eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Sunday Morning
November 16, 2014
I've got a new issue of the Hot Finds ready for you packed with some nice auctions.  Check out what I've spotted live on eBay.   
Vintage Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
There was a time when a 1940's East Carolina Council camporee patch would do exceedingly well.  Just this week I dusted off my copy of a reference book published in the early 1970s that I think got local collectors really interested in picking those up. 


Order of the Arrow Auctions Looking Good
I noticed that the black ghost flap below is one of those flaps that is overachieving.  According to OAimages it shouldn't be that high but thanks to some spirited bidding somebody is going to fill a need.


Boy Scout Auctions Ending This Weekend
In this block you can find a pair of nice old Jamboree neckerchiefs.  I've got my own best piece of Jambo material up for auction this week with a reduced minimum bid.  Check out this 1935 National Jamboree Felt Shoulder Strip Region II Subcamp C Troop 8.


ScoutpatchHQ.com Memorabilia Store
I have over 300 live auctions running on eBay right now and many of them are starting at just .99 cents to encourage some bids to come in.  Check out these super cheap listings including the 2014 Summit patch that was issued 1 per person!


Saturday I was at a Girl Scout event in Raleigh all day.  At about 4:00 when things were wrapping up I thought to pull out my phone and check college football scores.  Bam! There is probably nothing better than doing Scouts all day and when you finally check in on your team they've pulled out an overtime win in a game nobody thought they'd win on the road.  It's been a rough season but go Gamecocks!              

Yours In Scouting,


Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC
New Reference Book
Scout Auctions

Eagle Medal Flat Back

1937 National Jamboree Patch Felt

Watch with The Scout Law

APR Nylon Mechanic Instructor Badge

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eBay Picks

Area 3-A Pow Wow Neckerchief Slide

Lodge 128 P2 on Neckerchief

T'Kope Kwiskwis 1998 NOAC Patch

Japan Fuji Scout Award

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