A Complete Approach to Women's Health
June 2015 Newsletter

Congratulations to the Rittenhouse Women's Wellness Center Main Line office for winning Best Women's Health on the Main Line for two consecutive years. We would like to extend a special thank you to our loyal patients and voters! 



Let's Catch Up on Vitamin D 

By: Maria Mazzotti, D.O.






Even though vitamin D is a hot topic in Women's Health, the current recommendations start with newborns. The new recommendations for Vitamin D intake start within a few days of birth-400 International units in exclusively breast-fed infants. Starting at age one, the recommendation jumps to 600 I.U. (previously the recommendations was 200 I.U.-in part because it was found that the risk of rickets decreases substantially at the increased recommendations.  Actually, vitamin D supplementation recommendations actually start even earlier.  Currently, pregnant females should be getting at least 600 I.U daily since vitamin d crossed the placental barrier and builds fetal stores.  In darker skinned individual and individuals whose cultural and religious practices include complete skin cover, the recommendations are set at 1,000 I.U.


Having said that, sun exposure during most months mid-day for 10-15 minutes without sunscreen is sufficient for vitamin D synthesis in light skinned individuals. Dark skinned pigmentation, winter season, or northern latitudes can markedly reduce skin synthesis and increase dietary intake.  


To learn more about vitamin d, click here



Are You Drinking Enough Water?

By: Audrey Hasse, Registered Dietitian




It is always important to drink plenty of water.  However, now that the weather is heating up and summer is right around the corner, it becomes even more crucial to get enough water each day.  The gold standard for water intake is at least 64 oz. every day, which boils down to eight -8 oz. glasses.  So, think about your day, how many glasses do you drink?  If the answer is not at least 8 glasses, try to increase the amount.



Here are some other ways to increase water intake:


Eat foods with high water content

  • Cucumber
  • Watermelon
  • Green, leafy veggies
  • Celery
  • Tomatoes
  • Cauliflower and broccoli
  • Berries
  • Citrus fruits
  • Melon
To read about more ways to increase your water intake, click here

Reminder: Dr. Perilstein Patients



Effective immediately, Dr. Perilstein will be seeing patients at: 

1518 Walnut Street Suite 1202, Philadelphia, PA


The office entrance is directly next to the "GUESS" store on the 1500 block of Walnut Street.  Please continue to call our office at 215-735-7992 to schedule an appointment with her as usual.  Dr. Perilstein remains a part of the Rittenhouse Women's Wellness Center and the Walnut Street office is another RWWC location. She will continue to accept the same medical insurances. If this notice poses any questions, please call 215-735-7992 and we will be happy to assist you during this transition period.


June Specials at DermaCenter




Attention Members:

How to Access Your Patient Portal Account


Q: What is the best way to contact a doctor directly? 

A: In order to contact a doctor directly, please use your patient portal. The doctor will respond within 1 business day of your submission. Please be sure the request is non-urgent.


Q: How do I access my portal?

A: Please go to www.rwwc.com and click on "my wellness sign in" located in the top right hand corner of your screen. This will bring you to the portal log in page whereyou will need to enter your username and password that was sent to your email. 


Q: What happens if I do not have my log in information?

A: Please email info@rwwc.com and request this information directly. You will then receive an automated email with your username and password. 


Q: Once I log in, what can I do?

A: Once you log in to your patient portal account, you will be able to see any upcoming or past appointments you may have had - this will be displayed on your homepage. You can also view any previous blood work results, schedule your annual physical or GYN, request refills, referrals and ask your doctor any private questions that you may have. You can access these options on the left hand side of your screen.


To request your new  patient portal log in and password, please email info@rwwc.com




Request Your Patient Portal Information Today!


Our patient portal allows patients to be able to view your labs, print your radiology prescriptions, reference your visit summary, schedule routine appointments, request prescription refills, request referrals and more.


To request your new patient portal login and password, please email: info@rwwc.com.  



Rittenhouse Women's Wellness Centers

Philadelphia: 215-735-7992

Main Line: 610-668-7992


Care Exclusively for Women