 Burgundy Robes
1 Ivory and gold collar
2 - handmade banners
3 - Hunter green & gold brocade pulpit scarves
1 - Hunter green table runner & bookmark
2 - Ivory pulpit scarves
2 - Ivory bookmarks
2 - Purple pulpit scarves
2 - Purple bookmarks
1 - Purple table runners
Misc fabrics - Green, purple, black, white, yellow polka-dot & yellow floral
1 - Lace table runner

Congregation Seeking Patterns for Great Ends of the Church Banners...

Anybody out there have patterns for the Great Ends of the Church banners to loan? Please contact Beth Ronk, secretary at Community Presbyterian Church (, 574-224-5919) or Dot Smook (, 574-224-2151).


Frank Vardeman

Where is your General Presbyter

        Rev. Frank Vardeman
Frank appreciates your continued thoughts and prayers as he recuperates at home from a successful knee surgery.
  • Tuesday, November 18 - Presbytery Assembly
To inquire or invite Rev. Frank Vardeman, General Presbyter, to visit your church, please feel free to contact Gladys - 574-223-5678 or


Upcoming Events and Meetings

Thursday, November 13
10 am - Stewardship Ministry Team (Go-To-Meeting)

Sunday, November 16
4 pm - Ordination of Tamika Montgomery - Light of the World Christian Church, Indianapolis (map) 

Tuesday, November 18
9 am - Presbytery Assembly - Click to Register

Thursday, November 20
10 am - Commission on Ministry (Go-To-Meeting)  

All meetings & events posted on the PWV Calendar are eastern time (ET) unless noted otherwise. Please visit for more information regarding meetings and events or call 574-223-5678.
Every week, we publish this eNewsletter to hundreds of Wabash Valley and PC(USA) members and also post online!  The Church Relations Coordinator  accepts articles for entry and is actively seeking new and original content sharing how your congregation is engaged in ministry. We would especially like to share photo's and stories of your confirmands, new members, VBS, and other special ministries that are occurring in your congregation and community. Please forward your stories and photos, due each Friday.


Presbytery of Wabash Valley & Geneva Center Contact Information

Board of Pensions Liaison ~ Rev. John Ritchie ~ 260-356-8680
General Presbyter ~ Rev. Frank Vardeman ~ 574-223-5678 ext 101
Stated Clerk ~ Elder Linda Long ~ 219-926-7098
Office Manager ~ Gladys Sargent ~ 574-223-5678 ext 102
Financial Consultant ~ Eric Herzog ~ 574-223-5678 ext 105
Church Relations Coordinator ~ Elder Vicki Dreibelbis ~ 574-223-5678 ext 100
IT Consultant ~ Bonnie Kern ~ 574-223-5678 ext 109
Geneva Center Manager ~ Cathy Adley ~ 574-223-6915 ext 200
Geneva Center Maintenance Director ~ Jeff Winegardener ~ 574-223-6915 ext 204
Nourished by the living waters of Jesus Christ,

we awaken, enliven and enhance worshiping communities

to courageously extend their branches  

and bear new fruit in the Spirit.