eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Friday Morning Edition
January 30, 2015

A few issues ago I mentioned how some Girl Scout events were going to knock me out of upcoming TORs.  I've always wanted to go to Indy so I brought this up to my wife yesterday as a possible last minute substitute.  She reminded me that the GS troop is serving a community meal for the homeless that day.  Sheesh!  Oh well maybe next year.
Vintage eBay Boy Scout Auctions This Weekend
I have an interesting topic I'm trying to line up for a podcast next week.  I've made contact with one of the biggest sellers in the Girl Scout side of eBay and she has agreed to be a guest. Outside of Mike McAdams and myself I don't know how many of you have an interest in this but I do think it will be fascinating to do a show where she can explain how different the hobby is when focused on badges with a trefoil on them.


Auctions ending Friday and Saturday on eBay
Speaking of the podcast - I talked to Todd Kelly at the recent TOR in South Carolina and brainstormed a list of people that I should interview.  Even though I'm 72 episodes in over the 3+ years there are some well known people that I've never contacted.  That will be a goal for 2015.


Boy Scout Memorabilia Auctions on eBay
I don't remember to mention this much but for many of you the podcast can be listened to right on your smart phone.  If NPR can be believed about 1/2 of Americans now have one.  If you have an iPhone use the native podcast app or with an Android try using stitcher radio.  For those that want to listen on their computer just go to my website at Scoutinghotfinds.com.


Santeeswapper Store at ScoutpatchHQ.com
January has been a sleepy month for sales on my store over at ScoutPatchHQ.com. I got a nice order that came in on the 28th.  :)  I'll see if I can shake things up for February and get some more traffic.


Visit My Online Boy Scout Memorabilia Store
Saturday I'll be sitting outside our local Sam's Club minding a cookie booth.  It's the Saturday of Superbowl weekend so I feel pretty good about our chances.
Have a great weekend,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC
BSA Hot Finds 

Three (3) Eagle Scout Medal Caskets Boxes

Handbook for Scout Masters

Join Our Mailing List
Camp Book II

Scout Picks 

Huge Australia Mix Patches #4

Rainbow Council Khaki Strip

Hot Finds Partners

If you have information on Trade-O-Rees that are not listed here please send me an email with the flyer and I'll be glad to post it. 
Thanks to Scouttrader.org, BSATOR.com and Streamwood.net and the many Scouters who have emailed me flyers for pulling this together.