eBay WWII Hot Finds Newsletter
  NOVEMBER 19, 2012
USA Hot Finds

eBay Partners
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Manions Auctions
military wanted
Every Monday morning I feature some live auctions over at my partner's site Manions.com.  eBay is definitely the biggest show in town but they are not the only player in the auction game.  I recently saw a picture on Facebook where Jody was picking up a room full of stuff to start to process and get listed.  Sounds like a good holiday project!  Now I hope you enjoy checking out the best live listings on eBay.
WWII Auctions on Top in the USA Category

I have a deep affection for anything having to do with Rockwell coming from a background of collecting Scouting memorabilia.  So when I spotted these nice posters getting good bids on eBay I had to put them in the top spot. 

v42knife smash&drivepatch camofieldshirt divingbell    

Top German Auctions in WWII on eBay
Collecting German gear like the radio set is a nice niche in the hobby.  Sure lots of people go after uniform parts but to actually handle something was used in the fighting is pretty cool.
 lugerp08artillery leitzbinoculars drkmachete cookstove
WWII Auctions From Around the World
I should probably say that every week in this block when I saw the items are from around the world I mean that there country of origin is International but they could be coming from domestic USA sellers.  So click on these and see if any are in your collecting area of interest.

 forceshelmet ordermedalbadge tokarevsniper battledress    

Category Analysis & Newsletter Archive
I know it sounds crazy but yes I will have an issue of the Hot Finds out Thanksgiving morning.  After all I usually write the newsletter the night before so it won't get in the way of my eating some wonderful food at my in-law's house.  They love to go all out for Thanksgiving and I like to eat it so its a very mutual relationship we have. :)  

Happy Hunting,
Jason Spangler, Santeeswapper