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This week I will publish a new episode of my Scouting Hot Finds Radio podcast.  Todd Kelly and I are going to be talking about selling Scouting memorabilia in an antique mall.  This is the second part of a series of shows I'm doing about how people make a little money in the hobby.
Vintage Auctions Lead Off The Hot Finds
When I got the idea to put some stuff in an antique mall a mile from my house I picked up the phone and immediately called two people that I knew were in this game.  Todd Kelly gave me some valuable advice that I've used to generate over $1,000 in sales during my first year in my antique booth.  We are going to share some of those tips in the show.


Order of the Arrow Auctions Live on eBay
I've got a great run of merged California OA on eBay right now.  All these auctions are ending soon with some closing tonight.  Check out my live OA auctions with a click on this link.


Scouting Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
My old eBay partner Gene Cobb scoutpatchnetwork
 has some neat coins and tokens that he is selling at auction this week.  His run includes a solid gold token from the 1971 Jamboree that is priced at $1,000.


Santeeswapper Store at ScoutPatchHQ.com
Last night after posting on Facebook I had someone go in and purchase 5 issues from their lodge at my webstore ScoutPatchHQ.com.  It is pretty easy to type your search term in the box and click to find out what I've got that you collect.


scoutpatchhqI will get the new episode of Scouting Hot Finds Radio up Thursday and will have a link to it in my Friday edition of the Hot Finds Newsletter.  If you have any questions you want me to ask Todd or things in general about selling in an antique mall send me an email and I'll try and include it in the show.

Yours in Scouting,


Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC

The new 2014 V2 is loaded with 1251 pages of reference material for Scouting memorabilia collectors.  It includes all known camps and includes information on their council names, dates of operation and more. You can purchase this PDF as an instant download($17) or as a cd on eBay($20).  If you want a hard copy the printed version($55) of this book is also on eBay.
Have a resource book for the hobby in you? Email me about being your publisher