The Unitarian
June 12, 2016
Vol. 70, No 37
Join Us for Worship This Week 

Worship With Us This Week
Sunday Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Sunday, June 12, 2016
"Spiritual Gifts"
Preaching: The Rev. Sarah C. Stewart 
We all have spiritual gifts which we can use to bless the world. Today, we'll celebrate the spiritual gifts which all of us, including our graduating seniors, have within us. The seniors will offer short statements about their spiritual identity as they begin their adult lives.
Before and After Worship 

10:15 a.m.
Prelude in the Sanctuary.
10:30 a.m.
Worship Service in the Sanctuary for all-ages.
11:30 a.m.
Fellowship Hour in the Bancroft/Dining Rooms.
All are invited
  4:00 p.m.Garden Tour (see below for details)
  6:00 p.m.
YRU2 Meeting in the Youth Lounge.

Children's Faith Development for June
    June 12
All ages worship; Spiritual Gifts and
Graduating Senior Youth 
    June 19
All-ages worship; Celebration Sunday,
honoring our volunteers; All Church Picnic 
The Childcare Room is closed on June 12 and 19 and will reopen again on September 11th. 
Congratulation to Our Graduating Seniors

Join us on Sunday as we honor our three graduating high school seniors, Ariana Cordova (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Maddie Hayman (Brandeis University), and Alana Wyatt (Franklin Pierce University). Congratulations to Maddie Lerner (Tufts University), daughter of church member Christine Wertz. Maddie was valedictorian of her graduating class. Please wish them well as they continue their life's journey as UU young adults. 
Annual Church Picnic

Our annual church picnic is Sunday June 19th, to be held outdoors on the church grounds. In case of inclement weather, the picnic will take place in the Dining Room. Please bring a dish to share. A suggested potluck "rule of thumb" - bring enough for each person attending with you plus another � of that number (rounding up as needed), i.e. 5 attending + 3 more.  First U's Men's Group will be providing and grilling some hamburgers and hot dogs. Drinks will also be provided by the LLPC. If your last name starts with: A-I - please bring a main dish; J-R - please bring a salad/side dish; S-Z - please bring a dessert. Please make up a little card that lets others know what's in your dish. Especially important if your dish contains any of the most common food allergens or preferences. The T-Square Rounders (Bill Fisher, Phil Nigro, Rick Levine) will provide live music with guest singer, Lydia Fortune. They are presented compliments of Linda Wyatt and Steve Know who purchased their services at our First U Auction.

Ferry Beach Registration is Underway!

Many of us begin the church year with a weekend of retreat and reflection at Ferry Beach in Saco, Maine. The weekend is affordable and open to every-one. We join together with friends from First Unitarian for beach walks, dancing, polar dip, jumping rope, time to rest, a talent show, and a campfire!  Mark your calendars now for September 16-18, 2016.  We will be taking registrations during our coffee hour after services in May and June. Prices include dorm style accommodations, food and activities. Camping is also available! We hope you'll join us this year!  On line registration is available: click here. We encourage you to register and pay online. You may also get a registration form from us at Fellowship Hour or email us for one. Please ask your Ferry Beach Coordinators, Jen Reidy or Phil Bolduc at, if you have any questions.
Garden Tour on Sunday, June 12     

Sunday tours of church members' and friends' gardens are back! The tours will be 4 to 6pm, when gardens aren't quite too wilted, should be really lovely and a nice chance for community. They'll occur any week it isn't storming. Questions? Email Mary McAlister at
Sunday, June 12, 4 to 6pm - 
The Mandiles, 779 School St., Webster. From church take Rt. 290 West onto Rt. 395 to exit 1. Go through light at exit and 1 mile to left onto School St. by stop sign. 779 is just after nursing home on left with parking along driveway just before 779, a pink colonial house with red barn.

Click here for the May through June Garden Tours
Nominations for Our 50-50 Donation Program     

Again next year our Social Justice Committee is coordinating our 50-50 donation program, featuring a different local organization each month for 10 months, this coming September through next June.  One Sunday each month, we will send half of our Sunday plate collection to the featured organization for that month.  The Social Justice Committee is now soliciting nominations of local organizations to participate in our 50-50 donation program in the coming church year. If you would like to nominate a local charitable organization online, click here.
You may also print and send the form to the church office, or hand it to Eileen McMahon or Paul Ropp.  Paper copies are available at the Welcome Table. We hope to have all nominations by August 10, before the August meeting of the Social Justice Committee.
Yard Sale Update
Saturday, September 10

We need LOTS of gently-used stuff!  Pick up a box this Sunday at Church and bring it back full of smaller stuff.  And bring in bigger stuff, too.  We're collecting treasures now, and will store them until the yard sale. 
Toys, sports equipment, dishes, pots and pans, lamps, mirrors, vases, tools, easily-moved furniture such as chairs, bureaus, occasional tables, lawn furniture are all welcome, as well as books (not textbooks or encyclopedias) and clean clothing, particularly children's clothing.  No mattresses or upholstered furniture.  No TVs or computers.
We'll also need volunteers to sort and price the donations, and to staff the sale in shifts.  Look for our sign-up table and yard sale samples during coffee hour.
Questions about what is appropriate for the yard sale?  Need help to bring things to the Church?  Ideas for the Yard Sale?  Let us know!
Michelle Przekop  -

Open Door Award
June 11th 

Put it on your calendars!  June 11th during the Pride Morning Worship at Old South Church in Boston, the prestigious "Open Door Award" will be presented to Senator Elizabeth Warren and Pastor Judy Hanlon, Hadwen Park Congregational Church. Get the details here.

Coffee Hour Hospitality
coffee & cookies
Everyone heads to the dining room after worship happily looking to see what edibles might be on the table. One person said..."it's either feast or famine" about what we may find. Sometimes we enjoy a bounteous spread and other times a few bits and pieces. Always we appreciate that others have thought of us and brought delicious edibles. Providing refreshments for your church friends is a lovely and much appreciated service. Why don't you ask others to share a date to help provide food with you?It doesn't have to be fancy. The Caring Circles have already signed up for dates. Please use this online sign-up calendar so others will know available dates to bring goodies. We all enjoy something to eat after worship and we call all contribute to the offering at some time.
Early Bird Coffee & Conversation 
Before worship on Sunday morning some friendly folks can be found enjoying coffee and conversation in the dining room. They gather around 9:30 or a wee bit later.That's when the coffee is ready. So, show up, pull up a chair, join some talkers and help warm the place with enjoyable chatter on range of subjects. In the joyful rush for coffee and treats after worship, the busy atmosphere can inhibit opportunities to get to know others more deeply. Early bird coffee is one way to engage with friendly people. Church school teachers, those on church committees or in leadership roles are encouraged to show up periodically and converse with those gathered.

 from the Worship Service of September 27, 2015

"Bringing Creation Toward Perfection" by Ken Mandile
 from the Worship Service of August 23, 2015
Important First U Links -
First Unitarian Church | 508.757.2708 | 508.753.9332  |