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I have been focusing my own efforts the last few days on getting some fresh listings up on eBay.  Monday I launched about 150 new OA flaps up on my store at fixed price.  Many of these were old clothback pre-fdl issues.  I've also launched a round of 80+ auctions including a lot of Philmont and World Jamboree issues.
Vintage Auctions Lead Off The Hot Finds
I know a dealer in the hobby that is looking to move most of his trade-o-ree stock in one big deal to scale back a bit.  If you are in the market for making a five figure investment in a lot of cloth send me an email and I'll share his information.


Order of the Arrow Auctions Live on eBay
I've been asked by the youth in charge of my lodge's upcoming fellowship to teach a patch history class during the afternoon.  I've done something similar over the years and I'm trying to think of a different spin this time.  I've already decided that T-shirts will be part of the story.  Like a lot of lodges we make T-shirts for events probably 2-3 times a year and they are also part of telling the history of the lodge.


Scouting Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
I talked to a fellow collector yesterday from Alabama and he complimented me on the CarolinaOA.com project.  He noted that there is a similar project now in Pennsylvania and it could be a model for other areas.  It's funny how the hobby started with these regional groups cataloging everything and then it went to a national project.  Is the pendulum swinging back?


Santeeswapper Store at ScoutPatchHQ.com
I need one more sale today in my ScoutPatchHQ.com store to meet my goal for the month.  I don't know if you've visited in a while but I've got over 5,000 items listed including lots of OA as you can see below.


scoutpatchhqI don't think I'll have any new videos or other content rolling out this week.  I need some time to focus on getting cloth out the door but I've got several ideas in the works.

Yours in Scouting,


Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC

The new 2014 V2 is loaded with 1251 pages of reference material for Scouting memorabilia collectors.  It includes all known camps and includes information on their council names, dates of operation and more. You can purchase this PDF as an instant download($17) or as a cd on eBay($20).  If you want a hard copy the printed version($55) of this book is also on eBay.
Have a resource book for the hobby in you? Email me about being your publisher