I know - what happened to Monday's issue? I ran into a problem with broken links and so I couldn't pull the trigger and publish. So instead I just hit reset and I've got you a great Thursday issue sent out earlier in the day.
Top Selling Auctions in the USA Category
I love insignia and the WWII VMB-612 USMC Bomber Squadron Patch is a super cool specimen in this block. It's over $400 and still has a couple of days left.
There are several uniform pieces in this block that are doing pretty well. The Panzer listing is not decorated with much in the way of insignia but it's going pretty well.
The seller states that this may be the best Canadian Expeditionary Force CEF grouping that you will ever see. Judging by the bidding this named listing straight from the family - he might be right!
I should be back on schedule next week with two issues like normal. Thanks for understanding that sometime things go sideways on me trying to get this newsletter out.