eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Sunday Morning
November 8, 2015
I might as well tell you now that next weekend I'm going over to the other side.  I'm attending my first ever Girl Scout TOR in Conover, North Carolina.  This past week my nightly project was to organize my GSA collection and get ready to be probably the only man in the room. I'll take some pictures and let you know how it goes!       
Vintage Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
I want to go ahead and share something with the readers that might not be such a secret anymore.  After 18 years of living in Southeastern NC my family is preparing to move next summer to the Charlotte area.  My wife took a job in the late summer with a magazine there and she has been living in an apartment in Charlotte since the end of August.   
Order of the Arrow Auctions Closing Soon
This school year I've been holding down the home front with the kids and teaching at the charter school they both attend.  So this weekend we really started packing up things that we don't need in anticipation of putting our house up for sale in 2016.  It's a little scary and exciting to be getting ready for a big move but there will be a lot more opportunities for the kids there.  By some counts we live in the poorest county in North Carolina so to move to the big city will be a cultural change.
Boy Scout Auctions Ending This Weekend
One bonus that comes with moving to Charlotte is that it will keep me in the Dixie Fellowship and I will live within 1.5 hours of probably a 1/2 dozen Boy Scout camps.  Now I see why some guys like to spend their weekends visiting other lodges.  My home camp will be just over 2 hours away so I'll figure out the back roads to Society Hill as well. 
Patchblanket.com eBay Store Always Open
As far as the patch business and this newsletter I don't anticipate anything changing.  My wife has actually said that I could go back to that as a full time job but I'm not sure that's what I want to do.  I'll take it one step at a time and see what opportunities pop up.
Some of you might appreciate this.  My wife said that of all the stuff that I have to move that she is challenging me to get rid of at least 1% of it. Last night I was packing some stuff in the garage and she saw some BSA camporee ribbons on the shelf and questioned why those just can't be thrown out.  Luckily I distracted here long enough to put them in a box for safe keeping.  Boy this moving thing is going to be tricky!   
Your brother in the cloth,

Jason Spangler
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Topa Topa Lodge 291 Arrowhead Patch

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