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As you might imagine in the week leading up to Christmas the auctions on eBay get a little interesting.  Would you believe that there are still over 12,000 live auctions in the category as I publish this issue.  Enjoy today's Hot Finds as I seek to point out those that are getting the most bidding action on eBay.
Vintage Boy Scout Memorabilia Up First
Since many tv shows and websites use this time of the year to do wrap up shows I want to remember one of our own who passed this year.  I only got to met Deryl Radder a few times in person at TORs but his ideas almost twenty years ago became the genesis for today's Facebook Group. Deryl passed away in 2015 so let me use today's issue to remember him.
Order of the Arrow Auctions Live on eBay
For those of you who don't remember he created the first online trading community using Yahoo Groups back in the late 1990s called the Scouting Collectors Society.  He was maybe the first person to really figure out that creating a meeting place online for collectors could bring back the days of trading through the mail. 
Scouting Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
From 1999-2006 the SCS had dozens of groups that people could hang out in and use to connect and make trades.  He also had the innovative idea to get people excited about membership by making special club patches with beautiful designs.  Search Scouting Collectors Society on eBay and you'll see some of those patches still floating around for sale.
Patchblanket.com eBay Store Santeeswapper
So as a remembrance of Deryl I'd invite you to listen to the interview I did with him for an episode of my podcast Scouting Hot Finds Radio.  In the interview he gives the complete history of the SCS including the Y2K TOR.  As I've said many times his Yahoo Groups were the genesis behind the ideas to create today's Scout Patch Collectors Facebook Group.
I hope you have a blessed holiday season!  We have lots of Christmas presents ready to be wrapped and the kids are getting excited to say the least.  Time to get my Santa on as they say.

Yours in Scouting,


Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC

The 2014 V2 is loaded with 1251 pages of reference material for Scouting memorabilia collectors.  It includes all known camps and includes information on their council names, dates of operation and more. You can purchase this PDF as an instant download($17) or as a cd on eBay($20).  If you want a hard copy the printed version($55) of this book is also on eBay.
Have a resource book for the hobby in you? Email me about being your publisher