eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Friday Morning Edition
November 21, 2014

Well by now most of you have seen what looks to be the OA Mixed Lot of the Century is live on eBay.  This honestly might go down as the single biggest eBay sale of the recent decade at the pace it's on.  When you do click on it remember that you have to click on each picture in the listing to see another page of incredible OA from the 1950s.
Vintage eBay Boy Scout Auctions This Weekend
In today's issue of the newsletter I've also got another new episode of Thread Heads published for you.  This is the video series I'm doing with Brad England that is a talk show format for the hobby.  Our main topic this week is sharing tips on how to save money with the USPS.


Auctions ending Friday and Saturday on eBay
The other piece of the show that folks might find interesting is Brad's take on how the NOAC registration is going to shake out.  He offers up some analysis that I haven't heard anyone else make and from his seat at a professional Scouter I think it's sage advice.


Boy Scout Memorabilia Auctions on eBay
One of my side projects this week has been playing around with making labels for my OA flap collection.  Does anybody out there have an updated spreadsheet that includes all the new lodges from the last ten years?  What I really want is one that includes council names, mergers, all the details and goes beyond just the simple list on ISCA's website.  eMail me if you have anything I can use along those lines.


Santeeswapper Store at ScoutpatchHQ.com
I am still going with my November Sales Catalog which is focused on Council Shoulder Insignia.  I've sold some stuff but take a look over this list which is in alphabetical format and let me know if you want to bite on anything.  I offer a discount and with over 2,400 items listed just about every active council is in there.


Visit My Online Boy Scout Memorabilia Store
Thread Heads #2: Tips For Saving $ With The USPS

Thread Heads Episode #2: Tips For Saving $ With The USPS
Thread Heads Episode #2: Tips For Saving $ With The USPS
Brad and I have reached out to a few guests to see if we can get some more thread heads on the show.  If you have an idea or want to get on the air send Brad England an email.
Have a great weekend,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC
BSA Hot Finds 

1971 Apatschin L A Area Council

Cubs Brass Top For Flag Pole

Khaki Explorer Shirt w/ Metal Ringed Buttons

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Camp Book II

Scout Picks 

Yustaga 385 Event Patch Set

Area 2D 1958 Conclave Patch

Camp Bedford, Adirondack Patch

Hot Finds Partners

If you have information on Trade-O-Rees that are not listed here please send me an email with the flyer and I'll be glad to post it. 

Thanks to Scouttrader.org, BSATOR.com and Streamwood.net and the many Scouters who have emailed me flyers for pulling this together.