Check out our monthly sampling of news, resources, events and other items from across the sustainability spectrum in Maryland.
SMC staff were on hand as The ShorePower Project launched on the Eastern Shore in January. Cambridge, Easton, Salisbury and Snow Hill will be registered in Sustainable Maryland Certified as part of this exciting new program that will assist communities with energy-saving projects. Check out this link to learn more.  | Indian Head Green Team |
SMC staff met with the Indian Head Green Team to assist with brainstorming and organizing for their certification, and with the Mayor and Council members of the Town of Somerset to help organize their new Green Team and formulate an Action Plan for 2014.
CBT Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns
Description: design and implementation funds for practices which enhance green spaces in communities, including implementing urban green stormwater practices, increasing urban tree canopy, and replacing impervious surfaces with more permeable materials. One type of project that can include all three of these practices and increase a community's sustainability is the "green street."
Deadline: February 14
DNR CoastSmart Communities Grant
Description: funding for local governments improve their ability to respond to coastal threats such as storm surge, flooding and sea level rise.
Deadline: February 28
Good Jobs, Green Jobs Conference
Location: Washington, DC Dates: February 10-11 Link  Maryland's Tax-Free Weekend for Energy Star Products
Location: statewide
Dates: February 15-17
LinkGreening Government Procurement Workshop
Location: Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce Date: February 18 LinkNOAA's Assessment of Hurricane Sandy & Implications for Coastal Residents of Chesapeake Bay
Location: Annapolis Maritime Museum Date: February 20 LinkFrederick Green Neighbor Program
Location: Hood College, City of Frederick Date: February 22 LinkLooking Ahead... DC Environmental Film Festival
Dates: March 18-30 Link
Location Affordability Index Map
Enter an address or neighborhood to see an estimate the percentage of a family's income dedicated to the combined cost of housing and transportation in a given location. A great tool for planners, elected officials, and Green teams to assess development projects in their communities.LinkStreetmix
Design, remix, and share your street. Add bike paths or bus stops, widen sidewalks or traffic lanes. Learn how all of this can impact your community. Easy to use online tool!LinkQUOTE:
"The first rule of sustainability is to align with natural forces, or at least not try to defy them." - Paul Hawken, entrepreneur, environmental activist and author----------------------------------------------------
Don't forget to Like SMC on Facebook! For more information about how your municipality can register in the Sustainable Maryland Certified program, including student resources that are available to provide consultancy services for municipal planning, please call 301 405-7956 or email