A Message From Your Director of
Faith Development

April 16, 2016
"The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention."
                                                                                                            --Richard Moss
Our children and youth need you. Yes, you. No, nope, don't look behind you for who I'm really talking to. It's you. They need your presence in their lives. They need adults, big people, who become recognized supporters--cheerleaders.
Our Faith Development programs are growing quickly. New families are arriving nearly every Sunday morning. We have extraordinary babies, children, and youth here at First Unitarian Church. They are fun and funny, playful, kind, curious, ambitious, determined, and fully engaged in life and in the life of our congregation. Children and teens love their church home.
We need your help.
Each of us had helpers in our childhood--kind, loving, and attentive folks who noticed us and cared about us. Who was a gentle watchful presence in your growing up years? For me, it was a teacher, Mrs. Kier-Mason. She saw my eagerness to be a writer and encouraged me to use my voice, my worldview, and my writing to make small, yet intimate connections between who I was in that moment, day, year, and who/how I wanted be in the world. She didn't always say a lot but her kindness and reassurance made me feel confident, safe, and capable. You could be that presence on a Sunday morning for our children.
We are beginning our recruitment process for teachers and leaders for our 2016-17 faith development programs. We have decided to make a radical change and have folks teach only once or twice a month. No more than that!  The only way we can accomplish this is to have helpers from the larger congregation volunteer to be a classroom friend (no teaching responsibility, just a warm and comforting presence in the room) once, twice, or three times a year. Three times or less, that's it! For one hour.
We are looking for teachers, classroom friends, youth advisors, and Coming of Age mentors for our youngest high school-age kids. Our recruitment kick-off starts next Sunday. There will be a signup board out in the Dining room after the worship service. Please consider spending a little time next year with our children and youth. I am eager to talk with you if you have questions or ideas about our Faith Development ministry.
Deborah Levering, Director of Faith Development
First Unitarian Church
508.757.2708 ex. 105

First Unitarian Church | 508.757.2708 | 508.753.9332
office@firstunitarian.com  |  www.firstunitarian.com