May 4, 2016
The Bloom Group helps B2B and professional services firms win recognition as experts on how to solve marketplace issues across a wide range of industries. We help clients develop effective thought leadership strategies, create exceptional content, get published in top-tier journals, write books, and present at prestigious conferences. Our clients turn their expertise into recognition and revenue.

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Blog Posts

A content director's influence lies in his ability to persuade, to soothe and feed often outsized egos, to find common ground. In other words, in his political skills. You can't escape firm politics, but you can build an important group of allies. Bloom Group's David Rosenbaum explains how to do it.

A subject matter expert has written a thought leadership article. All it will need, she says, is a light edit. Then you read it. It will take an enormous amount of work to make the article publishable. How can she be so wrong? Bloom Group's David Rosenbaum weighs in.


If you manage thought leadership content at a B2B firm, you know about the too-many-cooks-in-the kitchen problem. While it's never easy for content managers, limiting the number of authors and editors involved in a given piece is worth the fight. Bloom Group's Laurie McLaughlin examines the four big problems with writing by committee, and how some of your peers avoid these frustrating outcomes. 


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