This weekend I'm going camping to my old Scout camp that I grew up going to. A few times every year I get to head back to my old stomping grounds and renew friendships. I hope you have something lined up this Halloween weekend that will be a lot of fun.
Top Selling Auctions in the USA Category
Growing up my brother liked to play with the classic GI Joe figures. I'm not sure but I think one of the accessories looked a lot like that walkie talkie listed below that is doing really well at auction.
The unusual looking medal below is actually a BRITISH Long Service Good Conduct MEDAL that is ending in the next hour. Check it out to see where it ends up.
Catch up with some of the best selling items in the sister category. This block of just under a dozen auctions has some of the top items in the WWI category.
I put in an application for a booth at an antique mall about 45 minutes from my home at the end of last week. I hope to hear something soon although I understand they have a waiting list.