The Unitarian
September 11, 2016
Vol. 71, No 1
Join Us for Worship This Week 

Worship With Us This Week
Sunday Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Ingathering Sunday
"This Is the Day"
Preaching: The Rev. Sarah C. Stewart 
The Psalmist said that we will rejoice and be glad in this day, the day the Eternal has made. Unitarian Ralph Waldo Emerson said that "days are of the greatest capacity of anything that exists." On this Ingathering Sunday, we will celebrate the day that is before us, and ask how every day can be a day for holiness, connection and justice. We will also pause to remember all those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks 15 years ago. An intergenerational service led by the Rev. Sarah C. Stewart, Director of Faith Development Deborah Levering, and Director of Music Will Sherwood. All are invited to a luncheon hosted by the Stewardship team immediately following the service.

We welcome back the Festival Choir for the Fall Season - favorite anthems featured will be Come Let Us Sing and Awake My Heart.
Before and After Worship 

 9:00 a.m.
Last Chance Yard Sale before worship.
10:15 a.m.
Prelude in the Sanctuary.
Nursery Care in Classroom 4.
10:30 a.m.
Worship Service in the Sanctuary for all-ages.
11:30 a.m.
Luncheon in the Bancroft/Dining Rooms. Sponsored by the Stewardship. All are invited
Last Chance Yard Sale after worship.

Children's Faith Development for September
   Sept. 11
All-ages worship; Childcare available for babies and under 3's in the nursery.
   Sept. 18
Children's Chapel in Unity Hall. Childcare available for babies and under 3's in the nursery.  
Sept. 25
Children start in the sanctuary. First day of Faith Development Classes. Nursery care available.
Please Welcome Our New Lead Childcare Provider

Our new childcare provider is Marissa Goldstein and you will all have a chance to meet her this Sunday and in subsequent weeks. She is very experienced, having worked at a summer camp for toddlers for 3 years and in an orphanage in South Africa for six months She babysat children as young as three months and as old as eleven. She says, "I learned the importance of patience and creativity as a camp counselor and have used both extensively throughout my babysitting years. I have experience with children with ADHD, anxiety disorders, and learning disabilities and I am also familiar with early intervention techniques that promote both physical and mental growth." She is CPR/ First Aid trained. Marissa is a 4th year student at Clark University. We are delighted to have her energy and conscientious spirit among us. 
Saturday, September 10
The yard sale is this Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  We have lots of good stuff! Come and browse, and bring your friends and neighbors!

Volunteers are still needed to help on set up, pricing, and the sale itself.  The schedule is:
Thursday 9/8:   Set up in Unity Hall. starting at 4:30.
Friday 9/9:  Finish set up and pricing, starting at 4:30
Saturday 9/10:  Yard Sale, 8:00 to 3:00, and then cleanup
Please volunteer, and bring a friend to help.  With enough folks, it's a bonding experience rather than work.
And we're still accepting stuff, right up to and including Saturday morning.
Michelle Przekop  -
First Unitarian at Worcester Pride
First Unitarian at Worcester Pride
Once again, with the help of the Social Justice Committee, First Unitarian is preparing to participate in Worcester Pride which is on Saturday, September 10, 2016.  There is overlap with the yard sale, but come make a day of it.  March in the Parade or staff the booth on the Commons and then go shop at the Yard Sale!  We will be organizing marchers, a cheering squad on the steps of the church and hosting a booth on the commons.  You will soon get information on how to sign up for any or all of the activities, so think about what you can do to make this a success.  There will be a need to have two "somewhat tall" people to set up and take down the canopy tent on the Commons.  Please contact Jeanine Beratta if you have questions.  Also, please contact Jeanine if there is anyone out there who knows how to design a silk screen for Tshirts and would be interested in helping.

Worcester Pride Week info here.
Voices Among Us
The Fourth Monday of the Month
Beginning September 26

"Brilliant", "Amazing", "Enriching", "Meaningful", "Thoughtful", "Informative" and "Heartfelt", these are some of the accolades that accompanied countless words of appreciation showered on the leaders of our summer worship services. Judging from the high attendance at these sometimes sweltering Sundays there is a hunger among us to hear what our fellow members have to say. Out of this yearning came the idea for a new adult program, Voices Among Us.

