eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Sunday Morning
November 23, 2014
I have another quick video for you in this issue.  This time it's a show that hasn't been in production for almost a year.  Back in 2013 Hank Birdsong and I first started dabbling with the idea of a 5-7 minute show to talk focus on patches for the website CarolinaOA.com.  We stalled out for most of 2014 but now we are back in the saddle and the new episode is linked below.   
Vintage Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
So some of you might be wondering why this focus on video.  Well if you have a teenager in the house you might know that on average they spend more time watching YouTube videos than they do cable television.  The younger generation is our target audience with both this Cloth Talk 2.0 series that I'm doing with Hank and the Thread Heads show that Bran England and I have started up.


Order of the Arrow Auctions Looking Good
The other reason for doing video is that the popularity of smart phones means that it's easier to watch a video than ever.  I was checking on college football scores last night on my iPhone and just for the game from my alma mater ESPN has thirty-five different videos from that game I could watch. 


Boy Scout Auctions Ending This Weekend
So what we are trying to do is use the videos to reach a new generation of collectors (and maybe the veterans too!) and just keep the fire going.  We've talked about doing live shows at TORs and other helpful quick videos like the one I filmed with Matt Delk on collecting OA belt buckles.


ScoutpatchHQ.com Memorabilia Store
There is still time to take advantage of my November Sales Catalog if you collect Council Shoulder Insignia from your council.  My most recent order was from a gentlemen from the NW Suburban Council.  I've got over 2,400 strips available.


Cloth Talk 2.0 Episode #5: What To Collect In The Hobby 
Cloth Talk 2.0 Episode #5: What To Collect In The Hobby
If you can spare 7 minutes to spare watch the video above and see what kind of advice Hank Birdsong and I share about what to collect in the hobby.               

Yours In Scouting,


Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC
New Reference Book
Scout Auctions

Camp Raven Knob First Issue 1954

1920s Gold Beaver Pin with Gold Arrow

Hiking Trail Medal, Kennesaw

Lodge 13 Wiatava Ta Tanka Chapter

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eBay Picks

CSP Set of the Scout Law

Annawon CouncilL Seabase Crew Patch

Alibamu Tukabatchee Area Council

Waguli Patch, Northwest Georgia

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