The program begins with a 6 PM potluck meal for attendees. It begins on September 26. From 7-8 PM, we will gather in the Chapel to listen and share. The facilitator will present for 20-30 minutes then the floor will be open to discussion. The presenter will speak on any topic they choose. Might be issues in the news, poetry, writings they like, their own cogitations, material they have studied, a topic they find fascinating, Bible stories, just about anything they want to share that has a spiritual component.
Voices Among Us       

Who Is the Old Lady on the Wall?
A Voices Among Us presentation
by Ellen O'Neall-Waite
Monday, September 26, 2016 
Potluck at 6pm in the Dining Room
Presentation at 7-8pm in the Chapel
Lucretia Chandler Bancroft is back on our church walls with the rest of our portraits; and I want to be sure she keeps her place there.  Although not a minister, she is without doubt one of our founders and sustainers.  We will explore Lucretia's story about herself, and what it reveals about the origins of our church, our nation and our ongoing social struggles.  More than that, I want to shake up the stories we know about ourselves and maybe recast a few heroes.  I want us to indulge in some "Hamilton"-like forays together into the "what ifs" and "if onlys" that were lost because we never heard ALL the "voices among us."
Jon Henry's Hammer Coffeehouse 
Open Mic Resumes  THIS FRIDAY    
John Henry's Hammer

John Henry's Hammer Open Mic opens its next season on Friday night, September 9th.  Doors open at 7:00 p.m.  Still $2 with refreshments by donation.  Come participate as a performer or observer.  Music, spoken word, and occasionally, a dance.  Stellar talent with warm welcomes for new or beginning performers.
John Henry's Hammer Coffeehouse 
September, 17th with Andy and Judy
If you like Peter, Paul, and Mary's voices and music--don't miss this talented duo.  They play covers and many originals. Their songwriting style has emerged from old-time traditional and folk music, and includes country, gospel and popular music influences. They have written many songs about historical people, places and events. Their songs are carefully crafted and performed so that the listener experiences all of the emotions woven into their music.  Tickets are $15 with refreshments for purchase.  Pre-sales at 
UU Sisterhood News 

Our first gathering is Friday, September 16 at 6:00 PM in the church dining room. All women of the church are invited.  After a sumptuous potluck feast, we will consider activities for the year. You'll vote on the ones you like best. Since some sisters may be at Ferry Beach, we will leave the voting open for awhile. To get on the UUS email distribution list, please email Diane Mandile at

Here are some ideas that are on the table.  If you have some you'd like to add, please email them to Madeline Silva at

* Learn about the life and times of an 18th Century woman

* Make collage of people, things and events that are important to you or to the UUS

* Participate in one act play or improv night 

* Join a small group for conversation

* Snow tubing, walking, hiking, biking a rail trail,  river rafting

* Play games, watch a movie, go on a field trip, join the bridge group, join a golf group
* Make our pumpkin pie filling (or something new) for our program's fundraiser

Welcome News
Welcome First Unitarian Church Worcester UUA
Michelle Przekop searches for new faces each Sunday and reaches out with a friendliness that makes people feel recognized and appreciated.  Linda and Jim Tartaglia are relatively new members having joined last fall and know what it is to be the new faces in a bustling environment.  Linda wrote an email to Michelle about the crush of coffee hour, "... I have found that chatting with new people has solved my uncomfortableness about standing there alone with no one to talk to.  Just by going up to the new people made me feel very at home!!!??  That was easy.  It also made me mindful of how they might feel as a newbie."  To reach out to people you don't know, to establish a connection, it is part of the work we do as a congregation.
If you've ever gazed at a sweet and familiar face but can't remember the name that goes with it, you value a name tag. If you are looking for information about the life of our church or for someone to talk with.  Please, stop by the Welcome Table.
October Men's Group Meeting
men's group
Our first meeting of the year will be Sunday, October 2, at 6 PM in the Mirick Room, downstairs in the RE area. We will begin the year with a discussion on a very timely topic.
Randy Ingham has agreed to lead a discussion on libertarianism/neoliberalism. In the interest of promoting a positive understanding and dialogue, we will look at the very best arguments both for and against this major political viewpoint.
Following our discussion, we will open the floor to ideas for future meetings and activities. The hike last season was great fun. So we might think of more outside activities for some months.  If you cannot attend the meeting, but have some activity or meeting topic suggestions, please forward them to Rick Silva at
We will order pizza for dinner.  Please bring your own refreshments.
Sermon Discussions
In the Chapel - noon to 1pm
Beginning November 6 

Rev. Sarah Stewart
Join our minister, the Rev. Sarah Stewart, once a month after church for a discussion of that Sunday's sermon. Bring your coffee to the Chapel on the first Sunday of every month for a chance to engage the sermon topic with other members and friends of First Unitarian Church. This is a chance for you to share what the sermon meant for you, how you are dealing with the spiritual issues it raises for you, and to listen to your fellow First Unitarians share what is meaningful to them. Dates: Nov. 6, Dec. 4, Jan. 8, Feb. 5, Mar. 5, Apr. 2, May 7, June 4.
Important First U Links -
First Unitarian Church | 508.757.2708  |